Kris McQuade
Рождение : 1952-01-01, Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Cargo Plane Pilot
Боец смешанных единоборств Коул Янг не раз соглашался проиграть за деньги. Он не знает о своем наследии и почему император Внешнего мира Шан Цзун посылает могущественного криомансера Саб-Зиро на охоту за Коулом. Янг боится за безопасность своей семьи, и майор спецназа Джакс, обладатель такой же отметки в виде дракона, как и у Коула, советует ему отправиться на поиски Сони Блейд. Вскоре Коул, Соня и наёмник Кано оказываются в храме Лорда Рейдена, Старшего Бога и защитника Земного царства, который дает убежище тем, кто носит метку. Здесь прибывшие тренируются с опытными воинами Лю Каном и Кун Лао, готовясь противостоять врагам из Внешнего мира, а для этого им нужно раскрыть в себе аркану — могущественную силу души.
Во время зомби-апокалипсиса у мужчины погибает жена, и он остается с дочерью-младенцем. Но его тоже укусили, и теперь у отца осталось 48 часов, чтобы успеть найти опекунов для малышки.
Betty Kelly
Based on the change a rapidly growing town faces when southern developers take over.
Mrs. McAnsh
Декабрьские мальчики — компания четырёх юных сирот, рождённых в декабре. С каждым годом их надежды быть усыновлёными тают на глазах. Но однажды во время отпуска у четырёх друзей появляется надежда найти приёмных родителей, но только для одного из них. Мальчики подружились с молодой парой, неспособной иметь детей и готовой принять ребёнка. Конкурируя между собой, сироты проверяют свою дружбу и встречают первую любовь.
Hell Has Harbour Views is a 2005 Australian television movie starring Matt Day and Lisa McCune. It was written and directed by Peter Duncan, based on the novel of the same name by Richard Beasley. It was nominated for "best miniseries or telemovie" at both the AFI Awards and the Logie Awards, losing to The Incredible Journey of Mary Bryant at both; and for two additional AFI Awards and an additional Logie Award, all of which it lost to Love My Way.
Mrs Harrison
Gothic horror and erotic farce face a shotgun wedding in "Preservation," an oddball Aussie pic which is part of a spurt of government funded hour-long features. Starring local thesp Jacqueline McKenzie as Daphne, a 19th century taxidermist.
Ellen Kelly
Выходец из бедной семьи ирландских эмигрантов, сосланных в Австралию, Келли испытал на своей шкуре несправедливость колониальных властей и жесткость полицейских. Сколотив банду, куда вошли его родной брат Дэн и двое друзей — Джо и Стив, Келли принялся грабить банки в штате и быстро стал героем народных масс. Однажды они три дня держали в страхе целый городок. За поимку Неда Келли была назначена награда в 8 тысяч фунтов, но разбойникам постоянно удавалось скрыться…
Eddie returns to his home town on the south coast of New South Wales. Having left for the city without explanation a few years previously, he tries to pick up the pieces of his life and fit back in to the lives of those he left, including his ex-girlfriend Tully and brother Pete.
Taxi Driver
After a one-night stand a couple is faced with the terrifying possibility of what they really want.
Pat McCormick
After the death of his father, Tom Cooper want to modernise the family farm, and borrows a lot of money. When disaster strikes, the loan cannot be repaid.
Kate Hammond
This movie is all about a normal guy called Billy Apples. He is a social drinker and sometimes lead singer of a band. While he is doing all of this, he still manages to bring up his teenage daughter. One night while sitting at home Billy finds that he has a talent! He finds that he is able to sing like his idol, 50's singer Billie Holiday. From there he is going places, from huge live performances to even cutting a hit record, but in the end he must make a choice between the life he has, and the life he once knew. Written by Graham Wilson Jr
Deirdre (voice)
Why do women and girls feel insecure about body image, and what thoughts tempt them towards eating disorders and other strange beauty rituals? Gorgeous follows the perils of cartoon character Hermoine the Modern Girl as she tackles plastic surgery, beauty therapy and bulimia in a feral fit of inadequacy. Undermined by her evil inner voice, otherwise known as Deirdre the Weird Fairy, Hermoine journeys from heavy chocolate biscuit abuse to tortuous treatment at the beauty salon, the boutique and the gym. After narrowly escaping the clutches of an out-of-control plastic surgeon, Hermoine finally rebels against Deidre’s obsession with eating behaviour and ‘beauty’ and proves that modern girls can stop feeling inadequate and regain their self-esteem.
In this moody black and white drama, very much in the mode of the American "western," but with its own film noir characteristics, a whole town is heaved out of its doldrums when a pair of mysterious strangers come visiting. In the beginning of the film, Angel is traveling with his friend Max on a ship to Honeyfield, a town on the coast of Australia. He is coming home to die. Instead, he dies on board the ship, willing his boots to Angel, and an unopened package to someone called "The Dead Man," in Honeyfield. Also on the ship is a man named Tatts, a far less pleasant personality. When Angel gets off to head into Honeyfield, Tatts decides to follow along unseen. The package, Angel was told, contains something its intended recipient has been looking for without knowing it. On finding the recipient, a mean-spirited old man who is more or less the boss and owner of the town, he learns that the package contains opium.
