Eugene Nomura

Рождение : 1972-05-02, Tokyo, Japan


Главный герой
Japanese Reporter
У сотрудника крупного банка всё идёт по накатанной, пока однажды он не выясняет, что окружающий его мир — это часть огромной видеоигры, а сам он в ней — всего лишь второстепенный персонаж. Хватит ли у него духу переписать свой код, обратить на себя внимание прекрасной девушки и, наконец, спасти мир? Одним словом, получится ли из него главный герой?
Бархатная бензопила
Josephina's Neighbor
Таинственная сверхъестественная сила совершает месть над теми, кто ослепленный своей алчностью перешел дорогу настоящему искусству.
Tomato No Shizuku
Koji Miyata
With their hair salon business now on track, longtime couple Sakura and Makoto mull over inviting Sakura's estranged father to their upcoming wedding.
Жертвуя пешкой
Japanese Anchorman
Фильм о жизни легендарного гроссмейстера Бобби Фишера. Кульминационным моментом картины станет его матч с Борисом Спасским за чемпионский титул 1972 года, который по уровню резонанса стал одним из важнейших спортивных событий тех лет.
Фильм рассказывает о днях, последовавших за капитуляцией Японии во Второй мировой войне, когда правителем Страны Восходящего солнца де-факто являлся генерал Даглас МакАртур. Одному из экспертов-японистов, генералу Боннеру Феллерсу, поручено найти ответ на непростой вопрос: следует ли признать японского императора Хирохито военным преступником и повесить?
Surely Someday
Drawing influence from the street musicians of Miyagi, four high school students form a band and spend their free time practicing for their school's upcoming festival. When the festival is abruptly concealed, they come up with a dimwitted strategy of faking a bomb threat to the school in order to force the principal to change his mind. Their plan seems to work at first, but when a real bomb goes off, the group is forced to take responsibility for the explosion and they are kicked out of school. Three years later, more details of the incident is revealed as the youth look back on the past.
The Laughing Policeman
A cop chasing after a female cop killer, but then gets caught in a dark web of departmental corruption.
The Laughing Policeman
Mitsuyoshi Machida
A cop chasing after a female cop killer, but then gets caught in a dark web of departmental corruption.
Когда-то, давным-давно, в конце эпохи Муромати, существовал могущественный клан Хатакэяма, вторым сыном главы которого был Наомицу. И была у него возлюбленная, принцесса Ако, с которой они дружили с самого раннего детства. Но счастье длилось недолго — отец принцессы умер и Нобуцуна, старший брат Наомицу, решил силой овладеть Ако. Наомицу бросил всё и бежал с возлюбленной в горы, но и там немилосердная Судьба приготовила для него суровое испытание… Вскоре появился человек, известный под именем Тадзёмару…
Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance
1870's America. A Chinese immigrant falsely accused of murdering a white woman is viciously hunted down; he'll have to prove his innocence in a time when people of color had "no legal rights" and could be bought and sold for a profit. Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance explores the exploitation of Chinese workers during the building of American railroads. The workers not only spent long hours, but the work was often dangerous and fatal. The Chinaman is a fugitive on the run, and all odds are against him. While stealing a horse was a hanging offense in the Old West, our fugitive knows that killing a Chinaman is not a crime.
Чингисхан. Великий монгол
Это история взросления и восхождения к власти Чингисхана. Он был воспитан как будущий вождь племени. Когда ему исполнилось 14 лет, его отца убили. Сомнения по поводу происхождения Чингисхана стали преградой на его пути, хотя его неукротимый дух и качества прирожденного лидера стали очевидны еще тогда. Люди сами стекались к нему, а его сила росла. Он женился на красавице Бортэ и решил осуществить свою самую большую мечту - объединить всех монголов в кланы и племена.
Астронавт Фармер
Japanese Anchorman
После смерти отца астронавт, работающий в НАСА вынужден уволиться, чтобы спасти семейную ферму. Но он не может до конца предать свою мечту о космических полетах и решается на авантюру: он сам построит межгалактическую ракету, и пусть злое правительство всеми силами стремится помешать ему — мечта о выходе в космос остаётся выполнимой, пока в нее веришь.
Miyuki is a single mother with a 10-year old boy Keiji. She is eager to make him a child model. Eventually, Keiji begins to get jobs rather constantly. But Keiji himself doesn't like the job much. He only does it because it pleases his mother, who hates empty pages in the schedule book. One day they attend a big audition. While Keiji wins first stages of the audition, he begins to feel distance from the mother. It makes things worse for him when she has a new boyfriend..
Азуми 2:  Смерть или любовь
Samurai Z
Действие фильма разворачивается вначале периода Токугава в Японии (1603-1867). В одном из уединенных монастырей, путем жесткого отбора и специальных тренировок создавалась каста профессиональных убийц. Десять выпускников сошлись в смертельной схватке. В живых останутся лучшие. Ей предназначена миссия по предотвращению гражданской войны путем уничтожения правителей трех провинций. Но время было упущено и теперь Азуми предстоит сражение с огромной армией последнего правителя.
