Rachel Hunter

Rachel Hunter

Рождение : 1969-09-09, Glenfield, Auckland, New Zealand


Rachel Hunter (born 9 September 1969) is a New Zealand model, actress and reality TV show host who now resides in the USA. She is best known for her appearance in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues and her long time marriage to singer Rod Stewart, which ended in 2006. She also appeared in the music video for the Fountains of Wayne song "Stacy's Mom".


Rachel Hunter


Her Infidelity
Lily Helms
After a one-night stand with her son's attractive teacher, a troubled wife finds herself stalked by the dangerously obsessed man.
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit: 50 Years of Beautiful
NBC and Time Inc. present Sports Illustrated Swimsuit: 50 Years of Beautiful, a two-hour TV special celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit franchise.
Madoff: Made Off with America
Mimi Mymen
Bernie Madoff is at the hub of the biggest conspiracy the world has ever known, according to Mr. X. Dave Edmund, a small Independent film maker puts it all on the line to bring the world the truth.
Съёмочная группа фильма ужасов сталкивается с ужасным гибридом рыбы и змеи.
Miami Magma
Antoinette Vitrini
Antoinette Vitrini, a volcanologist, confirms her theory of a long-dormant underground volcano after an offshore-drilling rig bursts into flames. Now, she must stop catastrophic amounts of magma from pumping out right under Miami, Florida.
Dead Write
After driving husband Martin to infidelity and catching him with another, mentally unstable author Jade returns to her New Zealand home. The plan is to write a book based on the town's history, helped by the local school teacher and her college thesis protégée, and visit her father Christopher. As her editor later explains, her suspicions concerning ever more locals stem from a pathological mental condition. However, more then just paranoia comes with the horse riding incident which killed her ma, an obsessive guilt matter for her and Christopher.
The Brazen Bull
An ice cold tale of misguided ambition and savage revenge. Set in the bowels of an iconic derelict Los Angeles high-rise, we follow Lauren and her real-estate investing fiancé as they discover first hand what happens when a madman leads not with emotion, but rather chilling rationality. The Man in question brings a heaping helping of sanity and jet-black humor to the crazy table. The result is a wonderfully off-kilter horror/thriller that never goes where we expect, but rather draws the audience deeper into a surprising world that has dark corners even in the brightest rooms.
Black Widow
Dr. Laura
Sean McMurphy, a wealthy entrepreneur, meets a very beautiful woman and a passionate love affair ignites but soon it unfolds into a dark suspense/thriller where everyone around him gets seduced into her dark web of lies, torture and deceit.
The Perfect Assistant
Judith Manion
Rachel Parsons is the perfect assistant, but she's completely in love with her boss. She's got a secret obsession: be his wife and have kids. The problem is that he already has a family.
Признания экзотической танцовщицы
Donna Mercer
Выпускница колледжа Джейн МакКой к большому огорчению родителей решает уйти с юридического факультета: ее больше привлекает артистическая карьера. Всячески стараясь заработать себе на приличную жизнь, Джейн знакомится с самонадеянной, обладающей даром убеждения девушкой по имени Анджела, которая подсказывает ей, что можно подзаработать на исполнении «гоу-гоу» — эротических танцев под поп-музыку. Однако легкие деньги очень скоро становятся всепоглощающей целью Джейн. Она прекращает занятия, постепенно отдаляется от своего друга, от семьи и, что самое главное, от самой себя.
Killer's Freedom
Nicole Ibiza
Some 9 years ago, Walter Karl is convicted for the brutal murder of 11-year-old Annie Gordon and sentenced to 17 years in prison. Now, out early for good behaviour, his release sends shock waves through the city. The result is a marvelous moral contemplation of society's standards, citizen's rights, courage for the sake of love and the path to redemption.
I.R.A. King of Nothing
British Intelligence Agent
A disgruntled IRA member becomes Ireland's biggest threat to the peace process.
Mexican American
A washed-up Mexican-American prize fighter is just starting to get back on his feet when his daughter is kidnapped while investigating a political splinter group in Mexico. The police and the State Department are little help, so he must take justice into his own hands and rescue her from the clutches of a bizarre racist cult.
La Cucina
A small group of amateur cooks and kitchen guests discover exactly why some refer to the kitchen as the "heart of the house".
