A short documentary, done by John Marsh and Kelly Curtis, explores Curtis’ relationship to the Halloween franchise. Called “The Night She Came Home”, this featurette follows her as she attends a HorrorHound sponsored signing in 2012 meant to raise money for charity.
Support Victim
На беременную на последних сроках нападает неизвестный и жестоко избивает. В результате у женщины случается выкидыш. Социальные работники направляют пострадавшую на реабилитацию в специальную группу психологической поддержки, и там женщина находит новых друзей, но это знакомство положит начало череде страшных событий.
Trevor's Mom
Марти — идеальный пятиклассник. Он получает хорошие оценки, слушает учителей и не создает проблем в классе. Но его жизнь погружается в хаос после того, как он обнаруживает в комнате брата сумку с отрубленной человеческой головой...
They thought she had the perfect life; wealthy and privileged, an honor student with her whole life mapped out. What they didnt know was what lied inside of her; pain and anguish; tearing at her until there was nothing left. Lost and alone, the young woman (Heather Dorff), finds solace in the form of a glistening blade, splitting her skin deeply. Her self-indulgent mother and obnoxious sister (Kelsey Zukowski), are completely oblivious to her inner-turmoil. She has long since become numb to the world around her, getting that sensual release, as the razor cuts deeper, watching the blood drip, is all that matters. As soon as the last drop falls, the calm is stripped away from her with it. How far will she go to silence the hunger that now consumes her? Will she be able to regain control of her life, body, and sanity?
Elizabeth Waters
Beautiful girls are dying at the hands of a deranged masked killer. Every kill is more brutal than the last. Worst of all, it's happening live on camera.