Tanja Wedhorn

Tanja Wedhorn

Рождение : 1971-12-14, Witten, Germany


Tanja Wedhorn
Tanja Wedhorn


Climate Rescue for Beginners
Nina Wilmers
What use is a good Abitur if the climate is changing? For 17-year-old high school student Lilly, there are more important things than school. It looks correspondingly bleak with their admission to the Abitur! While father Martin fails with a bang to lure her with a dream trip, mother Nina makes an unusual deal: if Lilly really crams from now on, her parents will in return help protect the climate. From now on, only fresh food will be cooked at home, lavender will replace industrial washing powder and you can go to work by bike! There are only exceptions for little brother Tom. But the road to an emission-free life is not a sure-fire success. After weeks, agency owner Nina and chief physician Martin are not only looking for secret exceptions to the rules, but also get into discussions about their lives up to now. And since Lilly doesn't quite stick to the deal with her parents either, the initially abstract discussion about climate-friendly living escalates into a true family crisis.
Liebe ist unberechenbar
Judith Kreuzer
Liebe verjährt nicht
Veronika Trost
Heino Ferch and Tanja Wedhorn have an entertaining exchange of blows in the romantic comedy "Liebe verjährt nicht": The two popular actors play a failed dream couple who unexpectedly get a second chance after 20 years and do a lot to restore it from old injuries mess up. The fact that both of them engage in a cat-and-mouse game with the truth about their living conditions causes turbulence at their new beginning.
Kleiner Junge, großer Freund
Handwerker und andere Katastrophen
Marie räumt auf
Marie Wagner
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der große Schatz
Katharina Reiff
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der Schäfer
Katharina Reiff
Die Lichtenbergs - zwei Brüder, drei Frauen und jede Menge Zoff
Leila Krüger
Reiff für die Insel – Katharina und die Dänen
Katharina Reiff
Die Kraft, die Du mir gibst
Maja Baumgarten
Моя прекрасная итальянская семья
Martina Sanseviero
Паоло — инженер-итальянец, эмигрировавший в Германию. Можно сказать, что его судьба сложилась — у него спокойная, размеренная жизнь, работа по душе, любящая семья. Но неожиданный звонок из Италии вынуждает его вернуться на родину, откуда он сбежал 20 лет назад после таинственного несчастного случая, в котором погиб его отец. И его возвращение порождает целую череду событий: теперь ему нужно спасти семейное дело и отношения с женой, встретить свою первую любовь и познакомиться с девушкой, которая вполне может оказаться его дочерью. Но самое главное, наконец-то, узнать правду о гибели своего отца.
Tür an Tür
Sophie Mehnert
Papa auf Probe
Nina Schmitz
Moritz Kaiser, good-looking single from passion, enjoys the carefree life in the fast lane. The successful chief designer of a furniture company lives in a luxury apartment and drives a thick sports car. The tide turns when he is fired after an affair with his boss's wife and finds no job. After unsuccessful lavatory cleaning, he lands at the small furniture manufacturer Toby Breuer, who wants to hire only a seasoned family man according to his alternative corporate philosophy.
Reiff für die Insel - Katharina und der ganz große Fisch
Katharina Reiff
Reiff für die Insel - Neubeginn
Katharina Reiff
Ein Sommer im Elsass
Jeanine Weiss
London. Liebe, Taubenschlag 2
Annina Kasperavijchek
London, Liebe, Taubenschlag
Annina Kasper
Woche für Woche
Miriam Weingarten
Mein Herz in Afrika
Verena 'Vivi' Beckmann
Schuld und Unschuld
Johanna Fischer
Barbara Wood - Sturmjahre
Samantha Hargrave
Zwei Bräute und eine Affäre
Marie Keller
Mein Mann und seine Mütter
Molly Kleber
Ihr schwerster Fall: Mord am Pool
Das Schneeparadies
Pauline Bertram
Pauline is very disappointed by her boyfriend. Fearing lonely holidays, she accepts her boss Max's invitation to celebrate white Christmas in his parents' mountain hut. It is taken for granted that she is Max's girlfriend. He enjoys the misunderstanding and asks Pauline to play along.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Ruf der Vergangenheit
Charlotte Harris