Rei is a freelance writer embattled by personal demons. She hears voices in her head, and has sleeping problems, eating disorders and drinks excessively. On Valentine's Day, she meets truck driver Takatoshi. She joins him on a journey in his bumpy and shaky truck - which vibrates in tune with her uneasy soul.
Последний меч самурая
Hijikata Toshizō
К середине 19-го века могущество сёгунов стало ослабевать. Вместе с ним подходит к завершению почти тысячелетняя история самураев — элиты японского феодального рыцарства. Эпицентр этого драматического перелома пришелся на Киото и гарнизон его защитников. Перед многими встал выбор: перейти на сторону мятежников или пожертвовать жизнью.
Бешеный ствол 2: Вне закона
An idealistic young lawyer whose faith in the law is rocked when she is unable to prevent a rapist from walking free. Her disillusionment of the judicial system is complete when her next case goes disastrously wrong, her corrupt boss is killed by her disappointed gangster clients, and she only narrowly escapes the same fate when a gun-toting stranger bursts into the office and shoots the men dead.
Labyrinth of Leg Fetishism
Another psychodrama, this time revolving around an SM club.
Lonely Hitman: The Blue Wolf
The City of Lost Souls
Brazilian-Japanese gangster Mario rescues his Chinese girlfriend Kei as she's about to be deported from Japan. Desperate to escape, he hides in Tokyo's booming Japanese-Portuguese community and seeks passage from the country from a Russian mobster. To meet his price, they hold up a bigtime drug deal between the Chinese Mafia and the local Yakuza.
Черный ангел 2
Mayo, the Black Angel, is ordered to assassinate a powerful syndicate leader. The hit goes awry, however, as the crime boss' bodyguard steps in the way. It's none other than Yamambe, who once rescued Mayo from a rape and has lived in her heart since then.
The Yakuza Way
After a three-year prison term in Japan, a yakuza heads for LA to buy two kilos of cocaine. He's going to smuggle it back to Japan, and it's to be his last score: he wants to marry Yoko, his long-suffering girlfriend, and get out of the life. But somebody sets him up, Yoko is shot, and he loses the suitcase of dope. He determines to stay in LA, retrieve the coke, and exact revenge: although he's a drug dealer, he still follows the samurai code of the yakuza. Along the way, he learns that his long-lost younger sister is in Los Angeles, and he teams up with an unlikely partner in his quest for justice: a petty thief who's trying to help a young woman get back to Japan.
Memory & Desire
Sayo and Keiji have eloped to New Zealand to marry, away from the interference of Keiji's disapproving mother in Japan. On their honeymoon, they have the freedom to express their love away from her repressive influence. However, on what should be the happiest of days, Keiji is drowned and Sayo must, by custom, return to live with her cruel and selfish mother-in-law.
Sleepy Heads
Hiro Hagiwara
Hiro moves from Japan to New York with the dream of becoming a singer-songwriter. Once he meets the lovely Akiko, however, the lives and the lives of his friends Akira and Ken will never be the same.
The President's Christmas Tree
Верная смерть! Мондо умирает
Когда художник умирает, официальной причиной смерти считается инсульт, но его дочь подозревает нечестную игру. Она прибегает к услугам наемного убийцы, который случайно встречает старого друга...
O-higara mo yoku, go-shusho sama
While Kazuo Tanaka eagerly practices his greetings for the big wedding the next day, his first as a matchmaker, his second daughter Hitomi prepares for her travels with her secret lover. The eldest daughter Reiko, nine months pregnant, has left her cheating husband to enter a frenzied Tanaka household. On the wedding day, Kazuo learns his father has passed away. Afraid of ruining the wedding, he asks Reiko and Hitomi to deal with the crisis. Rushing home after the ceremony, Kazuo and Kanako are faced with various problems.
See You at the Campground
Japanese romantic comedy film.
Yokohama Bakkuretai: Junjô goromaki shitô hen
Based on the comic book by Tetsu Kusamoto.
800 Two Lap Runners
This coming-of-age story revolves around two young long distance runners, Kenji Hirose and Ryuji Nakazawa. Kenji, haunted by memories of his dead friend Aihara with whom he had a brief homosexual affair, is now dating Aihara's former girlfriend Kyoko, but Kyoko is more interested in Kenji than he is in her. Ryuji, Kenji's friend and track rival, is pursuing hurdler Shoko but she in turn is after Kenji. Ryuji does have his own admirer, Nao, Kenji's younger sister, but when they do get together, Nao resembles her brother too much for Ryuji to go through with the lovemaking.
The Golden Trio of junior high school soccer players, Toshi, Kenji and Kazu, enroll at the new Kakegawa High School merely because they want to play with Kubo, the legendary player who learned his superb soccer techniques in Germany and who helped the Kakegawa team, which then consisted of freshmen only, win eight place in the all-Japan....
She's Rain
Kita no kuni kara '92 Sudachi Part 1
Fred Williams (Jeff) / Man B (voice)
Two brothers are in the spotlight: one a movie star making a football movie, the other a musician who occasionally goes to school (to cover for his sibling). What will destiny bring them?
The first theatrical work directed by Riki Takeuchi, The story of men who are intricately intertwined unfolds. It is a suspenseful action reminiscent of "Infernal Affairs".