Stoycho Mazgalov

Stoycho Mazgalov

Рождение : 1930-05-02, Lyubimets, Bulgaria

Смерть : 2006-11-01


Stoycho Mazgalov


Crisis in the Kremlin
Father Andris
The sister-in-law of an assassin and a CIA agent team-up to save Gorbachev's life.
Protected Zone
Day of Rulers
Konstantin Patzik
The protagonist in this picture is legendary Bulgarian Khan Krum - a ruler in the beginning of IX century. In this period, Bulgaria ranked third in Europe in terms of territory and military power. It is Khan Krum who contributed to the union of Bulgarians and Slavs. He enforces unseen to that day laws against calumniators, thieves, violators. It stirs discontent among his closest men. The ruler is smart and just, but isn't he too severe? At what cost can one ensure order and progress in a state?
Deputy Mayor
Bulgarian prisoners of war escape from the Germans in the town of Ohrid.
Khan Asparukh - Part III - Land Forever
The last part of the epic "Khan Asparukh" - "Land Forever" is an impressive finish to scale narrative, created for the nationwide celebration of 13 century anniversary of the Bulgarian state. The authors collected in final chord all storylines, culminating in the political strengthening of the young Bulgarian state. In the center of the film epic again is the image of Khan Asparukh - a lofty romantic hero who embodies the virtues and energy of his people.
Khan Asparukh - Part II - The Migration
This is an epic screen presentation showing the creation, the consolidation and the power of First Bulgarian Kingdom and the first Bulgarian ruler Khan Asparuh. The second part of the great historical epic - "The Migration" - tells about the long journey to the land of the Bulgarians of today's Bulgaria. Here the young Khan Asparukh laid the foundations of the new state. The authors adhere to the established historical versions for this event. The film builds on the impressive mass scenes and the convincing served psychological characteristics of the main characters. The image of Asparoukh is a natural center of the story, in which many minor persons recreate the environment of the Khan. Romantic exalted, Asparukh is shown as capable leader of the people, consistently implement his own ideas.
Khan Asparukh - Part I - Phanagoria
This is an epic screen presentation showing the creation, the consolidation and the power of First Bulgarian Kingdom and the first Bulgarian ruler Khan Asparuh. This is the first part of the film trilogy about the events before the creation of the Bulgarian state in the middle of the VII century. Volga Bulgaria is straining under the attacks of the Khazars. Following the testament of his father, the sons of Khan Kubrat looking for a new home for their tribes. The youngest of them - Asparukh, wander 20 years in search of "land forever" for his people and reaches the mouth of the Danube. The film is narrated by captured Byzantine chronicler Belisarius, which should Asparukh in his journeys. Byzantine witnessed the heroic efforts of the Bulgarians to win the land south of the Danube and to create their new country.
The horrifying conclusion to the Golden Age unfolds in a magnificently violent nightmare, signifying the birth of new era where darkness outshines the light. It's been a year since Griffith's imprisonment by the Kingdom of Midland. Once praised as the saviors of the Midland, the Band of the Hawk has been on the run and is on the brink of breaking apart. Much to everyone's surprise, Guts returns to the Hawks, and the search for Griffith begins!
Typhoons with Gentle Names
The Bulgarian intelligence officer Emil Boev is residing in Bern, close to Bulgarian political emigrant Goranov. The Swiss and German women Rosemary and Flora are interested in him. Goranov is killed. Boev searches his apartment and finds few fake diamonds and the list of the spies in Bulgaria. Boev and the boss of a foreign intelligence service Benton are stuck in a bunker together. At the decisive moment, Flora appears and Boev manages to get away with the list of the spies. Boev is on the way to Bulgaria.
This is a film about moral dilemmas which surgeons face. Dr Panov, the head doctor of a provincial hospital, has a keen sense of responsibility and he takes risks in the name of life a lot more often than his colleagues.
Tsar and General
The film is based on the conflict between the Monarch of Bulgaria -Tsar Boris III and general Vladimir Zaimov during the Second World War and discusses different understandings about heroism and self-sacrifice.
Eternal Times
During the socialist regime in Bulgaria, the migration from villages to bigger towns brings a lot of problems and sadness to some of the party activists.
Village Correspondent
Mihail Pantov
The poor and illiterate village worker Dimo is in love with his landlord's daughter and events take their course...
The Wolf Pack
The year is 1948 and a counter-revolutionary gang is active in the Pirin region. A State Security officer managed to infiltrate the gang. He becomes "one of their own", but isn't in a rush to complete his task.
Agent #1
Jerzy Szajnowicz-Ivanov, the son of Polish mother and Russian father, raised in Greece, reports to the Carpathian Brigade in the spring of 1941. Poles are wary at first. English recommend him to arrange the intelligence grid and sabotage in the Athens area. Soon the grid starts to work: intelligence flows, transports fly into the air, ships sink...
Three Reservists
In 1945, on the battlefields in Hungary, three Bulgarian soldiers from the reserve have to fight for the liberation of the country. They are totally unprepared for the war and have no desire to take part in the battles. The three reservists are the sad sight and initially their commander wants to send them back to Bulgaria. But their attitude is changed after the witnessed tragedies. Without knowing it, they all turn into heroes.
