Marianna Burelli

Marianna Burelli

Рождение : , Caracas, Venezuela


She's worked in film, theatre and TV in England and Mexico City. She's currently based between Los Angeles and Mexico. Marianna has played the lead in TV shows such as Paramédicos, Season 1, 2 and 3, Ingobernable, El Torito, amongst many others.


Marianna Burelli


Убийство Кабоса 2: Маска
Hipster Popotes
Столкнувшись с неожиданной смертью своего отчужденного отца Эла Маскары и последующей кражей его драгоценной маски, Рубен-Маскарита столкнется со своим прошлым. Вместе со своим непобедимым телохранителем Тони «Каннибалом» и неожиданным союзником у него будет всего один день, чтобы вернуть все и восстановить честь своего отца.
Потому что я влюбилась
Ради того чтобы переспать с местной звездой, Габо, Дани соглашается на секс с Херардо, толстым работником бара и коллегой по сцене Габо. Однако затем она всерьез в него влюбляется, и все планы рушатся.
Королевишна Синди
Синди 24 года. Она балованная дочка богатого папы. Но вдруг она решила изменить свою жизнь и прямо в день рождения сбежала из богемного Монтеррея в опасный для богатых девочек город Мехико.
Left High And Dry
A man is left at the altar by his bride, so his two cousins decide to bring him to the place they used to go on vacation when they were kids.
Без ума от работы
Алисия — трудоголик-руководитель, которая внезапно теряет работу и семью. В процессе восстановления она общается с соседкой и помогает ей в ее бизнесе. Именно так ей удается быть самой успешной бизнес-леди в стране. Во время этого процесса она пытается отвоевать своего мужа, но понимает, что ей придется научиться балансировать между работой и семейной жизнью.
Ya Veremos
The story of Santi, a preteen who is dealing with the recent separation of his parents Rodrigo and Alejandra. Despite their divorce, Santi's parents are both desperately devoted to their son. When the three learn that Santi has a medical condition that could jeopardize his eyesight, Santi's father encourages him to make a list of places and things he wants to see and do before losing his sight completely. Santi immediately obliges with an elaborate list but with one condition - the estranged couple must come together to help him fulfill his dreams. As the three embark on the amazing, sometimes wacky adventure, the couple must learn how to live together for the sake of their son. But will the adventure open their eyes and make separating impossible? We'll see....
Everything's Gone Wrong!
When a young diplomat manages to get the Austrian government to return the Plume of Moctezuma to Mexico for an exhibition, his life quickly falls apart.
How to Break Up with Your Douchebag
This comedy takes its cue from such female-centered films as "Bridesmaids" and "Trainwreck." Pic centers on a woman who makes a living from breaking up couples and decides to take on the task of splitting up her sister's relationship with her jerk of a boyfriend.
Casi una gran estafa
El que busca, encuentra
A woman and a man who met at a soccer game. Years later, they decide to see each other again at the same place they found their passion, a soccer match with the same teams playing against each other.
The Obscure Spring
Igor is a plumber; Pina serves coffee. It is winter and they both deeply desire each other, but they are not free. In trying to figure out how to realize their love, she decides to make a lion costume for her little son and he decides to buy a photocopying machine for his wife. Spring will come at last and with it the consummation of love, filling their lives with hope and sex.
Jesús Andrade, a young thug, has decided to rob a stagecoach. At the time of the robbery he realizes that this is one of many stagecoaches of Governor Francisco Carreño and without giving enough importance he continues to theft, then suddenly he falls in love.
Almost Thirty
Hilarious romantic comedy which main essence is based on the maturation process that young people face when entering their thirties. When their options come to settling down and starting a family or pursuing and achieving what they've always dreamed of, even though this could become a risk for their economic and emotional stability.
La ruleta de los sueños