Adam Finch


Альберта нанимают присматривать за Мией, девушкой с ледяными зубами. Мия никогда не покидает свою квартиру. Однажды Альберту говорят, что он должен подготовить ребенка к отъезду...
F@ck This Job
2007 год, Москва накануне медведевской оттепели. Топ-менеджер популярной московской музыкальной радиостанции, Наташа, решает, что в России нужно построить телевидение "для нормальных". Во что превратилась эта авантюра, и куда она привела Наташу через 13 лет — в фильме "F@CK THIS JOB".
Dark Secrets of a Trillion Dollar Island: Garenne
A documentary that examines the repercussions of the child abuse scandal that erupted on Jersey in 2007 and the role played by two bloggers in forcing the island to confront its past.
The Changin' Times of Ike White
Ike White was a musical prodigy who recorded a funk and soul classic album inside a Californian prison in 1974. Then he disappeared. 30 years later, director Dan Vernon tracked him down, only to find a trail of wives, lives and false identities that leave as many questions as answers.
30/30 Vision: Three Decades of Strand Releasing
Over 30 filmmakers and friends of Strand Releasing have come together to honor the company’s indelible contribution to independent cinema over the past thirty years. The participating filmmakers have each created a short film for the project, all shot on iPhones.
The Man Behind the Microphone
An amazing story of love and family, celebrity and music. A portrait of Hedi Jouini, the godfather of Tunisian music.
Leonora Carrington: The Lost Surrealist
British surrealist Leonora Carrington was a key part of the surrealist movement during its heyday in Paris and yet, until recently, remained a virtual unknown in the country of her birth. This film explores her dramatic evolution from British debutante to artist in exile, living out her days in Mexico City, and takes us on a journey into her darkly strange and cinematic world.
Playtime’s cosmopolitan spectacle, presented in a kaleidoscopic montage across seven large screens, interconnects the lives of its archetypical characters—hedge fund managers and art world players in London; a photographer in Reykjavik; and a Filipina houseworker in Dubai—each of whom is based on a real-life individual directly affected by the market collapse.
Ten Thousand Waves
TEN THOUSAND WAVES is a 9-screen installation shot on location in China. The work poetically weaves together stories linking China’s ancient past and present. Through an architectural installation, the work explores the movement of people across countries and continents and meditates on unfinished journeys. Conceived and made over four years, TEN THOUSAND WAVES sees Julien collaborating with some of China’s leading artistic voices, including the legendary siren of Chinese cinema Maggie Cheung; rising star of Chinese film Zhao Tao; poet Wang Ping; master calligrapher Gong Fagen; artist Yang Fudong; acclaimed cinematographer Zhao Xiaoshi; and a 100-strong Chinese cast and crew. The film’s original musical score is by fellow East Londoner Jah Wobble and The Chinese Dub Orchestra and contemporary classical composer Maria de Alvear.
Derek, in chronological order, records the work and life that stands at the foot of Derek Jarman's humour and spirit of being an artist. The filmmaker and actress, Isaac Julien and Tilda Swinton respectively, have produced and narrated a film on his life whereby the use of language is perpetuated to give some type of palpable meaning to British audiences alone, and to their own personal relationship with him.
События разворачиваются в таинственной школе, расположенной за глухим забором посреди дивной красоты изумрудно-зелёного леса. Здесь, в уютных домиках, живут маленькие девочки, одетые в одинаковые белые одежды, отличаясь друг от друга только цветом вплетённых в косы шелковых лент: чем старше возраст — тем темнее лента. Каждое утро, взявшись за руки, девочки отправляются в учебный корпус, где их ждут благожелательные преподавательницы. Стройная мадемуазель Ева преподает хореографию и учит танцам, хромая мадемуазель Эдит рассказывает своим подопечным о природе окружающего мира, раскрывая ученицам тайны их будущих превращений. Пененесённый на экран символизм новеллы Ведекинга состоит в проводимой здесь параллели между происходящим в природе перерождением неуклюжей гусеницы в изящную бабочку, и воспитательным процессом этой уникальной школы, где из угловатых девочек растят… Впрочем, кого воспитывают из этих девочек — судить всем и каждому, кто решит уделить внимание просмотру этой картины.
Fantôme Afrique
Fantôme Afrique, weaves cinematic and architectural references through the rich imagery of urban Ouagadougou, the centre for cinema in Africa, and the arid spaces of rural Burkina Faso, and is punctuated by archival footage from early colonial expeditions and landmark moments in African history. Renowned choreographer and dancer Stephen Galloway (Ballet Frankfurt) and actor Vanessa Myrie (Baltimore) figure as ‘trickster/phantom’ and ‘witness’ in this carefully composed meditation on the denationalised, de-territorialised spaces born of the encounters between local and global cultures, where the ghosts of history linger amid the realities of the day
BaadAsssss Cinema
With archive film clips and interviews, this brief look at a frequently overlooked historical period of filmmaking acts as an introduction rather than a complete record. It features interviews with some of the genre's biggest stars, like Fred Williamson, Pam Grier, and Richard Roundtree. Director Melvin Van Peebles discusses the historical importance of his landmark film Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. For a contemporary perspective, the excitable Quentin Tarantino offers his spirited commentary and author/critic bell hooks provides some scholarly social analysis.