Hiroko Matsuda


Georama Boy Panorama Girl
Shibuya Haruko is a high school student living in Tokyo. One night, she is instantly smitten by Kanagawa Kenichi, who is lying prone on a bridge. But Kenichi becomes far more interested in a girl he impulsively hits on, Mayumi, over the high-spirited Haruko.
The Yalta Conference Online
Just before the end of World War II, the Yalta Conference was held by the “Big Three” Allied leaders: Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the United States, Winston Churchill of Britain, and Joseph Stalin of the USSR. Japanese theater company Seinendan reimagines their conversations about postwar rule and power as a darkly humorous satire.
The Chaplain
Saeki works with death-row convicts as a prison chaplain. He tries to instill the prisoners with a sense of morality and help them become a better person. He is a good communicator with the death-row convicts assigned to solitary cells. Saeki agonizes over whether his words really touches the prisoners and whether he is doing the right thing. Saeki also faces his past which he wants to forget. --asianwiki
Journey to the Shore
Executive Producer
Mizuki’s husband Yusuke went missing for 3 years. He suddenly comes back home one day and asks Mizuki to go on a trip with him. Their trip consists of visiting the people that helped Yusuke on his previous travel. While travelling together, Misuki sees, touches and feels what Yusuke did for those 3 years.
Сакуко на берегу
После неудачного вступительного экзамена в университет ее тетя Мики пригласила Сакуко провести летний отпуск в прекрасном приморском городе. Сакуко знакомится с жителями города, включая Такаши, застенчивую родственницу своего друга детства.
Theatre 1
Theatre 1 (Observational Film Series #3) is a feature length documentary, which closely depicts the world of Oriza Hirata, Japan's leading playwright and director, and his theatrical company, Seinendan. By depicting them, the film leads the audience to revisit fundamental but timely questions: What is theatre? Why do human beings act?
Буддийский монах Дзёнэн служит в храме Рюундзи, расположенном в маленьком городке на северо-востоке Японии. В прошлом он мечтал стать рок-музыкантом, но утратил смысл жизни и впал в депрессию. Он даже пытался покончить с собой, прежде чем стал монахом. Внезапно его опять охватывает идущее из глубины души желание быть музыкантом. Что если его жизненное призвание – музыка, а не религия?
The Soup of Heaven
Follows the life of an Office Lady who gets through her tedious work days by dreaming of a legendary soup and soup chef she's heard of. She decides to go in search of it.
Two children, each abandoned by their families, come together in the wake of the Sarin gas attack in Tokyo. Based on the true events of the deadly gas attacks perpetrated by members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult on the Tokyo subway system.
Executive Producer
Yuichiro is a college student whose sister went missing 15 years ago. That traumatic event hangs over him like a pall as he wanders Japan's S&M clubs. But his younger brother claims to be able to sense their sister with his "antenna".
Matasaburo the Wind Imp
Each year, at the start of the fall school year in September, Japan suffers from typhoons. That same month, in a small elementary school in a mountainous region, Saburô, a new red-haired pupil has just arrived with the wind. The children of the village thought they recognized in this strange boy who came from the city the spirit that they called “Matasaburô, the wind”. During two weeks of autumn, Matasaburô and the other children will do various experiments in nature.
Бесплодные иллюзии
Паренёк слоняется по пустой хибаре, не ведая, чем себя занять, тихо садится на тахту... и так же тихо растворяется в воздухе, словно мираж. Миловидная почтовая служащая в глухих коридорах возится с принтером, как вдруг слышит странный вопрос странной женщины и цепенеет от страха.
Токийская колыбельная
Торговая улочка в рабочем квартале Токио. Коити Хаманака, бросивший семью и исчезнувший неизвестно куда несколько лет назад, неожиданно возвращается домой. Так же неожиданно его жена Хисако принимает блудного мужа как ни в чем не бывало обратно. Это событие надолго становится темой для пересудов местных жителей. Заинтересовался им и Асакура - молодой начинающий писатель, тайно влюбленный в Хисако. Не испытывая особой симпатии к Коити, он потихоньку начинает раскапывать его прошлое и узнает все больше и больше, волнующих фактов.