Jeff Hardwick


Beware the Night Nurse
After struggling to have a child, married lawyers Claire and Zach enlist the help of their friend, Liz to be a surrogate, and she successfully gives birth to baby Owen. But when their surrogate-turned-nanny disappears under mysterious circumstances, the couple struggles to take care of their newborn without any help. Soon thereafter, though, a woman claiming to be the surrogate's childhood nanny offers to be the couple's new nanny. Desperate for help, the couple agrees to hire her, not realizing that their new nanny plans to take their baby for her own family.
Nightmare Pageant Moms
When Emilia and her daughter Sophie are left in an unexpected, dire financial situation, they discover an intriguing option to pay for Sophie’s college—entering a regional Mother[1]Daughter beauty pageant with a lucrative scholarship prize. But they don’t realize a competing mother-daughter team are willing to go to disturbing and dangerous lengths to win the crown.
A Deadly Mistake
After a car accident leaves her boyfriend in a coma, April’s panic attacks return and make her life a living hell. However, once she accepts the kindness of a stranger trying to help her, she realizes that he might not be the stranger she thought he is.
She Is Not Your Daughter
When Kathy’s family is threatened, she discovers that her husband has kept a chilling secret from her for years: Her teenage daughter is not really her own flesh and blood, and the past is now coming back to haunt them all in a deadly way.
Secret Lives Of Housewives
Follows Kendra who is close to have an affair with a younger man, when her young almost-lover dies she begins to doubt that her husband had anything to do with Eric's death, but it turns out she wasn't the young man's only lover.
Our Almost Completely True Story
Mariette Hartley has been acting for over 60 years. She has an Emmy, has been nominated 5 times, has 3 Clios, done Broadway, hundreds of TV series, films like “Ride the High Country” and “1969” and those Polaroid commercials. A friend pressures her to tackle online dating. Jerry had a thriving voice-over career in N.Y. so he moved to L.A. to do TV and hasn’t worked since. How they meet, in a bird store, (the parrot section) tells it all... almost.
Our Almost Completely True Story
Mariette Hartley has been acting for over 60 years. She has an Emmy, has been nominated 5 times, has 3 Clios, done Broadway, hundreds of TV series, films like “Ride the High Country” and “1969” and those Polaroid commercials. A friend pressures her to tackle online dating. Jerry had a thriving voice-over career in N.Y. so he moved to L.A. to do TV and hasn’t worked since. How they meet, in a bird store, (the parrot section) tells it all... almost.
A Slice of Chicago Romance
In Evanstown, a suburb of Chicago, Romanos & Juliatos, two pizza places, have competed for the town’s business for years. When both restaurants hand over the reins to the next generation—Riley and Sarah —after Pizza Den, a new pizza chain moves into town, the new bosses struggle to continue the rivalry after they begin to fall for one another.
Killer Stepmom
A teen with a reputation for telling lies and creating trouble witnesses her new stepmother murder a man in a vacant parking lot. Now, she must convince her mother to believe her story before she enacts her plan to destroy her family.
Lethal Love Triangle
Two students become engrossed with their handsome research subject until his true nature puts them in harm's way.
Just What the Doctor Ordered
Having escaped from the psychiatric prison, Dr. Albert Beck (Eric Roberts) hides out in an empty house–until its new owners unexpectedly arrive to move in! Forced into the attic to evade the recently widowed mother, Beck watches from above–undeniably attracted to her 18-year-old daughter.
Young, Stalked, and Pregnant
Audrey is a senior in High School and has her whole life ahead of her when she realizes she can't remember the last time she got her period. She breaks the news to her boyfriend just hours after the death of his grandmother. Once his obviously unstable mother enters back into the picture things spiral out of control for everyone involved.
Кто убивает чирлидерш?
Элли возвращается в родной городок спустя десять лет после ужасных событий, в которых погибло несколько участниц группы поддержки, а сама она чудом осталась жива. Вернувшись в свою школу, но уже в качестве учителя, Элли планирует начать жизнь с чистого листа, но похоже таинственный убийца опять взялся за дело. Элли предстоит снова побороться, но на этот раз не только за свою жизнь, но и за жизнь своих воспитанниц.
