Guillermo S. Maldonado


Growing up in an orphanage, two brothers give each other treacherous challenges. As adults, they play the game once more — putting their lives at risk.
Little Galicia
Dragon Hunter
Gorka has long postponed again and again the answer to the pressing questions that his son Aitor asks about his past. Gorka, a member of ETA political-military until its dissolution in the early eighties, ends joining the guerrillas in Central America. A life experience shared with Maddalen, a nurse and committed Christian, with José, an indigenous guerrilla member, and Andrés a former military, head of the insurrection. An experience that will transform them all.
Sukalde kontuak
20-N: Los últimos días de Franco
Two journalists investigate the criminal activities of the GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación), a secret terrorist organization founded in the eighties and financed by leading figures in the Spanish government and security forces to hunt down and exterminate both members and collaborators of the terrorist gang ETA.
Zeru horiek
Irene, a former member of the terrorist gang ETA recently released from prison in Catalonia, recalls her past during her return trip to the Basque Country.
Микел Лехарза, псевдоним «Лобо», был агентом испанских спецслужб, которому удалось проникнуть в ЭТА между 1973 и 1975 годами. Он привел к гибели около 150 активистов и сотрудников, в том числе самых видных членов специальных команд и высших чиновников. руководство. «Операция Лобо» была ударом по террористической организации в то время, когда ее кровавые атаки становились идеальным поводом для наиболее инволюционных секторов режима Франко пытаться заблокировать установление демократии.
Закон Ирода
Editorial Production Assistant
В маленьком мексиканском городке молодой простак, член партии PRI по имени Хуан Варгас назначен временным мэром после того, как предыдущий мэр был убит разозленными жителями. Недостаток средств не позволяет ему работать на благо города и тогда попросив помощи у своего начальника, секретаря председателя партии, он получает томик конституции Мексики и револьвер — ему сказано, что единственный закон — это закон Ирода: «поимей их до того, как они поимели тебя».
Todo está oscuro
Marta must travel to Colombia to take charge of the corpse of his brother Juan, who has been murdered. Once there, she gets involved in a mysterious plot.
Los porretas
Razones sentimentales
Mario, a young and uprooted Menorcan fisherman, falls in love with Irene, a Barcelona socialite who spends her holidays on the island with her young daughter. After the ambiguous initial relationship, victim of the rumors and slander, she decides to leave him. Mario, unable to resign himself, follows her to Barcelona, where he finds her imprisoned in a marriage lacking in love, in which her husband, a rich and powerful industrialist related to shady business, holds her under the threat of separating her from her daughter.
¡Semos peligrosos! (Uséase Makinavaja 2)
As soon as he is released from prison, Maki goes to look for his friend Popeye. Together they rescue the grandfather from a dangerous form of "Russian roulette" played in the asylum, and decide to take a vacation at the beach.
Dollar Mambo
Music and dance nurture the story of a group of people who live in a popular neighborhood. The invasion of North American soldiers to Panama will break the tranquility of the place bringing a wave of violence with them.
Makinavaja, el último choriso
A movie based on the Spanish comic strip of the same name.
Doblones de a ocho
Doblones de a ocho
Matar al Nani
The story of El Nani, a juvenile delinquent from the years of the Transition, whose disappearance in a police station after an interrogation has not yet been clarified, putting the accent on the denunciation of police brutality and speculating on the outcome of the story. A story that mixes political denunciation and social chronicle of an era.
The Way They Were
The Way They Were is a Spanish Drama starring Antonio Banderas
El polizón del Ulises
Réquiem por un campesino español
Hypocrisy and betrayal are the two dramatic pivots in this effective, emotionally gripping tragedy about the life and death of Paco (Antonio Banderas), a Spanish peasant who had been fighting against the feudal landowning system that kept farmers impoverished. Paco's life is told in flashbacks by a priest (Antonio Ferrandis) who is seen officiating at an anniversary mass attended by three wealthy landowners and no one else. The priest recalls Paco's baptism, his communion, his marriage ceremony and then his work for the peasants as he advocated and led them in a land-reform movement. The rest of the story will rest heavy on the priest's conscience, as he looks out at his empty church.
