Rick Edrich


Trust Us, This Is All Made Up
Executive Producer
Immortalized in the world of improv comedy, Second City veterans TJ Jagodowksi and David Pasquesi explore the unique partnership and transcendental forces that govern their legendary performances.
Fanatical birdwatchers have descended upon a small town in the Arkansas bayou in hopes of finding the celebrated Ivory Billed Woodpecker. Declared extinct in the 1940’s, the bird has apparently been spotted by numerous experts. Enter amateur birder and poet Johnny Neander, who has convinced his taciturn sidekick that he will be the one to find the elusive woodpecker. The ensuing chaos divides the small town between believers and non-believers, rabid environmentalists and opportunistic entrepreneurs. Much like the bird itself, Woodpecker explores the intersection of fact and fiction, manipulating our notions of documentary and narrative techniques within a tragic comedy about hope, perception, and some very very strange birds.
The Hole Story
Winter. Brainerd, Minnesota. Despite arctic temperatures sheathing hundreds of surrounding lakes in three feet of solid ice, a massive stretch of water opens up on the surface of North Long Lake. With repeated scientific investigations yielding no answers, the Black Hole captures the heart of the nearby community while attracting national, even international attention. Convinced this charming story would be perfect for the small town mystery show hes been fervently pitching to cable executives for years, Alex decides to cash in his savings from editing karaoke videos, hire a small crew, and make the pilot episode himself. Upon arrival however, this black hole mystery reveals itself to be much more disturbing and personal than expected, slowly engulfing Alex in an existential search that consumes not only his cherished pilot, but with it the very underpinnings of his sanity.
Cry Funny Happy
Unexpected revelations and unraveling friendships mark a 30th birthday celebration.
Спящий лагерь
На озере тонет яхта с мужчиной и двумя его детьми на борту. Катающиеся рядом на катерах подростки не обратили внимания на разыгравшуюся трагедию. В результате их неосторожной езды мужчина и его сын погибают. Оставшаяся в живых девочка Анжела отправляется жить вместе со своей тётей Мартой и двоюродным братом Рикки. Только теперь девочка постоянно молчит, перенеся сильный травматический шок. Восемь лет спустя Анжела и Рикки отправляются в летний лагерь, на озеро, где погибли её отец и брат. Необщительная Анжела становится предметом нападок и шуток со стороны подростков. Она не устраивает своим поведением даже взрослых. И вскоре люди, которые причиняли ей боль, начинают погибать от рук таинственного убийцы…