Chasing the One
Podcaster Samantha Desouza is assigned to host a show that reunites lost loves. Even though Love is the last thing on her mind, Samantha falls for charming Jake who calls in with a problem. Will Samantha follow he heart this time?
Birthmother's Betrayal
A woman becomes suspicious when her adopted daughter's birth mother reenters her life and starts to display increasingly erratic behavior.
Разбитая колыбель
Оливия тяжело переживает смерть своей новорожденной дочери, но справиться с утратой ей помогает знакомство с семьей Уилсонов, а в частности — встреча с их ребенком. Необъяснимо сильная связь превращается в одержимость, и Оливия готова пойти на всё, чтобы проводить с малышкой как можно больше времени.
Smuggling in Suburbia
A teenage girl gets involved in a diamond smuggling ring. At first it's because she doesn't know what they are doing is illegal, but she decides stay after finding out what is really going on when her younger brother is diagnosed with cancer.
A Lover Betrayed
Five years after her son was killed, Tess Ford is ready to live again. But a one-night romance with a handsome soldier throws her life back into chaos as the young man's attraction turns out to be a frightening obsession.
Stalked by My Doctor: A Sleepwalker's Nightmare
The devious Dr. Albert Beck finds his latest stalking victim after changing his identity and beginning work at a sleep clinic.
Я серийный убийца?
Девочка-подросток навещает свою маму в тюрьме перед смертной казнью и попадает в опасную ловушку, которая заставит ее взять на себя вину за преступления своей матери.
A Bride's Revenge
As Miya and her fiancé plan their dream wedding they are stalked by an eerie and dangerous veiled bride who is determined that Miya will never walk down the aisle.
Nightmare Tenant
After her daughter Lacey goes off to a prestigious university, Carol finds herself with an empty nest and decides to rent out her room. When Nikki, a local college student answers the ad, it feels like a perfect fit. What Carol doesn't know is that Nikki was her daughter's high school rival, and that she believes Carol cheated her out of a chance to attend a better school by pulling strings for Lacey. Now, Nikki has come to avenge the future she feels has been stolen from her.
Убийца под кроватью
После смерти своего мужа Сара со своими дочерьми переезжает в другой город, надеясь на то, что сможет начать новую жизнь. Одна из её дочерей сталкивается с травлей в новой школе и решает исправить своё положение при помощи древней куклы, которую находит в сарае, однако в скором времени ей предстоит понять, что она совершила главную ошибку в своей жизни.
Преследуемая своим доктором: Месть пациентки
2 года назад доктор Альберт Бек пытался похитить свою пациентку Софи Грин и инсценировать её смерть. Но суд оправдал его. Жизнь продолжается, доктор Бек, любитель женщин помоложе, находит симпатичную студентку Мелиссу, которая отвечает его чувствам взаимностью, и доктор влюбляется в неё. Но останется ли безнаказанным то, что он сделал с Софи Грин?
Охотник на любовниц
Чтобы собрать собрать улики против неверного мужа и подготовиться к бракоразводному процессу, Джеки нанимает так называемого охотника на любовниц. Но, когда мужа вместе с любовницей находят мёртвыми, охотник испаряется, а Джеки становится главной подозреваемой в двойном убийстве.
Stalked by a Reality Star
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is not as charming as he seems, Kendra rejects him, only to realize that he has become obsessed with her and will stop at nothing--including dating her widowed mother--to be near her.
Bad Tutor
When a single mom hires a tutor to help her daughter graduate high school, the tutor becomes dangerously obsessed.
Моя мама – сталкер
Мэдди Борегард — юная девушка, которая сообщает своей матери Клэр, что отправляется на вечеринку. Женщина переживает за дочь и, несмотря на ее утверждение, что там все будет нормально, отправляется за ней, чтобы проконтролировать. Мэдди сопровождает лучшая подруга Джина, которая на самом деле является не той, за кого себя выдает. Ее настоящее имя Люси, и она винит Мэдди в том, что из-за нее ее отец покончил жизнь самоубийством. Притворившись лучшей подругой девушки, она собирается отомстить ей за смерть отца, а потом скрыться под своим настоящим именем. Во время вечеринки, Джина знакомит Мэдди с парнем Таккером, которого убивают после того, как Клэр застукала их в машине. Девушка уверена, что убийство совершила ее мать, но так ли это на самом деле?..
