Cristóbal Criado


El florido pensil
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"El Florido Pensil" is a humorous reflection of the education of several generations of Spaniards from the 1940s to the 1960s. Based on the book of the same name by Andrés Sopeña, it evokes, from the present, his memories of that time: everyday school, local radio, Roberto Alcázar's comics, Thursday cinema with Franco opening swamps and "Yon Güein" chasing and killing Indians. Through the childish eyes of a child Sopeña (Daniel Rubio) and his schoolmates, we discover a way of understanding the world, society and a Spain "of glories and flowery pensil", as the national anthem of those years used to sing.
Dama de Porto Pim
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"Dama de Porto Pim" tells the story of a rich woman who arrives at a little Portuguese island while her husband is in the II World War; there, a humble fisherman, promised to marry a girl of the town, falls in love with her, and she will also fall in love with him, but his husband could come back.
The Grandfather
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After his son dies, an elderly man comes back to Spain from the US and hopes to find out which of his granddaughters is true, and which one is bastard.
La herida luminosa
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Dr. Molinos, a prestigious cardiologist, and his wife Isabel are going through a serious marital crisis. They live in Oviedo, in the oppressive Spain of the 50s, in the company of two maids: Escolástica and Jovita. His only daughter, Maribel, entered a convent of nuns. The unexpected love felt by Dr. Molinos for Julia, a young doctor who is much younger than him, makes him feel alive again.
Hermana, ¿pero qué has hecho?
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Sister Angela and Sister Mary park his van in front of a bank branch. They enter the bank and with the weapons hidden under their habits, commit the robbery of the century, to the astonishment of all employees and customers. After thorough police investigation the two nuns are arrested, but then appears Trini, twin sister of one of them and now all is not so clear. Were the nuns who committed the robbery?
Shadows in a Conflict
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Ana, a former member of the Basque terrorist group ETA who lives in a small village near the Portuguese border working as a veterinarian and sharing her days with her partner Darío and their daughter Amalia, meets José, an attractive man who participated in the dirty anti-terrorist war against ETA criminals who took refuge in France.
Tahiti's Girl
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Los invitados
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A murder is committed in a small village of Andalusia.
Ковбойская рапсодия
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Добродушная и местами весьма забавная пародия на старые ковбойские вестерны, в которых хороший, главный герой, обычно поющий песни на фоне кактусов и заката, вступает в борьбу со злодеями, постепенно захватывающими всю землю под выпас овец.
La avispita Ruinasa
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Ruinasa is a holding company dedicated to leisure and, why not say, to vice. But these businesses are about to go bankrupt. To avoid this, sincehis prestige is at stake, a company dedicated to protecting various groups of gangsters takes over the holding. However, as they are not specialists in these matters, the company is going even worse and they get together to try to find solutions
127 millones libres de impuestos
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A chronicle of the life of Jaro, the leader of a juvenile delinquent gang, depicting his rise from street urchin to outlaw anti-hero on the way to his inevitable end.
El terrorista
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Julio is an experienced terrorist. Now he is putting together a new team for the assassination of the prime minister.
Красное золото
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Ограбленный и избитый в порту одного из карибских островов Виктор отстал от своего судна. Без денег и документов он опустился на самое дно жизни — туда, где нищие и обездоленные вынуждены продавать свою кровь хозяевам острова, чтобы выжить. Контрабанда крови и плазмы является основным источником дохода для правителя крохотного государства Альмейды. Основным, но не единственным. Есть еще соляные прииски, на которых работают обращенные в рабство бездомные. Вскоре в их число попадает и Виктор.
Venus de fuego
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Charlie and the Hooker
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Charlie (Curro), a 16 year-old boy, who apparently seeks to stop being a virgin. But he has fallen madly in love with a prostitute ten years older than he. It is difficult for him to approach her, so he decides to pay her for the services and in this way try to fall in love
El monosabio
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Juanito, a peaceful fan of bullfighting, has become picador's assistant to see from the same arena the show in which he brags he is one of the protagonists. Furthermore, he believes he has discovered in a neighbor a potential figure of bullfighting sphere.
