Brandon Darby


Документальный портрет Брэндона Дэрби, гражданского активиста и, одновременно, информатора ФБР. Человека, которого обожествляли и поносили.
Occupy Unmasked
Occupy Unmasked features the conservative visionary Andrew Breitbart and journalists Brandon Darby, David Horowitz, Pam Keys, Anita MonCrief, Mandy Nagy, and Lee Stranahan. Written and directed by award-winning director, Stephen K. Bannon (The Undefeated, Generation Zero) and produced by David N. Bossie (Border War, Perfect Valor), Occupy Unmasked is a shocking indictment of one of the most controversial movements in American history.
Better This World
Set amid arrests and subsequent trials surrounding the 2008 Republican National Convention, this portrait of two young activists caught in the web of an opportunistic mentor and a desperate justice system poignantly describes both the problems of power and the power of forgiveness and love.