Сагар и Вишал Капур живут под одной крышей, хотя они и не братья. Вишал опекает Сагара больше, чем родного брата. Сагар, беспечный юнец, всегда окруженный красивыми девушками, сходящими по нему с ума. Там, где Сагар, все наполняется любовью и красотой, а Вишал — его противоположность.Жажда к деньгам и террору охватывают Вишала. Через двух своих подручных — Нагешвара и Далала — Вишал сеет ужас и борется против закона и правосудия. Для Вишала любовь можно купить за деньги.Аша любит Вишала, но Вишал со своими взглядами на жизнь разбивает ей сердце, и Аша уходит от Вишала. Продолжая свою опасную жизнь, Вишал однажды оказывается на пороге смерти, но танцовщица Баркха, самоотверженно спасает его и дает Вишалу шанс на новую жизнь…
Rambhau (Rambo)
История разворачивается вокруг Рохита и Радхики, которые выступают против неодобрения их отношений ее родителями.
У богатой женщины есть единственный сын Кишан, которому и достанется все состояние, которое ей и ее супругу удалось скопить за эти годы. После смерти отца Кишан взял на себя все финансовые дела отца, и ему пришлось по работе ехать в деревню. В деревне Кишан знакомится с Радхой, он полюбил девушку и обещал на ней жениться. Кишан едет обратно в город, чтобы попросить благословления у матери. По приезду домой он узнает, что мать его умерла, а в их доме живет его двойник…
A evil man kills young women after having romantic affair with them. By knowing it, four friends get him arrested and electrocuted for death sentence. But his soul returns and starts taking revenge on them and their family one by one.
A story about the trials and tribulations of retired soldier Satyapati and his sons
Бадаль и Минакши хоть по началу и не ладят, но быстро привязываются к друг другу. И все бы хорошо, да только их семьи враждуют между собой. Сумеют ли Бадаль и Минакши пройти через все препятствия? Выдержит ли их любовь непонимание и предательство.
Наивный, молодой человек по имени Бабу, всегда готов помочь своему ближнему. Он влюбился в Каммо, но потеряв возлюбленную, мстит ее убийце и его сажают в тюрьму на два года. Когда он возвращается, он узнаёт, что богатая женщина, которая когда-то помогла ему, теперь вдова и нищенствует с маленьким ребенком. Он решает помочь этой вдове и ее дочери Пинки, начинает работать рикшей, чтобы оплатить Пинки обучение в престижной школе. Девушка вырастает снобом, стесняется своей бедной мамы и Бабу. Они оба ошарашены — стоило ли тратить столько времени и средств на такого неблагодарного ребенка?.
A family man, Ratan, decides to commit a crime for Balram Singh, but keeps the bounty for himself. Singh sets his house on fire, and believing his family to be dead, Ratan goes on the run.
Thakur (Madan Puri) was a cruel man in the past. Then over the passage of time he changed to normal life and lives with his daughter peacefully, but suddenly a mysterious killer starts to take revenge, and everyone is puzzled by a clever mind game.
Sardar Murdhar Singh
Suman lives a wealthy lifestyle along with her widower dad, Thakur Ranvir Singh, and an unmarried aunt, Damyanti, in a palatial house in Bombay. They are direct descendants of Raja Hariman Singh of Bijapur. When Ranvir finds out that Suman is in love with a middle-classed male, Sanjay, he expresses displeasure and forbids her to ever see him again. When she persists, he tells her that there is a curse on the entire family - a curse that was inflicted 200 years ago by a blood-thirsty, flesh-eating demon named Samri.
A tough cop's life is torn apart after his sister and her lover are brutally murdered. He then decides to take the law into his own hands in order to seek justice for his sister.
Красивая история любви парня из богатой семьи и цыганки.
