Deven Bhojani

Deven Bhojani

Рождение : 1969-11-25,


Deven Bhojani (born 25 November 1969) is an Indian TV serial actor/director. He is a theatre actor who is best known for his Gujarati and Sindhi plays and dramas. While he is usually associated with comic roles, he is also known to portray supporting characters to a certain extent. He has won three best director awards for Sarabhai vs Sarabhai; the ITA Award, the Indian Telly Award and The Apsara Award.


Deven Bhojani


Murder Mubarak
When a gym trainer is murdered at an elite Delhi club, a wily investigator unravels the sordid secrets of its ultrarich members to find the killer.
Puru Patel
История об индийских мигрантах, которые используют маршрут под названием Полёт осла для иммиграции в Канаду и США.
Commando 2 -  The Black Money Trail
India's most wanted Black Money agent, Vicky Chaddha, gets arrested in Malaysia and is kept in a safe house by the Malaysian authorities, along with his wife. A team of four is being sent to Malaysia to bring them to India. Apart from the growth of inter-personal relationships, the mission has quite a few twists and turns on its way. The story follows Karan as he uses his brain and brawn to recover all of the laundered black money.
Огненный путь
Azhar Lala
Жизнь Виджая полностью рушится, когда злодей и наркоторговец становится причиной смерти отца. Виджай уезжает в Мумбаи со своей беременной матерью с одной только мыслью — вернуться в родную деревню и вернуть славу имени своего отца.
Chala Mussaddi - Office Office
Mussaddi Lal (Pankaj Kapoor), a retired school teacher goes on a pilgrimage for three months after his wife's death. When he returns, he finds his pension has been stopped and the pension office has declared him dead. What follows is his endless struggle against the petty corruption in the government office where the infamous gang of five -- Manoj Pahwa, Sanjay Mishra, Deven Bhojani, Hemant Pandey and Asawari Joshi -- are determined to fleece him till the very end.
Khichdi: The Movie
Hospital Patient
In order to immortalize his love, a groom decides to create conflict between his and his to-be bride's families.
Chalo America
Three college boys think that everything American is fabulous; everything Indian is backward. Determined to get to America, they cook up one hair-brained scheme after another to get the all-important 'letter of sponsorship' from America.
Much to his disapproval, a wealthy man finds history repeating itself when his daughter falls in love with a poor boy, who also happens to be the son of a past enemy.
Ramlal Sharma lives a poor life-style with two sons Ratanlal Sharma and Sanjaylal Sharma. Both sons attend Model School for the poorer folks. Rantanlal excels at everything he does including his studies and outdoor activities while Sanjaylal is a no good slacker who loves to enjoy himself with his friends and have everything done without any hard work. Both sons run a small café providing eatable