Marie-France Santon

Marie-France Santon


Marie-France Santon


Все ради нее
Infirmière prison
Лиза, Жюльен и их маленький сын Оскар — счастливая семья. Но однажды утром полиция приезжает за Лизой. Её обвиняют в преднамеренном убийстве. Все улики свидетельствуют против неё. И теперь Жюльен, обычный учитель французского, готов сделать всё, чтобы спасти жену. Даже если ему придётся переступить границы закона.
The Poisoner
Mme Trousseau
Loudun, October 1947. Leon Besnard and Marie celebrate their eighteenth wedding anniversary with friends and Ady, a former German prisoner they have "adopted". A few days later, Leon dies. Louise, a friend of the couple's and probably Leon's mistress claims that, on his deathbed, the deceased told her that Marie was poisoning him. The whole town soon condemns Marie and she is arrested and sent to jail. Did she really kill Léon as well as twelve other members of her family as she finds herself charged with?
Never Say... Never!
Baronne de Mantes
Paris, 1830. Valentin loses himself in alcohol, gambling and women. He does not believe in life and especially not in love. His uncle Van Buck believes only in the virtues of money and trade. Everything separates them until the day when Van Buck, to improve his public image, wants to make Valentin marry the young and impoverished Baroness Cécile. Valentin, who has absolutely no desire to get married, bets that he can easily seduce her in 24 hours and thus prove that she, like all the others, is not worth loving... But Cécile, who believes in true love, will prove much more difficult to woo than envisaged and Valentin will have to use all possible stratagems to try and win his bet. The game of cat and mouse starts... But who is the cat?
Joyeuses Pâques
Agathe et le grand magasin
A bygone symbol of the luxury of yesteryear and a true institution in a provincial town, the "Grand Magasin" is living its last hours. Indeed, the management, which can no longer afford the establishment, is preparing to sell the store to a large distribution group. Agathe, a saleswoman in the men's department for more than 25 years, is shocked to discover that all the staff will be laid off. Feeling both betrayed and responsible for the future of the "Grand Magasin", she becomes a passionaria, leading her colleagues to revolt, a true leader. The operation finally seems to bear fruit when the sale is cancelled and a new director is appointed.
Окольные пути
Июнь 1940 года. Немцы вот-вот оккупируют Париж. Среди горожан, в спешке покидающих город, наследница миллионов Люс, ее любовник Брюно, подруга Диана и приятель Лоик. Для этой компании снобов-аристократов бегство от врага — вроде поездки на пикник. А маленькая ферма, где они вынуждены укрыться, кажется воплощением Средневековья. И там праздным бездельникам впервые в жизни придется спуститься с великосветских небес на землю: водить трактор, доить коров, убирать сено, спать в хлеву и — кошмар из кошмаров! — пользоваться удобствами во дворе…
Болезнь Захса
Mme Borgès
Доктор Бруно Захс пользуется большой популярностью у жителей одного провинциального городка. Недавно Захс открыл свою частную клинику, и теперь все население городка обращаются к нему не только за медицинской помощью. Многие люди приходят к врачу, чтобы просто поговорить о жизни, поделиться своими проблемами. Больше всего жителей городка интересует личная жизнь холостого Закса. Они подмечают, что автомобиль Полины, местной красавицы, часто стоит возле дома доктора...
Le ruban
madame Paginet
Love Affairs Usually End Badly
Zina, young theater opener, hesitates between the love of Slim, taxi driver who hopes to become a lawyer and that of Frederic, who holds the poster at the theater. Why not keep her two loves?
Le voleur et la menteuse
The thief: a gangster on the lam, is waiting for a boat which is to sail away from this harbor,a dead end. The liar: a young woman he meets in a restaurant tells him the story of her life based on the screenplay of a movie she was to make. They fall head over heels in love. The convict who has just escaped from jail wants to keep her out of his predicament, but after a night of desperate love, she refuses to leave him.And the police are tracking him down.
La Crise
Madame Laville
Victor is a legal advisor who finds himself abandoned by his wife and fired the same day. He tries to seek comfort from different friends and family members, but everyone he meets is concerned with their own problems. His morale begins to falter when he realizes that no one cares about him.
Странное место для встречи
На ночном шоссе случайно встретились двое абсолютно непохожих людей — респектабельная женщина Франс, просто выброшенная из машины своим мужем, и одинокий неудачник Шарль, который никак не может починить постоянно барахлящий мотор своего автомобиля…
L'apprentissage de la ville
Reduced to poverty, a young man is taken in by a rich lady who asks him for some dangerous services in exchange.