Charm Leachman
Немного похожая на сказку история, чередуемая фейерверком бальных танцев, смешавшей внутри себя признаки мюзикла, мелодрамы, комедии, психологической драмы. Данный фильм — рассказ о молодом танцоре Скотте Хастингсе, который во время ответственного конкурса вдруг решился на рок-н-ролльные па, запрещённые в бальных танцах. В целом, симпатичная танцевальная мелодрама, которая решена в романтическом, чуть ностальгическом стиле, вызвала чересчур бурную реакцию сначала на фестивале в Канне (аплодисменты продолжались в течение пятнадцати минут!), где получила приз молодёжного жюри, а потом в прокате разных стран, в том числе — и в США, собрав немалую сумму для австралийской картины: $11,7 млн.
Over the five days after a military coup, army troops arrive to enforce martial law and encounter a growing resistance movement.
Shirley Rennie
The story of Australian Indigenous boxer Lionel Rose from his first amateur boxing matches up until his first title fight in Japan.
The story of the end of a friendship between two teenage girls, told backwards over the course of nine months.
Sam Barlow (Gary Day) is a Vietnam veteran who runs a small store that caters to surfers in this action thriller. When his best friend is murdered, Sam takes on the mobsters to avenge the death. With the help of a beautiful blonde (Gosia Dobrowolska), Sam uncovers a sex scandal involving a high-ranking government official. Also implicated are a sadistic soldier of fortune (Rod Mullinar), and a corrupt cop (Tony Barry) who tries to impede the investigation. Although the hero sells surfing-related items, he is never actually seen surfing in the feature.
Представитель компании «Кока-Кола» бывший морской пехотинец, настоящий американец, гордящийся компанией, как национальным флагом, приезжает в Австралию, чтобы продвигать там этот чудесный продукт. Он сразу же обнаруживает район, не охваченный божественной кокой, и отправляется туда лично. Там он находит крутого старика, производящего прохладительные напитки на фабрике из собственного сырья по технологии еще 30-х годов. Кокакольщик пытается перетащить упрямого старца на свою сторону, а заодно заводит роман с его дочерью.
A woman recently returned to work is contacted by her former husband who has been in a mental institution. She is torn between her still strong desire for him, and her fear, which comes from events in their past. She cannot control his intrusion into both her current life and her second marriage, and tragedy ensues.
Matilda Spencer
Хотя Джессика и Ян женаты уже семь лет, их отношения по-прежнему полны новизны и волнующих переживаний. Ян – начинающий писатель, стремящийся попасть на литературный Олимп, а Джессика – владелица престижного магазина модной одежды. Но разница характеров и взглядов на жизнь не омрачает их любви, пока случайный и неосмотрительный поступок Яна не ставит под угрозу их счастье. Возможно, навсегда…
In this offbeat comedy, an unlikely romance develops between a flamboyant, middle-aged piano tuner and an extremely timid office worker
The true story of a Sydney prostitute and her lesbian relationships and the unusual desire of one of her regular male customers.
Mrs. Goodwood
Fighting Back is a 1982 Australian film about troubled teenagers.
Ruth Grant
A rich winemaker dispatches a woman lawyer and male surveyor-geologist to assess a farm property whereby it is discovered that terrorists are preparing to invade a middle east country.
Drama directed by Paul Cox.
A violent man (Bryan Brown), who ostensibly has a slight mental illness due to fillings in his teeth, continues to write letters to his estranged girlfriend, Kris McQuade. She sees that he expresses himself more dearly in his letters and he is still quick tempered when they try to rekindle their relationship.
Businessman Gerald Barker is invited to join a mysterious super corporation known as The Firm. His work in the organisation turns out to be of a unique and somewhat disturbing nature. But Gerald finds no comfort with his wife Melissa and friend Barry - his relationships with both collapse. In a surreal and strange fashion, Gerald eventually comes to understand what The Firm is about. Made on a tiny budget of $15,000 the film is a mix of naturalism and stylisation which the filmmaker hoped would work on 'a simple, surrealistic level'.
The bawdy saga of the most infamous whomper of all time.
Alvin Purple, a man who can't hold down a job because of his voracious sexual appetite, impersonates a dead American Gangster.
Alvin is your average guy, except for the fact women find him irresistible and chase him everywhere. He tries to avoid them and get psychiatric help but gets used by the psychiatrists as a gigolo to treat other patients instead.
Aboriginal boxer Al Dawson is torn by the demands of fight promoters and aboriginal protestors. He eventually decides to reject them all and gives away his chance at a world title.