Аллея славы
Он мог быть актером и сниматься у самого Копполы, но вместо этого целыми днями катает шары. Он — самый талантливый игрок в боулинг на всем американском континенте. У него свой сайт, куча поклонников и собственный агент. А еще у него есть отличные друзья и любимая девушка, которых он совсем забыл в погоне за славой. Но у него еще есть шанс все вернуть. Для этого надо сделать очень, очень простой выбор — друзья или 1 миллион долларов…
Beth Morton
Ozzie is a young koala living in Australia. He is kidnapped by two goons (Buzz and Tank) who work for Max Happy, president of Happy Toys. Legend says that Ozzie speaks English and Max wants to clone Ozzie into hundreds of koalas and sell them for a fortune as talking pets! Buzz and Tank "lose" Ozzie on the plane-ride home by accident to Justin Morton, an 8 year old who is celebrating his birthday with his mom, Beth with a trip to Austrailia. Ozzie winds up in Justin's backpack. When Max finds out the koala is missing, a screwball comedy chase begins and ends in a surprise that knocks Max off her throne!
Скамейка Запасных
Hot Mother
Для всех, кого когда-либо задирали, обзывали или толкали, ваши герои уже здесь! Роб Шнайдер, Дэвид Спейд и Джон Хидер блистают в ролях троих взрослых, которым известно, что такое нападки. Поймав районных хулиганов за приставаниями к сыну друга, они формируют бейсбольную команду из троих человек, чтобы вызвать на поединок лучших игроков юношеской лиги. При поддержке всех заучек, зубрил и неудачников города, эти трое готовы выйти на поле в популярной комедии от режиссера «Большого папы» и «Счастливчика Гилмора» и продюсера Адама Сэндлера.
Final Move
Iris Quarrie
The LA police are baffled: someone is killing people who have been found innocent of violent crimes. At the crime scenes, DNA evidence and clues linked to chess point to a suspect who's dead, recently executed for murders with a similar M.O. The cops call on Dan Marlowe, an ex-cop with psychic gifts, in an asylum after the trauma of the initial investigation. His wife wants him to say no; her brother is his former partner, who leans on Dan to help. Dan's ex-lover, an FBI agent, is also on the case, and behind the scenes is Myron, Dan's chess partner at the asylum. The game turns more deadly when Dan and family become the target. Did the cops initially get the wrong man?
You and Your Stupid Mate
Phillip (Phillips) and Geoffrey (Sampson) are two Aussie larrikins, whose lives centre around running the un-official "Sons and Surf" website...
Hayley Anderson
In Host, Missouri, the newcomer Dr. of Veterinary Science Eli Rudkus is called by the farmer Jacob Long to exam one of his cows. The veterinarian finds a strange parasite in the animal and sends it to a friend in the Department of Agriculture for research. Later, he finds the same parasite in a creek and he summons the population for a meeting, warning that the cause might be the animal food. However, Fletcher Odermatt, the wealthy owner of the local Host Tender Meals that has been providing free animal food for the farmers, brings his lawyer Hayley Anderson and discredits Eli. When a huge mutant parasite attacks Eli and Jacob, they discover that the meals are actually an experimental genetic cocktail that is growing parasites inside the cattle and people. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
El padrino: The Latin Godfather
In the streets of East Los Angeles, Manny is a formidable drug dealer. Impressed by his extravagant lifestyle and prowess, his young son, Kilo, yearns to follow in his footsteps. Kilo resolves to learn how to prosper in the drug world, and his new life as a dealer begins. In a world where a man wants everything, he may end up with nothing.
Haunted Lighthouse
Rich Widow Feeney
The film tells the story of two ghost children who are cursed to remain forever on a Cape Cod beach and in a 19th-century era lighthouse. After 100 years, they meet two children visiting the beach and take them to the lighthouse, hoping to turn them into ghosts like them.
Redemption of the Ghost
When convicted embezzler Witt Hampton (Gene Bicknell) escapes from prison, a lonely barn serves as the perfect hideout -- until a pair of tykes stumbles on him. Telling the tots he's a ghost, Witt strikes up a friendship with the pair. Soon, inspired by their innocence, he decides to take responsibility for his crimes. Too bad the local sheriff isn't quick to forgive in this family drama co-starring, Diane Ladd, Rachel Hunter and John Savage.
Amanda Reeve