Drugged Youth
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María, la santa
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Diego , the son of a prostitute stabs Maria , suddenly it begins to happen a number of miracles attributed to the intercession of the dead woman . Patients from all over town arrive to implore and consider her as a saint.
The Adolescents
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A shy girl named Ana is sent to an English boarding school. After a period of adjustment, she travels to London with two of her more world weary classmates and becomes the target for a trio of men who take illicit photographs of young girls to be published in 'Estimulation' Magazine.
Слепые мертвецы 4
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Достойное завершение сериала о слепых мертвецах тамплиерах. Новый доктор, приехавший на службу в приморскую деревушку, и его жена сталкиваются с неприязнью местного населения. Они узнают, что жители деревни приносят девушек в жертву призракам рыцарей тамплиеров.
Вы должны убить B.
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В некой южноамериканской стране складывается напряженная политическая ситуация. Общественность требует возвращения из изгнания популярного политика Б. По всей территории прокатывается волна забастовок. Однако водитель грузовика Пал Ковак игнорирует стачку и оказывается в черном списке профсоюза. Его автомобиль сожжен неизвестными, напарник погиб, а сам он теперь не может найти работу. Спецслужбы, отслеживающие ситуацию, считают, что в лице Ковака нашли идеальную кандидатуру в убийцы оппозиционного политика. Спецоперация начинается…
Valley of the Dancing Widows
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German comedy/western from 1975
Десять негритят
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Фильм основан на рассказе Агаты Кристи, в котором группа людей приглашена в изолированное место неизвестным человеком, который хочет убить их одного за другим за преступления, которые они совершили в прошлом. Люди начинают умирать и не знают, кому могут доверять, а кому — нет. Международная экранизация ”Десяти негритят» Агаты Кристи с участием кинозвёзд из разных стран снята на основе пьесы, написанной для постановки Рене Клера 1945го года. Диалоги по большей части взяты из сценария 1965 года. Элементы юмора Клера там отсутствовали изначально, но зато в новый фильм была добавлена атмосфера ужаса в стиле джалло, удачно подчёркнутая замечательной музыкой Бруно Николаи. Фильм снят совместно киностудиями Франции, Испании, Западной Германии и Италии. Существует несколько его версий на разных языках, немного отличающихся по длине, а так же именами действующих лиц и даже эпизодическими персонажами в финале.
Open Season
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Three Vietnam vets have become so conditioned to violence that they have developed psychotic tendencies. They kidnap people, brutalize them, then turn them loose and hunt them like animals. However the father of one of their earlier victims is plotting a vicious revenge against them.
A Candle for the Devil
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Two sisters running a small hotel in Spain kill female tourists whose morals do not meet their strict religious standards.
Tragic Ceremony
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After a peaceful sailboat ride, four young people, including rich kid Bill, Joe, Fred and Jane, knock on the door of a secluded villa after their dune buggy runs out of gas. Earlier in the day, Bill had given the lovely Jane a pearl necklace with a supposedly paranormal history, and this later opens up a can of worms. They are invited to spend the night at the mansion, owned by Lord Alexander and Lady Alexander, who happen to be hosting a strange ceremony that night attended by a group of eccentrics in black robes. During the evening, Jane exits her sleep chamber, seemingly in some kind of trance, and is lured to a sacrificial alter where the robed houseguests are hovering over her. As a knife is about to be plunged into the young lady, her three friends come to the rescue, but they are also witness to a chaotic mass murder catastrophe in which they flee with feelings of guilt and uncertainty.
Кровавая невеста
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Молодую новобрачную начинают мучить тревожные кошмары сразу после того, как она поселилась в старинном особняке, веками принадлежавшем семье ее мужа. Когда ее зловещие сны становятся явью, невинная невеста оказывается в безумном лабиринте невыразимых ужасов.
