Обитатели маленькой деревеньки жили совершенно спокойно и счастливо, пока в один «прекрасный» день не появился бизнесмен, решивший построить здесь крупный международный курорт…
During the Mongol invasion of Poland, a conflict between Mongol Emperor Genghis Khan and his oldest son Ogotai ensues when the former aims for peace and the latter itches for war and conquest.
The new science teacher Dr. Julian Olcott with a mysterious past arrives in an institutional boarding school for troublemaker girls. Along the night, the intern Mary Smith, who is blackmailing another teacher - Sir Alfred Whiteman - with some love letters, is slaughtered by a werewolf. The detective in charge of the investigation attributes the crime to a wolf, while her mate Priscilla believes she was killed by Sir Alfred. On the next days, other deaths happen in the school, reducing the list of suspects.
An unemployed man gets a job as traffic policeman but the traffic in the big city creates innumerous problems for the poor guy.
Giovanni is a young widower with a son who is attracted to the charming teen Allegra.
Scientists discover that a group of meteors are hurtling on a collison course with Earth, and if they hit, the planet will be destroyed.
Антонио Локаротоло в жизни твердо следовал заповеди: «Обмани ближнего своего, пока он не обманул тебя сам». А профессия знахаря давала ему для этого неограниченные (в масштабе отдельно взятой деревни) возможности. Но однажды в деревне появился молодой врач Франческо и сладкая жизнь мошенника оказалась под угрозой. Однако Антонио не из тех, кто сдается без боя и доктор еще не раз пожалеет, что его занесла нелегкая в деревню на холме.
The adventures of a young couple of high school students: her father is not opposed to their love, but the other, a doctor of prestige, is not at all happy about it.
A traveling salesman is sent to prison after being accused of bigamy, while his wife and son are forced to consider leaving him permanently.
In the reign of king Louis XV,a handsome student,Des Grieux, meets his charming cousin,Manon,just when she goes to the convent of Amiens,to take the veil.
A landowner loves a good girl, but is ensnared by another richer woman who is actually aiming for her fortune. This she will be able to temporarily make the two young men go away but the man makes his girlfriend understand that her is true love; he realizes that he has been the victim of a scam and will bring the woman he has always loved to the altar.
The story of a woman who marries the brother of a guardian who was killed by her brother.