Egil Ødegård

Рождение : 1961-11-08,


Diva of Finland
Northern small town girl, 18 year-old Henna is literally blinded by envy after stalking Silja, a girl moving from South and who seems to get everything Hanna dreams of. Diva of Finland is a story about rivalry between young women and getting over it.
BurnOut is a film about the grinding down of hope by the contradictory values and morals of Moroccan society and how a mere chance encounter can throw everything that is taken for granted as normal and correct into question once one has glimpsed the possibility of the love and companionship that lies just beyond the walls of the Moroccan society. A shoe shiner Ayoub, a bourgeois couple, Jad and Ines in a loveless marriage, a wealthy but ailing art collector, and a young medical student Aida moonlighting as an escort, each interaction forever changing them and setting them on an irreversible trajectory towards catharsis or total collapse.
Summer Children
The siblings Eydis and Kari are only five and six years old when their parents' marriage breaks apart. As their mother struggles to find her footing following the divorce, they are sent temporarily to a countryside children's home. But the stay turns out to be longer than they had ever expected.
Фильм основан на реальных событиях. В марте 1984 года в нескольких километрах от южного побережья Исландии затонуло рыболовное судно. Невероятным образом одному из членов команды удалось спастись. Он провел шесть часов в ледяной воде океана, пока его не выбросило на безжизненный вулканический остров. Но и здесь моряк чудом победил смерть. Однако на этом его беды не закончились…
Мы познакомились в Осло
Комедия рассказывает об отношениях мужчины и женщины. Хальдор и Вилборг познакомились на конференции в Осло, а вернувшись в Исландию, решили продолжить отношения. Он представил ей свою пассивно-агрессивную сестру, маму и ее любовника. Она познакомила его со своим занудным сыном и бывшим мужем-неврастеником. Так они и жили долго и счастливо…
Jan loves Jasmin, but she has been promised to a Pakistani nephew. Under the cover of writing a thesis on immigrant stores, Jan gets a job in the store of Jasmin's father where he tries to work on the father's attitude towards mixed marriages.
Cold Light
What could be better than knowing your future? And what could be worse? A love-filled childhood abruptly ends when catastrophe descends. A catastrophe that the child had foreseen yet failed to act upon.
Simon a mysterious man with a past returns to Iceland with the intention to end his no good life. Before he can complete his task he meets a young women DÚA who he believes might be his daughter. When she gets into trouble with the police Simon represses his death wish and decides to help her out. Together they flee to the city of Hamburg and smuggle with them what used to be the greatest export of the Vikings, an Icelandic Falcon. Their plan is to sell it to wealthy Arabs.
Чувствуя приближение старости, Тордур, глава семейства, попросил всех своих детей приехать в деревню, чтобы обсудить дальнейшую судьбу семейного бизнеса, работу всей своей жизни. Его надежды связаны с младшим сыном — Аугустом, который уехал в Париж изучать бизнес. Но отец не знает, что Аугуст мечтает стать композитором.
Within the walls of the hospital, the duo develops a strong visceral relationship that eventually takes them to an unknown emotional territory bouncing them between supposed fantasy and the vicious reality of life.
In the middle ages a small Greenlandic boy comes drifting with an Iceberg to a remote and superstitious settlement in Iceland and is believed to be an evil spirit by his looks. He saves a young boy from an avalanche and they become friends. The young Icelandic boy has to fight for his friends existence against the ignorant villagers, who want him imprisoned or even killed
Ангелы вселенной
Пол влюбился в девушку, но ее родители запрещают им встречаться. У Пола — шизофрения, он попадает в психиатрическую лечебницу. Будучи наделен талантами художника и поэта. Он отождествляет себя с героями Шекспира и Ван Гогом. Друзья Пола по клинике — Оли, у которого телепатический контакт с «Битлз» и эрудит Виктор, которому временами кажется, что он — Гитлер. Пытаясь скрасить ужас холодной исландской жизни, троица время от времени сбегает из больницы и наведывается то в гости к президенту, то в самый фешенебельный ресторан Рейкьявика.
Остров дьявола
Герои картины - бедные семьи, вынужденные ютиться в оставленных после Второй Мировой Войны руинах бункеров; заброшенных после боев английскими и американскими солдатами, что прежде назывались базой НАТО.
Syndig sommer
Four short films made by Norwegian female directors, Eremittkrepsen", "Bare en lek", "Stikk i hjertet" and "Sommermorgen".
Kalle and the Angels
Kalle and his dad is having a long planned summer holiday at his grandparents in the countryside, where has made a hang-glider as planned. But when the father falls down with it, and dies, only an angel keeps Kalle on his feet.
Stella Polaris
Knut Erik Jensen's personal visual poem, an Elegy for a culture that no longer exists. Stella Polaris is a personal document in fiction form of a bygone era and culture in the northernmost part of Norway. At the same time described the current Finnmark in the scene from our own time. The story is narrated by a woman's eyes, both as children in the busy fishing village and as an adult in the present. She returns to the birthplace and remember how life was before the fishing village was closed. Love story between her and her childhood friend is central to the action. 'Stella Polaris' is in the form of associative told with an unconventional dramaturgy.
Hvitsymre i utslåtten
Gjertrud has an affair with an engaged priest's son.
Det rare
A young boy is waiting for the bus. For a long time the bus arrives, but it is almost completely full. Just one seat is available, one seat in the middle of four beautiful girls ...
Den nye kapellanen
The people at Vassendgården are very curious, and one day a stranger walks by up in the mountains. He does not stop when they shout, but moves on.
An old man comes home with the ashes of his dead wife in an urn. As he waits for the kettle to boil, the relentless hissing of boiling water brings to mind memories. There is nothing ahead for the old man, only lack of purpose, sense of loss and loneliness. He embarks on a journey.