Wedding Guest
Бизнесмен Прем Капур живет в небольшом индийском городке со своей женой Бхавной и двумя детьми Сунилом и Бабли. Однажды он узнаёт, что у него есть еще один внебрачный сын Битту
Radha's husband
Сирота Девдхар и дочь богатого помещика Манорама дружат с детства. Постепенно, сам того не замечая, Девдхар полюбил девушку, но так и не решился признаться ей в любви. Тем временем Манораму выдают замуж, но сразу же после свадьбы ее муж погибает в автокатастрофе. По законам индуизма жена должна быть верна мужу и после его смерти. Теперь, чтобы отстоять свое право на любовь, Девдхару и Манораме придется бросить вызов всему обществу.
A vendetta rages between two families. Neither ghosts nor snakes nor humans can escape the carnage.
Do Posti is a film released in 1981, it is an Indian Punjabi film
Dr. Punjabi
Ajay Nath comes from a wealthy family, and is prone to playing practical jokes and pranks in order to get his way with this mother and father. In one case he asked one of their family doctors', Dr. Panjabi, to lie to his dad that he has cancer, so that he can accompany his college friends to a outing to Kashmir. He falls in love with fellow collegian Geeta Chopra, who is in love with Shyam. But Ajay's dad, fooled by his illness convinces her to be kind to him, and she becomes friendly with Ajay, both eventually fall in love with each other and want to get married. Then their family gets the news that Ajay really has cancer and has only a few more months to live. Under the changed circumstances, both the Nath and Chopra families are against the marriage of Ajay and Geeta. Will Ajay and Geeta get married? Does Ajay really have cancer or is this another prank?
Seth Ramiklal
Сима, привлекательная и популярная актриса, влюблена в Аруна, наследовавшего богатое имение. Однако она убита горем, когда узнает, что Арун, так любивший летать, разбился в авиакатастрофе. С того момента неудачи слово преследуют Симу. Отец покидает ее. Она лишается работы в театре, нужда вынуждает ее определить младшего брата в общежитие. Она остается одна, без какой-либо определенности в будущем. Симу насилуют, она вынуждена работать в дешевых ночных барах. И вдруг, словно как подарок судьбы, она встречает Аруна. Сможет ли она, наконец, обрести любовь и счастье или судьба вновь готовит ей неприятности?.
Tooto Singh
Ravi is in love with Aarti but unable to express his feelings to her. With Aarti's marriage arranged, will he be able to confess before it's too late?
Pandit Shambunath
Трое друзей — Винод, Ашок и Рандхир — с детства мечтали придумать новый, самый быстрый в мире поезд. И спустя много лет Виноду удалось осуществить эту детскую мечту. И в день торжественного выхода этого поезда в первый рейс Дели-Бомбей в нем встречаются давно потерянные друзья и возлюбленные, а также враги и соперники
Отомстив помещикам за убийство своего отца, Бирджу сам встал на путь насилия и оказался вне закона. Но как долго можно оставаться преступником, имея благородное сердце? Как долго можно заставлять страдать любящую мать, красавицу жену , и только что родившегося сына? Бирджу сдаётся властям и встаёт на путь исправления. Своим поступком он призвал других бандитов сдаться. Поверят ли они ему? Пойдут ли за ним? Что заставит их прозреть и раскаяться в своих грехах?
After having completed his master's with honors, multi-millionaire Shekhar Verma decides to travel to Rambagh, Poona, to work incognito in his dad's friend's, Shankar Saxena's office. He gets the job, goes to rent a room with his childhood friend, Bhagwandas, and his wife, Leela, where he meets with a young woman named Seeta Mathur, who is their neighbor. Shekhar also gets to meet Shankar's daughter, Raadha. Then Shekhar's cover is blown when his dad, Raj Bahadur Verma, comes for a visit. It is here that both Shankar and Raj Bahadur will finalize Shekhar's marriage with Raadha. But is marriage what Shekhar is really after, especially with Raadha?