Stalked by My Doctor
When a teenage girl is miraculously saved by a heart surgeon, the doctor begins to flirt with her. Her father doesn’t believe her and unbeknownst to all, the doctor is obsessed with the girl.
Скверная монахиня
Зои и её брат Джейсон не первый год учатся в католической школе Св. Аделины и прекрасно знают все требования, которые к ним предъявляют учителя. Строгие правила здесь граничат с поощрением за трудолюбие и желание хорошо учиться. Всё идет своим чередом, пока в новом году не появляется новая учительница. Монахиня с самого начала ведёт себя слишком подозрительно и сильно отличается от других преподавателей. Она использует макияж, не даёт никакой домашней работы и отказывается проводить контрольные.
Преследует мой сосед
Мать и ее 18-летняя дочь переезжают в пригород, чтобы избавится от страха, после того как в дом ворвался преступник и напал на дочь. Но зловещая тень кажется ещё преследует их.
Babysitter's Black Book
Подружки начинают работать нянями чтобы накопить деньги на колледж, но когда зарплаты няни не хватает, они становятся проститутками.
Sugar Daddies
When a girl with a promising future finds herself in financial straits, she makes an agreement with an older man and struggles to keep it secret.
Missing at 17
A woman tries to save her adopted daughter from a criminal, with help from the girl's biological mother.
Stalked at 17
When 17 year old Angela fell for Chad, he promised to love her forever. When she got pregnant with his child, he promised to take care of them both. When she realized he was deceptive and abusive, he promised to change. When she wanted to leave, he made one final promise: to hunt her down and kill her if she ever took his child away.
Прогулки по залам
High school senior Casey finds herself seduced into the fast lifestyle of a call girl ring run by a campus police officer and must pull herself out before she loses all self-control. made for TV
Locked Away
When a teenager gets pregnant, her mother feels the baby should be adopted. The girl seeks advice from her school counsellor, but this woman has her own agenda.
Фильм рассказывает о 17-летней школьнице Бьянке Мэллер, которая, пропустив одну вечеринку, узнаёт, что на этой вечеринке её парень ей изменил. Она полная злости и ненависти, соглашается на предложение своей подруги «напугать» Дори — девушку, с которой Бьянке как раз-таки и изменили. Позвав Дори с собой на «вечеринку», они отвезли её в заброшенное место, где хотели просто проучить...
Битва с драконом
Johnny Dow struggles to make a living at his small town gas station by charging motorists to see the electric guitar used by his late father a one-hit, rock and roll wonder. Legend has it the guitar was carved in the shape of a dragon's head and made in part from an ancient spear his father found in the crater of a shooting star. When Johnny's friend Eddie stumbles upon the other half of the spear he releases an ancient demon hungry for power and destruction. Mika a beautiful Chinese warrior who holds the secret to fighting Eddie and his army of kung fu, sugar-craving warriors reveals to Johnny that the only way to stop the evil spirit is to use the first half of the spear - the dragon on Johnny's guitar! Together Johnny and Mika set out to fight Eddie and his army, reunite the two halves of the spear, restore peace to the town and - of course - save the world!
Emmanuelle vs. Dracula
When a bachelorette party at Emmanuelle's house is interrupted by a mysterious loner, strange things begin to happen. The party guests start changing one by one into blood-sucking sexual predators with only Emmanuelle to tame the situation. Will she save her friends or will she fall under the spell of the Prince of Darkness?
The Rose Technique
The Rose Technique revolves around the life of an off-beat psychiatrist who wants to join the crazy world of daytime TV.
Kept Woman Killer
Sinister Cover-Up
Follows Brianna as she teams up with journalist Landon to uncover the truth about her father’s murder.
The Happiness Playbook
Journalist Amy goes undercover at a happiness retreat run by the handsome Paul. Sparks fly between the two, but when Amy learns Paul is secretly the son of a wealthy investor, she must choose between a career-making story or her growing feelings for Paul.