Rino Romano

Rino Romano

Рождение : 1969-07-01,


Voice Actor / Artist / Performer.


Rino Romano


Братья Супер Марио в кино
Uncle Tony (voice)
Анимационный фильм, основанный на компьютерной игре Super Mario Bros. Работая под землей над ремонтом водопровода, бруклинские сантехники — братья Марио и Луиджи — спускаются по таинственной трубе и попадают в волшебный новый мир. Но когда братья разлучаются, Марио отправляется в эпическое путешествие, чтобы найти Луиджи.
Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest
The Narrator (voice)
Halloween is almost here and George can't wait for the festivities to begin: carving pumpkins, costume contests, and especially the Annual Boo Festival. Eager to get the festivities started, George and Allie visit Renkins' Farm to pick out the perfect pumpkin. There, they are told the spooky tale of the Legend of No Noggin. As the story goes, No Noggin is a hat-kicking scarecrow who appears on Halloween to kick people's hats off. On Halloween night, George and Allie are determined to get a picture of No Noggin and prove he's real once and for all. Will they be able to get the proof? Only the curious will find out!
Cat Wars: Lion vs. Cheetah
Narrator (voice)
After filming one of the most unusual attacks ever seen in the African savannah - four cheetahs being brutally attacked by two male lions - filmmaker Reinhard "Leo" Kuenkel joins forces with world-renowned lion expert Craig Packer to decipher what happened during this incredible take down, and more importantly, why it happened in the first place. They go frame by frame though the footage of the fight to break the details of the attack, and place them in the context of what they know about the way these animals act. Along the way, Kuenkel and Packer make some stunning revelations about the dark relationship between lions and cheetahs, and perhaps finally explain one of the last great African wildlife mysteries.
Побег из Вегаса
Announcer (voice)
Новая комедия расскажет о том, как однажды молодого сотрудника страховой компании наняли сопровождать безбашенного рокера из Лондона на концерт в Греческом театре Лос Анджелеса.
Дрэгонлэнс: Драконы осенних сумерек
Caramon Majere (voice)
300 лет назад Боги отвернулись от людей и на земле воцарился хаос. Никто уже не верил в то, что Боги существовали и только некоторые продолжали искать подтверждения, что Боги существуют и они вернутся. Злая сила, во главе с темной королевой Такхизис, захватила землю и пленила людей, превратив их в рабов и только вера в Богов может спасти людей от темных сил…
История Пиксара
Scratch Track Narration (voice)
A look at the first years of Pixar Animation Studios - from the success of "Toy Story" and Pixar's promotion of talented people, to the building of its East Bay campus, the company's relationship with Disney, and its remarkable initial string of eight hits. The contributions of John Lasseter, Ed Catmull and Steve Jobs are profiled. The decline of two-dimensional animation is chronicled as three-dimensional animation rises. Hard work and creativity seem to share the screen in equal proportions.
Biohazard 4: Incubate
Luis Sera (voice)
A special CGI film made-for DVD summarizing the story of the Resident Evil 4 game, excluding a couple of scenes for narrative consistency. Leon S. Kennedy, now a federal agent, is hired to rescue the president's daughter from a sinister cult.
The Science of Superman
Narrator (voice)
Documentary about the science related to Superman's Powers.
Бэтмен против Дракулы
Bruce Wayne / Batman
В то время как Готэм Сити спит под прикрытием темноты, вылетают две легендарные мыши. Одна из них превращает город в армию вампиров, а другая пытается сделать все возможное, чтобы предотвратить это событие. Но Дракула — зто не просто один из врагов Бэтмена, он обладает сверхъестественными способностями, скоростью и умом. Хотя даже со своим арсеналом технических приспособлений, Черный Рыцарь смертен.
Стюарт Литтл 3: Зов природы
Monty (voice)
Веселая поездка семьи за город тоже может стать настоящим приключением… Собирайтесь в дорогу с дружной семьей Литтлов. В этой захватывающей истории семейка Литтлов отправляется в самое увлекательное путешествие. Стюарт вновь готов к приключениям и постигает уроки выживания в дикой природе у бравого скунса Рико. Снежок, привыкший к уютному дому, напуган и поэтому его сопровождает телохранитель — смышленый уличный кот Монти. Но, пустившись в поход Литтлы не были готовы к встрече с неизвестным хищником, обитающим в тех местах.
Cruel But Necessary
Cruel But Necessary is the story of Betty Munson's strange journey of self-discovery and soul-awakening in the traumatic years following the revelation, on videotape, of her husband's infidelity. Her marriage over, struggling to raise her teen-age son alone, Betty becomes driven to discover other secrets that may surround her and so she videotapes every aspect of her life during the gradual disintegration of her comfortable upper middle-class existence. Sometimes used as an eavesdropping device, other times as a confessional, Betty's camera dispassionately records the layers of family and personal dynamics. The film is seen entirely from the viewpoint of Betty's video camera resulting in a "surveillance tape" that is a kind of voyeurism of the absurd