Lion-tamer: Shamsher
Rajoo (Naseeruddin Shah) is an honest, naive, villager with a heart of gold. When he comes to the big city, he comes across a beautiful young girl, Sunayana (Rameshwari), who almost gets runover by a car. He assists her to her feet, and she tells him that she is blind, lives in a small tenement with a neighbourly woman everyone calls Maushi (Leela Mishra), and sell flowers for a living. Rajoo takes it upon himself to make arrangements to ensure that Sunayana can see again. He meets with all kinds of people in this process, namely a wealthy suicidal drunk, Heeramohan (Pinchoo Kapoor); Circus owner (Mukri); Lion-tamer, Shamsher (Rajendra Nath); Prisoner Jaggoo (Jagdeep); Prisoner #204 (Viju Khote). He also meets with Dr. Indrajeet (Vijayendra Ghatge) and arranges to pay him a sum of Rs.2000/- for Sunayana's cure. Dr. Indrajeet lives with his mom (Sulochana), and sister, beautiful Sushma (Gayetri).
В молодого фермера Карму влюблена деревенская красавица Сому. Мать Карму тоже хочет, чтобы её сын женился на Сому. Но Карму мечтает жениться на небесной нимфе. И вскоре на ярмарке встречает девушку своей мечты - Нанки из деревни Хутху. Карму стал проведывать Нанку, знакомится с ее отцом и братом. Он хочет жениться на Нанки, но девушка хочет, чтобы жених сделал официальное предложение и лишь тогда она выйдет за него замуж. Карму уговаривает мать попросить руку девушки, но та возвращается униженной, т.к. отец Нанки хочет, чтобы его дочь вышла замуж за богатого мужчину. И тогда Карму снова отправляется в Хутху - на этот раз не с песнями и танцами, а с топором в руках, чтобы отомстить за унижение...
Мелкий сотрудник компании "Джексон Толарам" Арун Пратип влюблен в девушку, с которой каждое утро ездит в одном автобусе на работу. Но он слишком нерешителен, чтобы познакомиться с ней. Когда же все-таки пытается это сделать, то попадает в разные неловкие ситуации. К тому же на Прабху положил глаз ее сослуживец Нагеш, гораздо более активный. И если бы не помощь полковника Сингха, неизвестно, какой бы у этой истории был финал.
Rahim (Store Owner)
Julie is an anglo-Indian girl with a loving, but alcoholic father and a domineering mother, a younger brother and sister. She falls in love with her best friend's brother Shashi Bhattacharya, a Hindu boy, and she has a passionate encounter with him, which leaves her pregnant. He goes away to college, not knowing about her condition. Her mother is distraught when Julie tells her about the pregnancy. They don't tell the rest of the family. Her mother thinks about getting Julie an abortion, but a devout Christian talks her out of it. Julie is sent away to have her baby in secret. The rest of the family is told that Julie got a job. When she comes back home, she runs into her Hindu boyfriend and tells him everything. He agrees to marry her, but his mother objects to the mixed marriage, not knowing about the baby born in secret. Julie's mother doesn't want the marriage either, as she and the rest of the family want to go to England
Bond-like adventure has a glamorous beauty queen falling for a racecar driver while visiting Hong Kong.
Ранджит и Пракаш преступники. Полиция все-таки поймала их и арестовала. У обоих преступников остались жены с сыновьями. Обе жены решили объединиться. И жена Ранджида переезжает вместе с сыном к жене Пракаша. Проходят годы, мальчики уже стали совсем взрослыми. Оба парня Салим и Дев стали музыкантами и выступают на свадьбах. Однажды парни становятся свидетелями убийства, преступниками оказываются их отцы. Дев и Салим вынуждены скрываться. Они переодеваются в женщин и идут работать в женский оркестр.
The film tells the story of four children who are separated at a fair and unknowingly reunite years later when Geeta (Sadhana) meets Nita (also Sadhana) in prison. Nita has been wrongly accused of murder. Geeta is then caught up in a scheme to find the true killer which leads her to her brother Johnny's (Sunil Dutt) gang.
