Luciano Cazaux

Luciano Cazaux


Luciano Cazaux


The New Girl
Jimena travels to Río Grande, on the island of Tierra del Fuego in southernmost Argentina, to join her half-brother Mariano. She has almost no money to travel but manages to arrive there hoping to have a better life in that manufacturing region. The wind, the cold and the complex economic crisis form the background against in which Jimena will develop empathy for the people around her and a feeling of belonging there, but also a place where she will learn to know herself better.
Героические лузеры
Друзья в отчаянии: за одну минуту они потеряли всё и превратились в законченных неудачников. Однако вскоре становится известно, что их сбережениями за день до краха завладел коварный адвокат, вступивший в преступный сговор с управляющим банком. Выход у героев один — чтобы вернуть нажитое непосильным трудом, надо ограбить грабителя…
Daniel, Juan Palomino is a security guard, he was once a policeman, and he would have liked to be a vigilante hero. But, far from it, his job is to take care of the buildings of others. The city will cross with Analía (Emilia Attias), a distant woman, obsessive and beautiful in a mysterious way. She avoids contact with men because she has been the victim of rape. That terrible past comes back when Julio, Esteban Meloni, a violent and obsessed man, gets out of jail. Between the three are weaving on the streets of the city a plot of passion and crime.
Pájaros negros
A stranger invades the family life of Victor. It seems that he has a hidden secret with Victor's wife, which involves their daughter. He wants to protect his family, and he is ready to face all the consequences to stop the threat.
In the clouds
An argentine woman and an American man have a cultural disagreement about intimacy and how romance is conceived.
Motín en Sierra Chica
Túnel de los huesos
Based on a real event, this is the spectacular escape of seven prisoners in 1991 from the Villa Devoto prison in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the process of digging a tunnel to escape, they make a bizarre and frightening discovery just as they are about to break through to freedom. One escapee promises to report their findings when they are all free and once out, he pays his debt to "the tunnel of bones,"sharing their macabre story with a local journalist, and ultimately the world.
Three stories that happen in one night. The starting point is a meeting of graduates. Former schoolmates are reunited after twenty years and all these stories will have something in common: second chances