Backstory: Gentleman's Agreement
Darryl F. Zanuck ignores the protests of his peers and makes a movie about antisemitism called Gentleman's Agreement (1947).
Cleopatra: The Film That Changed Hollywood
Documentary about the making of 20th Century Fox's 1963 film "Cleopatra," then the most expensive film of all time.
Backstory: 'How Green Was My Valley'
Documentary about how the creative energies of Darryl F. Zanuck and John Ford combined to forge an enduring masterpiece despite the challenges of wartime production.
Backstory: 'All About Eve'
A documentary about the making of the 1950 film "All About Eve."
NASCAR Racers: The Movie
Carlo "Stunts" Rey
Two NASCAR teams - Team Fastex and Team Rexcor - go head to head in this TV movie adaptation of the 3-part pilot of the FOX Kids-based animated series that takes auto racing into the future.
Rocky Marciano
Allie Colombo
Step into the ring with one of America's greatest legends...and stand a couple of rounds with greatness! "Pulling no punches" (LA Daily News), Jon Favreau (Swingers) and OscarÂ(r) winner* George C. Scott give TKO performances in this outstanding biography of the only undefeated world heavyweight champion in the history of boxing! In the small blue-collar town of Brockton, Massachusetts, young Rocky Marciano (Favreau) turns to the ring as his ticket out. Training twice as hard and twice as long as anyone else, he pounds his way to victory and his reputation quickly spreads as "the guy to beat." But behind the gloves Rocky is unhappy with his gift and he's thinking of retiring. So, with the fate of his career hanging in the balance, he finds a way to unleash his thunder againthis time against his biggest hero: Joe Louis!
Бэтмен будущего: Полнометражный фильм
Kidnapper (voice)
Брюс Уэйн боролся с преступниками в образе Бэтмена достаточно долго. Однако ничто не вечно. Когда ему было 55 лет, он совершил свою последнюю вылазку. Постаревший Брюс Уэйн пытается вырвать из лап похитителей дочь своей давней знакомой Вероники Вриланд, но в самый неподходящий момент дает о себе знать старая рана, и застигнутый врасплох герой вынужден взяться за пистолет. Осознав, что чуть было не опустился до уровня своих противников, Брюс понимает, что не может больше продолжать игру по собственным правилам, и решает завершить карьеру борца с несправедливостью. Спустя 20 лет старшеклассник Терри Макгиннис, случайно попав в поместье Брюса, примеряет последнюю модификацию костюма Бэтмена, дающую ему способность летать и суперсилу — и легенда рождается заново: под мудрым руководством многоопытного Уэйна Терри выходит на бой со злом во всех его разновидностях.
Benny (voice)
On her 13th birthday, Marnie learns she's a witch, discovers a secret portal, and is transported to Halloweentown — a magical place where ghosts and ghouls, witches and werewolves live apart from the human world. But she soon finds herself battling wicked warlocks, evil curses, and endless surprises.
The Conspiracy of Fear
The shocking, tragic death of his father propels Chris King into a nightmare. Running for his life, Chris fights off street thugs, a homicidal psychopath, and the CIA. He teams up with a beautiful but rough petty thief to uncover why he has become the hunted. Together, they discover that a valuable piece of information his father left behind is worth killing for-they just have to stay alive to find it.
Phil Alderisio
The true story of a love affair between mob boss Sam Giancana and singer Phyllis McGuire.
The Club
Time stops at midnight at the Senior Prom for five students, one murderous counselor, and John. They must find the courage to face themselves or, when time starts again, they may find that they are joining John's Club. All you have to do is commit murder... or suicide.
I Love a Man in Uniform
Henry Adler, an outwardly normal banker, yearns to make it in show business and still answers to his overbearing father. When Henry is hired to act in a television police drama, he realizes his big break has arrived and decides to do whatever it takes to get into the role — even if that means donning his police costume in public during off hours. It isn't long, however, before Henry begins to take the law into his own hands as his violent side chillingly emerges.
Amy Fisher: My Story
This sensational true story of a near fatal attraction left Mary Jo Buttafuoco paralyzed for life and made Amy Fisher America's most infamous teenager. Imprisoned 5-15 years for a crime she confessed to Fisher has nothing to lose by telling how it was-her way, her story. Deception, Promiscuous Sex, and Violence