Film from 1974 with Shashi Kapoor
Agent 116 Gopal (Dharmendra) is assigned the case to solve the mystery behind the missing of young women in Bombay.
Родители разлучили их еще в детстве, брата отец увез в Индию, а мать с дочерью остались в Монреале. Через много лет брат встречает сестру в группе хиппи и пытается вытащить ее из этой грязи и наркотиков.
Bollywood drama in which a woman stranded falls in love with the man who assists her. However, when they meet again, she notices something completely different about him.
Rohit, Whiskey, and Kumar (Rajendra Kumar, Rajendra Nath, and Prem Chopra respectively) are childhood friends. While travelling to his estate in the company of Whiskey, Rohit meets with beautiful Neena (Sadhana), and falls in love with her. Subsequently, he meets with her father (Raj Mehra) where they are properly introduced, and she too falls in love with him. Unknowingly, Kumar also sends his proposal for marriage to Neena, but Neena rejects it. Kumar is offended and shortly before the marriage of Neena and Rohit, molests Neena. Rohit and Kumar become enemies, have a fight and Kumar loses sight in his left eye. Feeling that she is not worthly of Rohit anymore, Neena refuses to marry Rohit. Will Rohit and Neena ever get together again? Will they continue to be haunted by Kumar?
Kuldeep / Lallu
A wealthy man decides to marry a woman who is in love with his employee's son.
Circus Surgeon
Клоун Раджу дает последнее представление, потому что предчувствует близкую смерть. Он приглашает на спектакль всех, кто ему был дорог, кого он когда-то любил. Перед нами проходит вся его жизнь: жизнь клоуна - человека, который танцует и поет.
Mufatram Fauji
A wealthy widow refuses to leave anything to her selfish son. In order to win her affection, he introduces her to his fiancee, Deepali, who is a girl he hires to play the part.
Shyam is an honest and dedicated CBI Officer. He is assigned to a series of crimes involving a crime syndicate who, amongst other things, use disappearing ink on cheques issued to jewellers. With no clues left behind, Shyam is under pressure to put a stop to these crimes, as well as apprehend their perpetrators.
Bharat (Rajendra Kumar) is a patriotic young man for whom patritism does not stop anywhere. He comes to know of the tyrancy of the present ruler's Diwan (Ajit) and he and his colleagues (Soodesh Kumar, Rajendra Nath) rebel. They kidnap Princess Chitralekha (Waheeda Rehman) unknowingly, and call her Jwala. Meanwhile, Bharat's dad (Balraj Sahni) who is the Inspector General, does not approve of Bharat's rebellious nature and decides to arrest him on sight. Bharat's mom (Kamini Kaushal) is torn between the love for her husband and her son. Bharat determination against the Diwan is so strong that he decides to bomb-blast a railway train transporting the Diwan, knowingly that his own dad is also travelling on that train. Will Bharat break his mom's heart by killing his dad and the Diwan? Good acting scores by the entire caste make this movie worth watching. Lyrics by Indivar.
Raja is hired to steal the Anarkali, a 5000-year-old sculpture, from the "SAFEST" museum ( which is HOLLOW from the top!!).
Hindi film from 1970
Ашок Тандон работает управляющим в крупном банке. Однажды он решает жениться на своей возлюбленной Дипу. Однако совсем скоро Ашок оказывается под подозрением в отмывании крупной суммы денег из банка, в котором он работает. Ашока приговаривают к заключению на срок в семь лет. Проходит его тюремный срок, и главный герой выходит на свободу. С ужасом для себя он узнает, что его мать уже умерла, а возлюбленная куда-то пропала. Также у него появляется информация о том, что его подставили сотрудники банка, ведь Ашок был совершенно невиновен в махинациях, за которые его посадили.
Tom Genda
Raj Kumar falls in love with the beautiful, Indian singer Sangeeta Thakur when she comes to tour Kenya, but his father wants him to marry his wealthy childhood friend, Rani, instead
Neeta loves Sudhir, but Naina tries to convince her that Sudhir's love is a scam to get her money.
