Andrew Sabiston

Рождение : 1965-02-08,


Little Bear - Rainy Day Tales
When it rains, sometimes Little Bear plays indoors...and sometimes Little Bear plays outdoors. Either way, Little Bear and his friends know how to have fun. A rainy day never puts a damper on Little Bear’s adventures - whether he is acting in a play or puddle jumping.
Strawberry Shortcake: Seaberry Beach Party
Strawberry's friend Coco Calypso and her animal friends have a happy life on Seaberry Island. But someone keeps stealing the seaberries Coco harvests! As Strawberry and Coco try to find the thief, they discover a shy girl named Seaberry Delight, and a fabulous new friend! Then, Strawberry, Rainbow Sherbet, Blueberry Muffin, Coco and Seaberry become mermaids in search of hidden treasure. In the process they meet a real-life Sea Beast and try to undo a mysterious magic spell.
Care Bears: Big Wish Movie
Tenderheart Bear (voice)
Feeling sad that her fellow Care Bears don't seem to appreciate her wishes, Wish Bear uses her wish star, Twinkers, to find some bears who love wishing as much as she does. That's when three new bears move to Care-a-lot...with some very unexpected results.
Заботливые Мишки: Путешествие в Шутляндию
Tenderheart Bear (voice)
В один прекрасный день, когда над шутками Весельчака уже никто не смеется, он покидает свою страну в поисках места, где его чувство юмора будет оценено по достоинству. Дорога приводит его в сказочную страну Шутляндию, где юмор правит всем и Весельчак становится королем! Он восседает на троне, охраняя волшебные сокровища, таящие в себе магическую силу Шутляндии. Беспокоясь о своем пропавшем друге, Выручайка и Неунывайка вместе с другими Заботливыми мишками отправляются на поиски Весельчака и просят его вернуться домой. Что же он выберет: жизнь в королевских почестях или заботе любящих друзей? Останется ли Весельчак в стране, где все серьезное запрещено, а шутки правят всем, или вернется обратно? Все это вы узнаете, посмотрев великолепную музыкальную историю, наполненную радостью, смехом, любовью и заботой!
Care Bears: Season of Caring
Tenderheart Bear
Celebrate the seasons with the Care Bears, as the fun, friendly little creatures love and laugh all year round. Hugs and Tugs are kept inside by the rain in "It's Raining, It's Boring," but they manage to overcome their boredom with lots of fun activities. Champ helps a young skiier gain the confidence to hit the slopes after an accident in "No Business like Snow Business," while elsewhere Beastly and Shreeky try to stop him. In "The Cloud Monster," Bright Heart is busily creating a cloud machine to capture the monster that Beastly made. Other episodes include "Caring For Spring," "Ski Trouble," and "The Frozen Forest."
Rescue Heroes: The Movie
Bob Sled (voice)
A series of mysterious lightning storms wreaking havoc worldwide as they spiral through the atmosphere toward Greenland. Once they collide, they will create one massive storm that will result in cataclysmic destruction. But the Rescue Heroes use their new Mission Select equipment to contain the disasters all over the world caused by these strange storms. But Billy Blazes is poisoned on a mission and getting weaker by the moment, and Rocky Canyon is grounded for insubordination, therefore making the team short-handed. The Rescue Heroes face their biggest challenge yet, since they must find a cure to save Billy and solve the mystery of the storms in order to save the world in time.
Пиф-паф, ты – мертв
Mr. Olson
История школьника Тревора, который стал жертвой задир. Это привело мальчика, казалось бы, в безвыходную ситуацию. Однако школьный учитель актерского мастерства решает помочь юноше, предлагая ему роль в постановке. Только через некоторое время пьеса оказывается под угрозой запрета, что может вернуть все проблемы Тревора, лишь обострив ситуацию.
The Book of Pooh: Fun with Friends
Piglet (voice)
From the heart of Hundred Acre Wood comes this magical learning video series. It's honey-packed with fun-filled, imaginative stories that explore language appreciation, communication and relationships.
Мишка и его друзья
Мишка вместе с отцом отправляется в путешествие по живописным Пирожковым Холмам. Там наш герой встречает нового друга - дикого медвежонка Яшку, живущего в лесу. Яшка хорошо знает лес, его опасности и тайны, с которыми он знакомит Мишку, учит его общатьсяс незнакомцами... А Мишка открывает Яшке безопасный мир домашнего медведя, полный уюта и тепла. Друзья прекрасно проводят время в играх и забавах и даже отправляются в космическое путешествие... В обществе Мишки Яшка забывает о том, что потерял своих родителей. Но ведь у него есть друзья, которые помогут ему их найти... Приглашаем на встречу с Мишкой и его друзьями!
Donkey Kong Country: The Legend of the Crystal Coconut
Diddy Kong (voice)
Legend says whoever holds the Crystal Coconut will get any wish granted. Now everybody on the island of Kongo Bongo is going bananas trying to get the coconut, including ruthless crocodile King K. Rool and notorious pirate Captain Scurvy. But our hero Donkey Kong has a few surprises up his fur-covered sleeve!
Donkey Kong Country: The Legend of the Crystal Coconut
Diddy Kong (voice)
It's the wildest, hairiest, most fur-ocious Donkey Kong adventure yet, as the popular Nintendo™ character swings into his own 3-D animated full-length feature! Legend says whoever holds the Crystal Coconut will get any wish granted. Now everybody on the island of Kongo Bongo is going bananas trying to get the coconut, including ruthless crocodile King K. Rool and notorious pirate Captain Scurvy. But our hero D.K. has a few surprises up his fur-covered sleeve! Brilliant 3-D animation, original songs and coconutty characters make this "rumble in the jungle" a great family video.
Star Wars: Droids - The Battle Against Sise Fromm
Thall Joben
Combination of episodes 1 to 4 of the animated series Droid Adventures. After being dumped in the Ingo Desert by their master, C-3PO and R2-D2 accidentally run into several new masters and collide with gangsters, criminals, pirates, Boba Fett, IG-88, the Galactic Empire and other threats , finding themselves in various difficult situations.
Samuel Lount
Young Willson
Back in 1837 in the Northwoods of Canada and beyond, a movement was started among the colonialists to demand the right to own property in the New World. This interesting docudrama follows the tragic outcome of that movement for one of its leaders, the pacifist and nearly beatific Samuel Lount (also the great-great-great uncle of producer Elvira Lount). The orator and journalist William Lyon Mackenzie stoked up the fire among the property-deprived, and a march on Toronto was begun. Lount was convinced to join the rebellion much against his better judgment -- he belonged to the Children of Peace religious sect. Lount's own pacifism meant nothing to the authorities; they executed Lount for treason after crushing the rebellion. R.H. Thomson plays the title role in this low-budget but high-energy effort.
When We First Met
Rob Montana
A teenage girl falls in love with a boy, then discovers that his mother is the drunk driver who killed her sister.