El apartamento de la tentación
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Juliet and Alberto are a marriage in which peace reigns home. Mood surely be upset if Juliet suspecte that her her husband uses the vet who runs to assist clients instead of animals.
Стеклянный потолок
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Марта проводит дни в одиночестве, пока ее муж находится в командировке. Со временем ее начинают пугать шаги, раздающиеся каждую ночь с верхнего этажа. Соседка пытается убедить ее, что эти шаги принадлежат ее мужу, когда он возвращается с работы. Но Марта не верит этому и начинает собственное расследование.
El sobre verde
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In the Apollo Theater during the performance of "green envelope", a child is born, son of the actress who plays the goddess of Fortune. His father calls him Fortunato as he believes that he will have a privileged life. But unfortunately, the opposite happens.
Simón, contamos contigo
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Enseñar a un sinvergüenza
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Rosana is an attractive teacher who is losing his youth with such discipline in the study. When suddenly bursts into his life a perfect cheeky who lives of game and odd jobs as photographer, but wants to acquire a little culture for personal reasons. So he hires the services of the best teacher of the place ...
Long Live the Bride and Groom
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Leo Pozas, native from Burgos and high bank clerk, arrives to a town on the Costa Brava, with his mother to marry Loli. Unexpectedly, Leo's mother died. This may mean the suspension of the wedding, a year of mourning and, perhaps, another relief, so that Leo and Loli hide the corpse of the old betrothal until after the wedding...
El relicario
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While watching on television a bullfight where his son Luis acts, the matador Rafael Lucena dies of a heart attack upon discovering Virginia in the bullring, a woman who looks like Soledad. Soledad was his father ‘s, Manuel Lucena, great love. Both Luis and his brother Alejandro meet the singer Virginia and fall in love with her but when Luis suffers serious goring, he begins to think that Virginia brings bad luck.
Un adulterio decente
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Federico is having an affair with Fernanda, which he believes widow, when in fact she is married. When the trick is discovered, a doctor appears very opportunely saying that infidelity is a disease caused by bacteria and has no cure. In his private clinic he applies a treatment that consists of locking up every adulterer with his mistress.
Blood in the Bullring
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Like every night, Manuel remembers the old days of glory, when after the war he was a famous bullfighter. He and his friend Juan were the fashionable couple. Now Juan is a prominent businessman in bullfighting. But Manuel's feelings toward him have changed radically: an inexplicable hated seizes him when someone mentions his name. It has been more than twenty years since that afternoon, when Manuel was bullfighting and fell to the ground.
El marino de los puños de oro
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Pedro Montero, left Spain when he was young, he become famouse in Brazil and Italy as a boxer. When he comes back to Spain , he enters the body of Marines and continues with his career. On the eve of winning the European Championship, the guardians of his rival send him a dangerous woman, an old friend who he had in Rome, to hinder his physical preparation.
Verde doncella
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Lamiel (Anna Karina) is a poor orphan girl who climbs her way to the social elite in this 19th-century costume drama. A doctor (Michel Bouquet) lives vicariously through Anna as he oversees the progress of his female protégé. Lamiel finds love with a young thief who steals into her bedroom after her marriage to a penniless count (Jean-Clause Brialy), and the two experience a romantic rendezvous of forbidden love after Lamiel goes from being a poor peasant woman to living a life of comparative luxury.
Сюзанн оказывается не просто несчастной девушкой, которую родители для решения своих материальных трудностей насильно закрывают в монастырь, где она проходит тяготы лишений и унижений от церковного совета, поскольку продолжает бороться за то, чтобы «жить своей жизнью». Она же оказывается истинной христианкой, отказывающейся слепо служить религиозным канонам и тем более прислуживать отдельным представителям церковной иерархии.