The nature and lure of power: in Dallas, a councilman is on trial for corruption, the D.A. is running for the US Senate, a serial killer is slashing prostitutes, and a professor is murdered. Amanda Reeve is assigned to investigate the law-school killing. She hears rumors that the dead man offered women students good grades in exchange for sex. The trail leads her to two wealthy, beautiful students whose alibi is provided by a librarian. At the same time, the cops close in on the slasher. Meanwhile, Amanda misses her former lover, next in line to become D.A., and a reporter is fired for getting close to the truth about the Senate candidate. Is a cover-up or conspiracy in the works?
A.C.'s Wife
Днем Крис Коул занимается починкой копировальной техники. По ночам он — подражает рок-группе «Steel Dragon» самой крутой в мире «тяжелого металла». Неожиданно ему представилась удивительная возможность: стать новым солистом настоящего «Steel Dragon»! В одночасье он, никому не известный парнишка из маленького городка, становится супер-звездой. В одночасье он, и его менеджер/подружка Эмили погружаются в мир безумства, которое трудно себе представить.
Boys Klub
The Goddess
Sent to San Francisco to spend the summer with his aunt, teenager Mario Vandetti makes fast friends with a group of neighborhood kids and encouraged by a caring priest they soon form a basketball team, becoming contenders in a city tournament.
MacArthur Park
A portrait of a homeless park community bonded by crack cocaine addiction. In the park's drug-fixated shantytown, Cody is a kind of crackhead father figure who helps his friends when they are in trouble or in desperate need of a "blast." His girlfriend, Alicia, is a romantic who's losing her soul to the drug, and E-Max is a street hustling pimp who is trying to scoop young Linda into his motley legion of harlots. Hoover Blue, earth mother to all the addicts, attempts to pound some knowledge into the starry-eyed Linda while Cody tries to help young P-Air get his hustle on to record a hip hop track and make it big. But when Cody's real son, Terry, tracks him down to tell him his wife has passed away, Cody doesn't even recognize him at first and then can't help him with postmortem affairs. After five years of crack addiction, Cody wants to get straight and do right by Terry, but the harder he struggles to escape the park, the more it closes in on him.
Gina Williams
A serial killer turns the life of a family on vacation into a nightmare.
Best Actress
Fiona Covington
A Hollywood writer becomes embroiled while investigating into the lives of five fictitious actresses all nominated for the Academy Award for best actress.
Winding Roads
Kelly Simons
Three women encounter the toughest time of their lives.
Немного безобидного секса
По дороге домой, приняв с приятелями по 150 грамм по случаю дня рождения, Алан подбирает на обочине симпатичную незнакомку, у которой сломалась машина. К несчастью, ее идея отплатить «услугой за услугу» заканчивается для Алана арестом за непристойное поведение, потому что симпатичная незнакомка - проститутка. Лора, жена Алана, вносит за него залог, а затем выгоняет из дому. Алан предпринимает отчаянные попытки спасти свой брак. Вместе с друзьями он является в местный бар, где Лора с подругами и матерью бурно обсуждают сложившуюся ситуацию. Несколько стопок текилы служат запалом для взрыва пороховой бочки бурных эмоций, невольных откровений, признаний в изменах и неразделенной любви. Именно это и входило в планы Алана. Но вот что не входило в его планы, так это - стриптиз на столе и типичный кабацкий скандал с дракой.
Susan Price
Сьюзан Прайс была счастливой преуспевающей женщиной, пока мир в одночасье не перевернулся. Ее жених Джек был зверски убит, и она оказалась единственной подозреваемой. Вынужденная скрываться от преследующей ее полиции, Сьюзан изменила имя и внешность и решила самостоятельно расследовать убийство. Она с ужасом обнаруживает, что Джек распланировал и организовал убийство помощницы городского прокурора. Пытаясь предотвратить ее смерть, Сьюзан выслеживает наемного убийцу, но не успевает остановить его. Полиция застает ее на месте преступления. Теперь Сьюзан уверена, что ее обвинят в смерти двух человек, но полицейские подозревают, что Джек Рейнольдс на самом деле жив и является заказчиком этого убийства. Девушка же является просто приманкой, которая выманит из логова настоящего убийцу и поможет раскрыть это суперпреступление…
A Walk in the Park
A stand-up comic and commodities broker, failing in both professions, signs on as the chauffeur for the book tour of a renowned physicist, his friend's sister, who is confined to a wheelchair. After discovering she is a match for him in her acerbic wit, they fall for each other, but complications arise when she becomes suspicious of his motives.