Branislav Zeremski

Branislav Zeremski


Branislav Zeremski


Liberta - The Birth of the City
The first film saga about Novi Sad, a work signed by directors Gvozden Đurić and Žanko Tomić, and will show the interweaving of Serbian culture and tradition with European ideals and challenges of the 18th century.
Who Set Hawk Up?
A low-budget comedy.
The Mould
Dr. Đukić
Under the pressure of the international community, the Serbian Government establishes a Mixed Commission, and conferred to it the examination of facts in the affair "missing babies" that has lasted for several decades.
Common Story
The movie takes us through the saga of the actor, Veljko Radisavljević, who has the impression that the entire universe has conspired against him.
Meet Cornelius
A true fairy tale about time travel, with two elves, one witch and a bit of love.
Before Christmas
An orphan finds a family, old couple that has no children, day before Christmas. The twists and turns of this melodramatic comedy is inspired by timeless words of Branislav Nušić.
In the form of an anthology film on psychiatric subject, it offers reflection on various situations that occur in the waiting rooms and hospitals of a psychiatric institution. Time flows differently there, the boundaries between mental health and mental illness are shifting, frustrations are emerging, which puts doctors and patients even.
Emergency Exit
Gospodin Filipović
Mr. Stojanovic got his first aid kit stolen... Petar is smoking out the window of his rented room... Mr. Ivanovic has a hearing problem... Luka and Marko are getting into a fight over a football game... Mr. Filipovic is sent by his wife to buy groceries...
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and through different genres - from black comedy to melodrama, poetic portrait to the socially engaged horror. Motif that binds all of the stories together is the tenth anniversary of the democratic revolution. Each film is taking place on that day, 5th of October in 2010, and each film is differently related to the anniversary and what that event means 10 years after. The film brings fresh visions of the seven young directors who were teenagers at the time of the overthrow of president Milosevic and his regime. On a personal and emotional way they show a complex picture of modern Serbia.
St. George Shoots the Dragon
Krivi Luka
Love triangle story between the village gendarme Đorđe, his wife Katarina and the young disabled war veteran Gavrilo during the time between First Balkan War and World War I.
The Tost
Vojkan is a man who starts his days at precisely same time and according to strictly established „rituals.“ However, this day some unplanned events will happen.
Красный грузовик серого цвета
Торговцы оружием при сделке убивают друг друга. И грузовик, полный контрабандного оружия, случайно оказывается в собственности Ратко, который только что освободился из тюрьмы. По дороге из Сербии в Словению он подбирает молодую певичку Сюзанну, с которой они вместе путешествуют по дорогам Югославии, попадая в разные смешные и грустные ситуации.
I Love You More Than Anything
Widowed mother is trying to hold on to her son and doughter, although they need to grow up. In this funny story, mother successfully turns down men, but this time she has a decent opponent.
The State of the Dead
Slovenački oficir I
When the war in Yugoslavia breaks out, an army officer who's ethnic Slovenian yet still believes in Yugoslavia, decides to move to Belgrade. The country continues to fall apart and so does his family failing to find acceptance there.
Frozen Stiff
The basic plot revolves around drug dealer Limeni and two men, Lemi and Kiza, who are trying to transport their dead grandfather for burial, until their car breaks down and they end up struggling to get him home onboard a train. This is when these two plots intersect and all hell breaks loose.
Overcome by an irrational rage, a 17 year-old hatchet man kidnaps his boss who had managed to cover up his true identity and become part of the establishment. The Kid takes this one time hero of his to a hideout in a huge, deserted steel mill where the two experience a kind of enlightenment after some twenty hours of infernal games and agony.
Three Summer Days
Serbian film about the life of refugees from Bosnia is Serbia during the war years.
The Tragic Burlesque
Taša 'Tica'
In a way of protesting for inhuman living conditions and the shortage of medications caused by the disintegration of Yugoslavia and its sanctions, a doctor in a hospital decides to close his clinic for mental illness. His wish is to return the patients to their homes or give them to someone who is willing to accept them temporarily.
Package Deal
Bogdan iz Zemuna
A three-part omnibus. First story: A young couple agrees to pretend to be in love with each other. Second story: After deciding to leave his band, a young bassist shows up for an audition for a drummer. There he meets a man who offers him money to kill his wife. Third story: Two successful robbers go through a hard time when one of them starts to pay to much more attention to his guitar playing skills than the job.
Two Hours of Quality TV Program
Zvanično lice
Made for New Year's Eve program, "Two Hours of Quality Program" exceeded all expectations becoming more than just a small TV movie. Using black humor as its sharp weapon, it dealt with ongoing chaos in the country and introducing of new values to the urban culture.
In the Middle of Nowhere
The exploits of a depressed architect in Belgrade as he wanders about searching for the future in a land where the future no longer exists. Handsome Nikola is in his mid-thirties. He earned the nickname Champ because he used to race speedboats. He makes a decent living as a free-lance architect and his apartment is spacious and comfortable. Ana is attracted by the Champ's good looks and apparent prosperity. He is always pensive though; even when he is out drinking at the local clubs with his companions he cannot help but brood about the state of Belgrade. Though the city appears fairly normal on the outside, the presence of the war is signalled when a reluctant conscript in the army is dragged away.
Desire Named Streetcar
Sima, Milkin muž
In a rough time, Serbian people in Belgrade travel by a streetcar and serious things happen in a comic way.
Stand By
A painter gets infected by AIDS, and finds himself at disease clinic in Belgrade. He shared the hospital room with an ex-musician, junkie who tries to discontinue treatment and returns home to his wife. The painter believes in recovery through his paintings, believing that they have supernatural powers. In their room, the medics bring a boy suspected to be infected with the AIDS virus. Meanwhile, the musician's wife leaves him. Having desire for revenge, high on drugs and labile, he rapes nurse. The painter's health deteriorates and he dies. Shortly afterwards, the musician commits suicide. Only the boy remains in the room - a child of uncertain fate and in possession of dozens of "totemic paintings".
Борис Годунов
Фильм-опера, в основу которого легла вторая редакция оперы, созданная М. П. Мусоргским в 1872 году.
The Harms Case
Based upon the life and writing of literary visionary Danil Harms, a Russian avant-garde poet of the 1920s who was persecuted and ultimately silenced by the Soviet authorities.
Душитель против душителя
В Белграде в начале 80-х появляется душитель женщин. Он цветочник, и убивает девушек за то, что им не нравятся гвоздики. Факт появления маньяка крайне будоражит жителей города, особенно начинающего рок-музыканта Спиридона, у которого вроде как появляется спиритическая связь с убийцей…
Andric and Goya
After the end of World War II, a young partisan falls in love with a German secretary who is captured and imprisoned by partisans. He decides to free her and escape with her.