Bharat is a patriotic Indian who's father was an Independence fighter. He goes to London and is disappointed to see that the NRI's staying there criticized everything Indian and were wasting their life away. Prithi (Siara Banu) is one such NRI who falls in love with Bharat but refuses to go back to India with him.
Ram Bharose Agnihotri
Deepali is the only daughter of a wealthy but deceased industrialist, Lakhanpal. While on a holiday in Northern India, she meets with and gets friendly with Pritam. Unknown to her, Pritam has fallen head over heels in love with her, and wants to marry her. After Deepali returns home, Pritam follows her, meets with her maternal uncle, Choudhary, and creates a very good impression of himself. As a result, Choudhary is convinced that Pritam will make a good husband for Deepali. When Deepali finds out, she is enraged, as she has seen Pritam only as a friend, and her true love is another eligible young man by the name of Ajit, who Deepali has decided to make her life-partner, regardless of any and all consequences.
To better himself, a spoiled prince temporarily assumes a commoner's identity. But he soon learns his palace has been gifted to his father's new wife.
Дхарма и Гаури любят друг друга. Но отец Дхармы — Дживан — вор и мошенник, а отец Гаури — Малик — ростовщик, самый богатый человек в округе. Однажды Дживан по вине Малика попал в тюрьму, его имущество конфисковали, и Дхарме пришлось уйти на заработки в город. А когда он через некоторое время вернулся домой на побывку, его обвинили в убийстве собственного отца. Не сразу была установлена правда..
Pratap Singh
Orphan Rajoo has always dreamed of becoming a wealthy prince -- but when he finally gets a chance to live out this dream, he must make a difficult choice between love and the realization of his long-held fantasy. As an adult, he works for a grateful prince who offers Rajoo the chance to impersonate him; in order to pull off the deception, however, Rajoo must insult the princess, whom he has fallen in love with.
Reeta Mehra gets a job at a department store to support her ailing mother. After she refuses sexual favours to an important business partner, her boss Sohanlal has her framed for shoplifting. When Reeta gets out of prison, her mother has died. She meets Heeralal, who has also been cheated by Sohanlal, and together they work out a plot for revenge. Reeta is to marry Sohanlal's son and then reveal her history, disgracing Sohanlal's name. Things quickly become more complicated than anticipated.
Teen Bahuraniyan (English: Three Daughters-In-Law) is a 1968 family comedy movie. The film is a remake of 1967 Tamil movie Bama Vijayam (Bama's Visit). The film's three lead ladies reprise their roles from the original movie. Teen Bahuraniyan is family story of 3 daughter in laws and their husbands. The movie shows how their relations takes different colour at various situations and how the father Prithviraj Kapoor plays vital role in the family to keep things going.
After abandoning Gauri, his wife who is visually impaired, Sanjeev goes on a hunting trip and is presumed dead. He returns months later to find that his best friend Sunil has stolen his identity.
Hanuman Singh
Sanjay and Priya are in love and are planning to marry. When Priya learns that her father has been arrested, they decide to postpone their wedding. However, destiny has other plans as Sanjay dies in a car crash. In heaven, he learns that his death was a mistake, and he is sent back to Earth in the body of his lookalike, the wealthy but morally corrupt Tarun Kumar Saxena, the man who ruined Priya's family.
In a small industrial town near Bombay lives Bholanath, who works at the local mill, and is the proud husband of Gauri, a daughter, Champa, and above all his son, Ramaiya, who is a graduate in the arts faculty, - the only one in this town who has attained this degree. But times are hard, and jobs are difficult to come by. When Bholanath loses his job, Ramaiya decides to find employment, and does so as a menial worker in the same mill his dad used to work. Ramaiya is very popular with his co-workers and they soon elect him as their new union leader. This puts Ramaiya in conflict with the Management of the Mill, headed by the owner, Kapoor, who has ordered that Ramaiya be eliminated post haste. But Ramaiya is determined to address the workers' grievances, and he gets himself framed for theft; has the police on the lookout for him, and so Ramaiya goes into hiding.
