Yukitaro Hotaru


Song of the Devil
Bakyo is a talented but unsuccessful rakugo artist. The very successful Rokyu wants to take Bakyo under his wings, but Bakyo refuses, claiming that Rokyu's rakugo is compromised by the elements of kabuki. But Bakyo changes his mind and determines to learn (or steal) Rokyu's craft and makes it his own.
Gateway to Glory
A young man leaves his widowed mother on her improverished farm and makes his career in the Japanese navy.
Woman Gambler and the Nun
Eighth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Гамера против Гяоса
Из-за извержения вулканов от долгого сна пробудился древний монстр Гяос. Это существо, похожее на огромную летучую мышь, напало на близлежащую деревню и помешало строительству скоростной автомагистрали. Когда монстр стал нападать на крупные города, людям пришлось придумать план, как его остановить. Но им не везло. И тут на помощь пришла гигантская суперчерепаха Гамера, за которой теперь навсегда установился титул друга всех детей и защитницы Японии.
Back Stairways
A young man named Kijima who works as a pianist in a small bar is surprised when one of the customers asks if he won't pretend to be the fiance of his sister. He is even more surprised when he is offered a million yen to play this apparently harmless role. Actually, it is anything but harmless. Both the customer and his sister are involved in a jewel robbery in which they have double-crossed two of their accomplices who are now out of prison and thirsting for revenge.