Futuro Imperfecto
Some friends struggle for their first jobs.
Bajo en nicotina
A film buff can't watch his videos in peace as he is disturbed by his clingy girlfriend and noisy neighbours. He will take drastic measures to get them to shut up for once and for all.
Piernas cruzadas
Lucerito is a Spanish star who has come to Mexico, accompanied by her godfather and her agent, to find work. Rosario is from upper class society and has grown tired of the demands made upon her by her family. When they meet each other in a Mexican hotel, they discover that they could be each other's identical twin and decide to change places.
Paper Heart
Ups and downs of a news agency led by Antonio Borja, a veteran journalist formed during the Franco regime, with the help of his godson and protegé Tomás. The threat of economic bankruptcy, the appearance of Julia, a young journalist from last university generations, the background of the world of tabloids (tricks used by celebrities to remain so, reports sold exclusively by interested parties, photos of Stolen nudes that have been previously agreed) and what is behind the covers of magazines that weekly buy people eager for gossip form the rest of the plot.
Dos y dos, cinco
The Adventures of Zipi and Zape
¡En qué lío me han metido!
The Truth on the Savolta Affair
Barcelona between 1917 and 1923. Is the era of gangsterism, during which gunmen clash between anarchists and thugs paid by The Patronal showed a shocking number of deaths. The confrontation between anarchists and workers of the factory owners Savolta arms worsens when Savolta family decides to end the rebellion hiring murderers hired and plotting to hide their illegal transactions with Germany. Adapted from the novel by Eduardo Mendoza.
Seven Days in January
After the death of Franco, the nostalgic fascist regime attempts to preserve the 1936's order.
Alice in Spanish Wonderland
Four different Alices wander through mazes constructed from 40 years of Spanish history in this post-Franco meditation. Loosely related to the "Alice" of Alice in Wonderland, in one episode of this film, Alice (who is clearly a metaphor for the Spanish people) is raped by some multinational corporations. Told in a somewhat confusing manner, especially for those unfamiliar with the nuances of Spain's history in the period between 1936 and 1975, this is director Jorge Feliu's first feature film.
Пришествие греха
Суеверная служанка, которой снятся кошмары о голом мужчине верхом на лошади, приезжает жить к одинокой художнице в ее загородный замок. По мере того, как художник берет девушку под свое покровительство, между ними завязываются чувственные отношения.
Luto Riguroso
After the death of the Father, the women of the family gather at an old isolated house. Old rivalries surface causing nobody to notice the youngest daughter, Loli, sneaking out to meet up with a local hermit. The naïve girl quickly ends up pregnant. After Loli is raped whilst travelling home, everything comes to light and causes unexpected changes for the family.
Jill is a young actress in decline who does not do things very well, neither professionally nor personally. Used by all those around her, everything will change for her the moment she meets Luis, a waiter. Now she has something that makes her happy and for which she has a reason to live.
El mirón
Despite being unhappy about it, a middle-aged man, allows his wife to carry on affairs in order to keep his marriage together.
In memoriam
A writer loses his beloved, in the hands of another man, wihtout having expressed his feelings to her.
Libertad provisional
A small-time delinquent young man and a book saleswoman at home delivery, who occasionally engage in prostitution as a derivative of her work, try a way of coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom schemes.
To Die... To Sleep... Perchance to Dream
Given the proximity of death, the experiences of the past come to the memory of Juan. In a fragmented, sometimes confused way, Juan relives the crucial moments of his life, always linked to the names of women. Moments that remind him of having missed numerous opportunities to be happy.
Mi mujer es muy decente, dentro de lo que cabe
Особняк безумия
Группа путешественников попадает в замок, которым правит доктор Фрагонар. Он собрал сотню сумасшедших с целью вылечить их новым методом успокоения, а на самом деле организовал в сущности секту, в которой всё подчинено ему
Navarra, las cuatro estaciones
The Revenge of Hurricane Ramírez
Landru, a French businessman, arrives Mexico with the idea of ​​promoting their fighters, what nobody knows is that besides Landru promoter and fighter is a mad scientist who seeks to alter human genetics mixing it with the animal to make stronger and fiercer to their gladiators.