Girlfriend #1
12 year old Jason mistakenly suspects his parents are splitting up when his Dad announces he's leaving for a job interview in chicago. I n very funny misguided attempt to save his family, Jason and his fourteen year old sister follow him to Chicago to ruin dad's day.
Prudence Stonehall
История запретной любви в Америке 17-го века красавицы Эстер и преподобного Артура. Против влюбленных выступают строгие пуританские нравы и особенно то, что Эстер «де-юре» замужем, хотя и считает мужа погибшим на пути к колонии. Когда её внебрачные отношения раскрываются, Эстер решительно отказывается предать возлюбленного и ей выносят приговор — вечно носить на груди алую букву А — «клеймо» прелюбодеяния.
While tracking a ruthless killer, RoboCop and Madigan uncover a conspiracy between insane genius Dr. Cray Mallardo and ruthless OCP executive Chip Chayken, to develop a computer system linked to a human brain. Neuro-brain is created, a system capable of running the public services of the entire city. There s just one glitch: a ghost named Diana inhabits the machine. As RoboCop gets too close to this kindred spirit, Chayken enlists the aid of a homicidal psychopath Pudface Morgan to kill him off.
Maggie Dolan
An 8-year-old heads for Toronto to find her father, joined by an uncle who wants her inheritance.
Liddie (9)
Nina Eberlin comes home to visit her now-divorced parents and while looking through a collection of pictures taken by her father and herself, she reflects on how the pictures illustrate the nature of families. She begins to tell the story of how her parents discovered their son Randall was autistic and how each reacted to that. Her mother had three more kids, all daughters, "the perfect children." The controversy over that and Randall's treatment pulls the parents apart. It also forces Nina and her older brother Mack to re-evaluate their relationship with each other and each parent.
Toxins in a lake drive a fish crazy, and it starts attacking cottagers.
Билл Крашанк — психолог — криминалист — попадает в страшную автокатастрофу, чудом остается жив, но теряет руку. В результате сложнейшей операции хирурги пришивают ему руку другого человека. Но вскоре рука начинает жить своей собственной жизнью, восставая против жены Билла и его детей. Доведенный до отчаяния, Билл пытается выяснить, кто являлся хозяином этой руки, но ужасное открытие бросает его в мир невообразимого кошмара.
The true story of a judge who lives a double life, and stays married to two women for more than 15 years.