Sam Kapoor aka Sam Cooper
Shanker Choudhury's (Tarun Bose) mother (Pratima Devi), at the pleas of her dying husband, marries off his (Shanker's) daughter to a youth. Both the children are under-age and do not know nor understand that they have been married.
Shubodh Mukherjee
After being acquitted for the murder of his first wife Deepak is suspected for attempting to kill his second.
In romantic Paris, two Parisians of Indian origin are in love namely Shyam or Sam and Roopa. Mystery and intrigue surround this romance, as Roopa is abducted and held by criminal mastermind Jack and his minions, who will trade her for a hefty ransom. Roopa has a look-alike in the shape and form of Suzy, who is sent in place of Roopa to ensure that the money is received, while the real Roopa is still being held captive. Sam must use all the resources available to in order to set Roopa free, but he will have a difficult time to differentiate between Suzy and Roopa.
Nishad, daughter of a noble family, has three suitors. However, after making her decision, it comes to light that the groom only gained noble status after his father won the lottery.
Anmol Ratan
This romantic Bollywood musical tells the story of a young woman named Jumana (Sulochana) who has two secrets that she's hiding from the world: her marriage and the fact that she's given birth to a child outside of that marriage. Noteworthy for its popular music, the film focuses on humans' vast capacity for failure as well as the ways in which our actions can impact the innocent (or not-so-innocent) lives of others.
Chintu (as Rajindernath)
Отец очень хочет, чтобы его сыновья женились на таких же богатых невестках. Однако Махендра не хочет повиноваться воле отца, ведь он уже любит обычную секретаршу Симу. Но влияние отца заставляет парня скрывать все, что связано с девушкой. Но вскоре и брат Махендра, Сундер влюбляется в обычную девушку. Он знакомится с ней в ходе теннисного турнира, проходившего в Кашмире.
Aao Pyar Karen is a movie directed by R. K. Nayyar featuring Joy Mukherjee, Saira Banu.
Bollywood 1964
Dr. Nawab Mehmood Ali Khan
Agra-based atheist and revolutionary poet/editor of Inquilab, Ejaz, falls head-over-heels in love with Naaz Ara Begum after he hears her sing, and then ends up losing his job. With the assistance of his lovely sister, Kausar Ara Begum, Ejaz and Naaz meet secretly. This does not auger well with Akhtar Nawab, Naaz's paternal cousin, who plans to marry her. To make matters worse, their meeting is witnessed by her enraged dad, Nawab Bakar Ali Khan, who initially asks Ejaz to leave, and then decides to teach him a lesson - with two loaded rifles.
Hanuman Sharma
Shekhar is a Lothario. He's also the son of the Public Prosecutor. After his philandering has exhausted his parents' patience, he takes a fancy to Saradha and contrives to put her in a compromising position. She cannot escape from marrying him after her father accepts the Public Prosecutor's proposal of a union between their offspring. Shocked by his bride's contempt for his behaviour, Shekhar resolves to wait until his wife accepts him of her own volition. When she contracts pneumonia he gains the opportunity to win her love. However, an encounter with an old flame lands him in jail and Shekhar finds himself facing his father across a courtroom, charged with murder.
Though from India, this tale rings of Western familiarity -- especially of the Old West. When a beautiful courtesan is kidnapped by a burly bandit, the baddie gets far more than he had anticipated; he finds himself falling for her. Unfortunately for the couple, the authorities catch up with him and their short-lived romance ends in tragedy.
Capt. Ranjit / Rony
Rakesh, a successful architect, falls in love with a girl: Sujata whose father happens to be his own father's business rival. Sujata's father unwittingly assigns Rakesh the contract for building his house. This sets the stage for an entertaining story about the love between two individuals and their efforts to reconcile their families.
