В середине XIX века наступают последние дни сегунов и самураев. Ветер перемен ощущается по всей Японии и даже в маленьком княжестве Унасаку на северо-западном побережье Японии… Тайную технику фехтования «Коготь дьявола» знает только Мунедзо, поэтому мир самураев еще не готов позволить Мунедзо уйти на свободу.
Beautiful bounty hunter Rio (Mai Yanbara) infiltrates a mysterious village filled with criminals to claim a new reward -but the village hides a deadly conspiracy aimed at the seductive vigilante. Lotus (Misaki Mori) uses her sensual black magic to heat things up for the bounty hunter and newcomer Moe Nishimura as Fury, brings all the bandits to their knees with her special brand of sexual sorcery!
Sara Shimada stars as ninja vixen Iris, who's searching far and wide for a samurai to help her defeat her evil sister, the mighty and fearless Queen Dark Mist. As she prepares for the ultimate battle of sibling rivalry, Iris's prayers are answered when she meets a beautiful mute who possesses a great power: the "Flame of Seduction." The two brave female warriors combine skills in combat and physical magnetism to ensure justice is served.