George MacFarlane

George MacFarlane

Рождение : 1878-11-17,

Смерть : 1932-02-22


George MacFarlane


The Heart of New York
Mr. Marshall
A poor New York plumber's wife and children hope to move "uptown" from their lower East Side neighborhood after he sells his new invention.
Fireman, Save My Child
St. Louis Fire Chief
Joe Grant is an inventor, fireman and baseball player in his small hometown. He gets an offer to play in a big team and hopes to get more money for his inventions. But Joe's invited to present his invention to a fire extinguisher company at the same time when he is supposed to play. Will he be able to show the effectiveness of his invention and win the game?
Union Depot
Train Caller (uncredited)
Among the travelers of varied backgrounds that meet and interact on one night at Union Depot, a metropolitan train station, are Chick and his friend Scrap Iron, both newly released from prison after serving time for vagrancy. Hungry and desperate for a break, Chick fortuitously comes across across a valise abandoned by a drunken traveler. In it he finds a shaving kit and a suit of clothes with a bankroll, which help transform the affable tramp into a dashing gent. After buying himself a meal, Chick seeks some female companionship among the many hustlers who walk the station. He propositions Ruth Collins, a stranded, out-of-work showgirl and takes her to the station's hotel.
Father Nulty (uncredited)
Действие фильма рассказывает о временах войны, развязанной таксомоторными компаниями против независимых извозчиков. Сью остается одна, когда ее пожилого отца сажают в тюрьму за убийство водителя грузовика, который по наущению таксомоторной компании намеренно разбивает его такси. В тюрьме отец умирает, а Сью приглашают на собрание водителей, на котором Мэтт призывает друзей к активному сопротивлению…
Rich Man's Folly
The dream of Paul Dombey, the wealthy owner of the shipping company, is to have a son to continue his business. Tragically, Dombey's wife dies shortly after giving birth to their son.
The Back Page
The Gangster
The Back Page is a 1931 Comedy short.
Behind Office Doors
Undetermined Secondary Role
Mary Linden is the secretary who is the unheralded power behind successful executive James Duneen. He takes her for granted until rival Wales tries to take her away from him.
Вверх по реке
Whiteley (uncredited)
Двое осужденных Сент Луис и Дэннимора Дэн помогают другому осужденному по имени Стив, который влюбился в осужденную из женской части тюрьмы Джуди. В конце концов, и Стив, и Джуди освобождены из тюрьмы. Они женятся и уезжают в родной город Стива, где никто не догадывается о его преступном прошлом. Не долго, однако, пара наслаждалась счастливой и мирной жизнью, поскольку их семейное счастье оказалось в руках шантажиста и нечестного продавца Фросби, который знал раньше Джуди…
Half Shot at Sunrise
Col. Marshall
Two soldiers go absent without leave in Paris during World War I.
Double Cross Roads
Based on a novel by William R. Lipman
Cameo Kirby
Cameo Kirby, an honest riverboat gambler who works the Mississippi, rescues a girl from a gang of ruffians in New Orleans, but she disappears after he sings her a love song.
Wall Street
Ed Foster
A very topical early talkie from low-budget company Columbia Pictures, Wall Street starred Ralph Ince, brother of producer Thomas H. Ince, as Roller McCray, a steelworker turned ruthless tycoon whose tough business methods leads a rival (Philip Strange) to commit suicide. The widow (Aileen Pringle), believing she can ruin Ince by using his own methods, conspires with her husband's former partner (Sam De Grasse), but a strong friendship between Ince and Pringle's young son (Freddie Burke Frederick) changes things dramatically. According to future Three Stooges director Edward Bernds, who worked as a sound mixer on Wall Street, Ince's reaction to his rival's suicidal jump from a window ledge was changed from a sneering "I didn't think he had the guts" to the more respectful "I didn't think he'd do it" due to derisive laughter from the film's crew.
The Painted Angel
The Painted Angel is a 1929 black and white American film. The storyline is based on a story by Fannie Hurst, "Give This Little Girl a Hand."
Nix on Dames
Happy Days
Interlocutor - Minstrel Show
Margie, singer on a showboat, decides to try her luck in New York inspite of being in love with the owners grandson. She is successful, but suddenly she hears that the showboat is in deep financial trouble, and she calls all the boats former stars to join in a big show to rescue it.