Due to a growing marital rift between Jamuna and her husband, she decides to leave him. He does not permit her to take their son, so she arranges his abduction, and disappears from her husband's life. Years later, Jamuna's son, Mohan, has grown up, and together they live a middle-class existence. One day, Mohan meets with Mona and both are attracted to each other. But Mona's guardian would like her to marry Biharilal alias Difu, who is foreign returned and comes from a very wealthy family. Mona and her friends embark on a trip to Srinagar, and Mohan follows her there. Then Jamuna's overjoyed husband announces the return of his son, Mohan, back to his household.
Nath and Gautam plan a trip to Bombay with the sole intention to have fun.
Dr. Arun lives with his brother, Madhu; dad Judge Ramkrishan; and mom Kamla in a palatial house. He decides to help the poor and the needy and in order to do this he re-locates to a small town, where he meets with a young nurse named Sumati and both fall in love with each other. Sumati lives with her mom, Laxmi, and has no father. When Kamla starts looking for a prospective bride for Arun, he informs her that he has given his heart to Sumati. Ramkrishan sends for Laxmi, who gladly accepts the invitation. After her meeting, Arun inquires about the results with his mom and dad, and is told to forget about Sumati and marry someone else. When Arun asks for a reason behind their refusal, they refuse to divulge any information. The question remains, why did his parents turn down Sumati's mom, and what exactly happened during that meeting with her?
An unemployed young man named Deepak (Pradeep Kumar) saves Aarti Gupta (Meena Kumari), a hardworking and dedicated doctor, from drowning, and the two eventually fall in love with each other, although she is already engaged to Dr. Prakash (Ashok Kumar). Although Aarti's father firmly disapproves of this relationship, Deepak and Aarti marry. She moves in with him and his family, which includes his brother, Niranjan (Ramesh Deo), his sister-in-law, Jaswanti (Shashikala), their three children, and Deepak's father (Jagirdar). That leaves the humiliated Prakash determined to get Aarti back, whatever he may have to do. He manages to bring a discord in their marital life, so much so that Deepak asks Aarti to leave, and she returns home to her father. This is followed by Deepak having a serious accident, when Prakash is the only surgeon who can operate on him.
Во время учебы в медицинском колледже Аруна Кумара ложно обвинила Кавита Капур. Юноша был вынужден покинуть колледж, а позже Кавита узнала, что Арун уехал к себе в деревню. Родственники Аруна договорились о его свадьбе с Тарой, по воле случая оказавшейся кузиной Кавиты. Арун уехал продолжать учебу за границу, а Тара просит свою сестру написать за нее письмо. Когда Арун в результате несчастного случая теряет зрение, легкомысленная Тара не желает за ним ухаживать и Кавита занимает ее место. Зная, что он по-прежнему ее ненавидит и презирает, Кавита выдает себя за Тару. Но скоро Арун обретет зрение и что тогда будет с Кавитой…
Nandu lives in a small town with his widowed mom, Paro. He is friendly with two young girls, Farida and Kamli. He is depressed when Kamli's dad becomes ill and she and her mom re-locate to Ambala. Years later, Farida and Nandu have grown up and continue to be friends. Then they get the news that Kamli's dad has passed away, and they are to return back. Initially they do not recognize each other, but when they do, both fall in love and want to marry. When Paro goes to meet with Kamli's maternal uncle, she is shunned, humiliated because they are poor and Nandu is unemployed, & considered a trouble-maker.
It is a 1960 film
Neeta is a heiress, the only daughter of U.K. based Industrialist, Jagat Narayan. She is of marriageable age, and is presently wooed by Kailash, Chandra, and Raja. She prefers Chandra over Kailash and Raja, but subsequently changes her mind and falls in love with Raja. Things take a dramatic turn when Jagat and Neeta find out that Raja is not who is claims he is. When Raja defends himself, and calls himself Roop, his very own mother denies this claim, and instead states that Chandra is Roop, her only son. Raja alias Roop must now make attempts to prove himself, and realizes that this is indeed an uphill task.
1959 Bollywood Drama Comedy