Hu Kuang


Emperor of Shaolin Kung Fu
Sound Recordist
The Emperor is under attack by marauders and he is so depressed with his failure to protect his people, that he sees no other option than to kill himself. In his grief, he also decides to maim his daughter by cutting of her arm (there is a long tradition of one armed fighters in Hong Kong cinema). After being maimed, the Princess wanders around trying to enlist help from anyone who will listen to her, but no matter whom she meets they either prove too weak to fight off the marauders or they wind up betraying her. Things take a turn for the surreal when her faithful servant girl cuts off her own arm to impersonate the Princess and dies. The Princess goes crazy until she meets handsome Carter Wong, the gentle brute of a butcher who is caring for his Buddhist nun mother. He promises his mom on her death bed he will marry the now lunatic princess. Serious ass kicking ensues, including sword wielding women, and some high kicking action from Mr. Carter Wong. Enjoy!
Повелитель летающей гильотины
Sound Recordist
Однорукий Боксер отошел от боев и теперь держит школу кунг-фу, в которой учит своих студентов буквально преодолевать законы гравитации. Однако когда местный правитель устраивает турнир по боевым искусствам, Боксер не может пропустить такое событие и отправляется туда, пусть всего лишь в качестве вольного зрителя. Туда же прибывает и слепой мастер кунгфу, таскающий с собой шляпу с острыми ножами внутри и раскидывающийся ей при любом намеке на слово «однорукий» — Боксер в первой части убил двух его учеников. Наведя шорох на турнире, Слепой полностью срывает его, однако проблемы Боксера на этом не заканчиваются — прослышав о том, что он приехал, все как один участники решают померяться с ним силами, не давая ему быстро сделать ноги оттуда.
The Shaolin Kids
Lui is a powerful ex-minister who opposes the ambitious premier Hu Wei Yen. Lui is assassinated, so his daughter Lui Sin and an assorted band of people loyal to the emperor seeks revenge and justice. The premier made a mistake - he allowed a scroll of battle orders to fall into loyalist hands. Lui and Co learn this, and vow to take this proof of treason to the emperor. But, though the loyalists have Shaolin on their side, the premier has two renegade shaolin, who say "Earth and Sky", which makes them invincible, as well as golden pills, which restore their health if badly wounded. And, naturally, there are loads of old men who stroke their long white beards whilst nodding their heads.