Hawk and Berry are standing on a high-stand, looking for game. It would be a funny joke, if it weren't so sad.
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Bekecs Imre
The Death Prosecutor (...) [focuses] on a significant court case in the period of the post-1956 retaliations, through the true story of a newly graduated prosecutor, Endre Grátz.
Детство у Атиллы было счастливым. Но когда умерла бабушка, мальчик попал в приемную семью, затем в интернат и в учреждение для малолетних преступников. Уже взрослым он решился на побег из тоталитарной Румынии в спокойную Венгрию. И теперь его, грабителя банков по прозвищу Виски, знает вся Венгрия. Перед тем как идти на дело, он всегда пьёт виски.
Suha cellatársa
Lili and Pali are "chance" bank robbers, and perhaps "chance lovers" but they don't have the opportunity to pursue their relationship. With stolen money in their backpacks they are constantly on the run and everything seems to go wrong. As they seek refuge in a rundown industrial town they learn they are now famous and have been nicknamed Bonnie & Clyde. A contemporary look at youth in Eastern Europe trying to find truth in a world found on deception.