A brilliant but troubled young man is thrust into a dark underworld when he becomes a pawn in a brutal struggle between two drug lords for a new street drug called LOCO. Alex's only hope comes from a beautiful girl who is also caught up in the scheme, and together they try to escape their dangerous world. A shocking surprise awaits them...because nothing is what it seems to be in the world of LOCO.
The Samurai Rangers get stuck in the Megazord's cockpit on Christmas Eve after battling a Nighlok. Can they work together to make it out in time for Christmas? Episodes Include: Super Samurai "Stuck on Christmas" Mighty Morphin Power RangersT "Forever Friends" and "Alpha's Magical Christmas"
Halloween is every Nighlok's favorite day of the year! So the creepiest creatures from the Netherworld are just dying to get into the scariest party ever and trade war stories about their battles with the Samurai Power Rangers.
"Случайная" встреча в автоматической прачечной мужчины и женщины, живущих по-соседству, приводит к свиданию, где он рассказывает ей историю о вечеринке своих друзей, которую она пропустила и о маньяке в белом комбинезоне, который убивает их одного за другим... Что это? Очередное клише, начало любовной истории или нечто иное?