Shane Wood


The Magnificent Raiders of Dimension War One
A collection of rogues must gather information on a mysterious extra-dimensional threat to the galaxy in the 43rd century, and prepare a defense while fending off the first wave of attacks from horrific beings.
Оружие по найму
Хитмэн идет против своего бывшего босса после того, как становится свидетелем провоза ядерного оружия контрабандой на территорию США.
The Bank Job
FBI Agent
One just got released from prison, the other just "accidentally" killed a prostitute, so what's a couple of down on their luck career criminals to do? Rob a bank and head to Brazil of course! What could possibly go wrong? Gunshot wounds, terrorists, crazed gang-bangers, crazy women, heart-stopping car chases and of course the law make "The Bank Job" the most explosive action title for April, hot on the heels of "Miami Vice" and "Crank"!