Benito Frattari


The Godfathers of Mondo
A look at the careers of Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi who invented the mondo genre with MONDO CANE in 1962. It follows their career until their split in following the making of GOODBYE UNCLE TOM in 1971.
Rent Control
Leonard Junger, an aspiring television writer, tries to find a cheap apartment for his estranged wife and daughter so that they can be a family again. During his quest, he encounters mystery and murder.
Rent Control
Executive Producer
Leonard Junger, an aspiring television writer, tries to find a cheap apartment for his estranged wife and daughter so that they can be a family again. During his quest, he encounters mystery and murder.
World by Night Today
Director of Photography
Another mondo documentary.
Fischia Il Sesso
Director of Photography
A girl from New York, Carol, to get married turns to the marriage agency of Mr. Lewis, who introduces her to Gavino, a young Sardinian immigrant clandestine.
Прощай, дядя Том
«Прощай, дядя Том» — псевдодокументалистика, в которой режиссеры возвращаются в прошлое и посещают рабовладельческий Американский Юг. Они рассматривают и исследуют в ярких графических деталях экстремально-невыносимые условия жизни негров, ставших рабами на американской земле. Жизнь раба изображена как безостановочная эксплуатация, насилие, пытки, издевательство, унижение, совершаемое белыми хозяевами. Авторы используют много документов того времени, поэтому показанное на экране очень близко к реальности.
The Lonely Violent Beach
Director of Photography
A married couple on a weekend away when their private party is crashed by a band of local bikers. They tie up the man and the leader rapes his wife. The wife and the bike leader then fall for one another, that turns out to be bad news for the husband, and for the bike gang...
The Snake God
A beautiful Italian woman is told by her black friend about the Carribean love god Jambaya who appears in the form of the snake. By the end of the movie, Cassini has decided to give herself to Jambaya while Cunningham departs with her white friend's ex-lover, establishing a neat symmetry between their respective fantasies of exoticism.
Фильм по мотивам одноимённого романа Петрония Арбитра.
Director of Photography
Вторая Мировая война 1942 год. Командование приказывает сержанту Салливану создать группу коммандос из солдат итальянского происхождения. Задание коммандос, проникнуть на базу снабжения в Северной Африке в расположение итальянцев-союзников фашистов и удерживать его до подхода основных сил американского батальона...
La moglie giapponese
Director of Photography
The accountant Taddei, an employee of an import company, travels to Tokyo for work and discovers that the colleague he has replaced has married a Japanese woman. His journey to the Far East brings him into contact with situations of extreme poverty that will deeply disturb him.
Самая красивая пара в мире
Director of Photography
Уолтер и Паола, ведущий программы и крестная мать шестого Кантаджиро, находятся в недоразумении: чтобы отделаться от поклонника, ведущий программы притворяется женатым на Куантрини.
I due vigili
Director of Photography
Two traffic policemen help capture a dangerous robber after unwittingly contributing to his making off with the loot.
Итальянец в Америке
Director of Photography
Giuseppe, an Italian gas station attendant, is invited to the United States to reconcile with his father, who he believed had been dead for years.
Assicurasi vergine
Director of Photography
Ruined by a local tyrant who also gets to marry his daughter to pay off a debt, a Sicilian ensures the girl's innocence and counts on the ardor of her lover to collect the prize and prevent her marriage to the squire.
Pardon, Are You for or Against?
Director of Photography
A successful fifty-year-old entrepreneur, Tullio Conforti, opposed to divorce for religious reasons, is in fact separated from his wife and leads a frenetic life divided between numerous lovers.
Smoke Over London
Director of Photography
Dante Fontana is an antique dealer from Perugia infatuated with the culture of the British upper classes. His wife and relatives mock him and snub him, seeing him as a silly daydreamer doing no serious work. Unfussed, Dante plans a vacation to London to learn more about the culture he so admires. However, once in London, he struggles to fit in, is awkward, often makes mistakes betraying his Italian origins, attracting the scorn of the British upper classes he would like to impress.
The Wedding March
Director of Photography
Satirical film in four episodes about family and marriage.
Run for Your Wife
Director of Photography
Riccardo, an unhappily married middle aged Italian working for a shoe factory, goes to America on a four day business trip.
Mondo Sexuality
Director of Photography
Italian mondo movie.
Собачий мир
Открывается он следующим, теперь уже классическим, текстом: «All the scenes you will see in this film are true and are taken only from life. If often they are shocking, it is because there are many shocking things in this world. Besides, the duty of the chronicler is not to sweeten the truth but to report it objectively.» После чего начинается революционное для тех времен повествование, построенное на постоянном контрасте. Начинается оно со сцены открытия галлюциногенного памятника самому известному «латинскому любовнику» Голливуда, Рудольфу Валентино (Rudolph Valentino), что открывает тему секса в фильме. Дальше авторы сравнивают «сексуальные ритуалы» современного Нью-Йорка, где наибольшее внимание женщин привлекает знаменитость, и жительниц архипелага Тробрианд, к востоку от Новой Гвинеи. Там родиться мужчиной - уже испытание, так как по достижению половой зрелости на них начинается настоящая охота.