Four Men in a Boxcar
Mr. Dimov
The partisan Welichko is given the task of rescuing four Russian prisoners of war who are in one of the freight cars of a German train.
The Prince
At the end of 13th and the beginning of the 14th century twenty-four-years old, Prince Svetoslav Terter takes the helm of the state. The young Prince engages in a intricate political game, into getting his way by means of court intrigues, and is forced by circumstances. Svetoslav Terter is remarkably shrewd and consistent. He is perhaps the only head of state at this time to take the liberty of impeaching the primate of the country's church. He tries to rally the neighboring Slav people to a joint resistance to the Turkish conquest. Terter lives through a great personal tragedy. He becomes estranged from his dearest person, Mariya, who is too weak to join him on the difficult road of his choice. (written by Georgi Djulgerov)
Differing Opinion
Lazar Petrov
In the trial against Boris, Lazar is the main witness for the prosecution. The two are the comrades-in-arms. Now they are opponents, because of a conflict concerning a coal conveyor where they work. Lazar is afraid of taking risks. Boris, however, is not afraid of taking responsibility where innovation is at stake. The conflict ceases to be confined to production problems and grows into dispute over commitment to principle and ethics. After harrowing hesitations the main witness Lazar gives evidence in Boris's defense.
The Eighth
During World War II, a plane transfers Bulgarian antifascists from the USSR to Bulgaria. They jump with parachutes. The eighth paratrooper heads a guerilla group. In the group, there are doubts about the existence of a traitor. Initially, an innocent person is accused, but later the real traitor is caught and killed. Still, the most dangerous enemies of the guerillas are the colonel and the troops stationed in the nearby village. The battle between them and the guerillas is won by the latter who continue to fight for their cause.
Любовница Граминьи
Сицилия, вторая половина XIX-го века. Барон Нардо обманом заставляет Граминью и его отца подписать у нотариуса бумаги, лишающие их земельного надела. Когда молодой крестьянин понял, что произошло, он решил отомстить. Первой жертвой стал нотариус, контора которого была сожжена, а все документы уничтожены. Следующими должны были стать те, к кому перешла земля Граминьи — Джемма и ее мать. Но вместо вражды между девушкой и молодым человеком зарождается любовь. Между тем, Граминья продолжает мстить тем, кого он считает виновными в обмане, и становится самым разыскиваемым преступником в округе. Джемма же выходит замуж, но продолжает тайно встречаться с Граминьей…
Veliko kehaya
A bandit chief falls in love with a wealthy man's daughter.
Five Bulgarian émigrés return to their country by submarine from the Soviet Union. They have to organize the antifascist resistance.
Разрешение на брак
bored agent
Скульптуры различных эпох изображают «Достоинство», «Жажда», «Мать». На фоне белого снега возвышается здание из мрамора. Это Дом молодоженов. Молодые расписываются, целуются, их поздравляют. Это документальная съемка свадеб счастливых людей. Вдруг автоматная очередь прерывает праздничную атмосферу. Возникает другой дом. Дом расстрелов. Осужденный на расстрел коммунист венчается со своей любимой перед смертью. Пожилая женщина, работающая в одном из отделов регистрации браков, видя радостные лица жениха и невесты, с грустью вспоминает о свадьбе, свидетельницей которой она была в годы оккупации Болгарии. Выполняя последнее желание приговоренного к смерти коммуниста, фашисты разрешили ему вступить в брак с любимой девушкой и сразу же после венчания его увели на расстрел.
Неоконченные игры
В небольшой болгарский городок пришла война. Мальчик Митко подружился с раненым партизаном, которого скрывает у себя на чердаке. Когда партизан уходит в лес, вместе с ним уходят Митко и его родители. Так мальчик, прервав свои детские игры, становится полноправным членом партизанского отряда. Однажды, героически защищая раненых товарищей, Митко погибает в неравном бою с фашистами.
Легенда о Паисие
Фильм посвящен Паисию Хилендарскому - основоположнику болгарского возрождения, написавшему "Историю славянской Болгарии". Петко, молодой и бодрый мужчина, покидает родную деревню Банско, расстается с Беной - женщиной, которую любит, и уходит в монастырь Хилендар, где настоятелем является его брат. Там он принял монашеское имя Паисий. Он начал читать летописи и старые книги, в которых нашел сведения об истории Болгарии. Он познакомился с Евгением Булгарисом, греком из Самоковской епархии, который собирал данные по истории греческого народа. Ту же задачу взял на себя серб Йован Райчев. Монастырь стал тесным для работы, предпринятой Паисием, и он начал путешествовать по стране. Счастливее всего он был, когда прочитал в старинной хронике слова латинского кардинала Цезаря Бартони: «Болгары страшны для всего мира — народ маленький, но храбрый».
Twosome Beneath the Skies
Stefan and Tanya arrive in a miners' settlement. They register as a married couple at the hostel, but Tanya admits to the house managers that Stefan has a wife but has started divorce procedure. The two have fled from the scandal. Stefan starts work at the mine and she waits for him in the hostel with little to do. Her mother arrives. Unable to swallow the humiliation of having been rejected by Tanya's family, Stefan gets drunk. When he comes back, he starts a row and has to be restrained. Stefan takes offense, leaves the mine, parts with Tanya, and becomes a waiter in the pub. Soon he obtains a divorce. He wants to take Tanya back to his native town. She refuses to give up her new friends and the steady job she has found. Stefan sets out alone. At the very last moment, he jumps from the bus...