Jelisaveta 'Seka' Sablić

Jelisaveta 'Seka' Sablić

Рождение : 1942-06-13, Belgrade, Yugoslavia


Jelisaveta "Seka" Sablić (Serbian Cyrillic: Јелисавета "Сека" Саблић; born 13 June 1942) is a Serbian actress. She had performed in theatre houses in Belgrade and on TV and film. She is the winner of major theatre awards in Serbia and former Yugoslavia.


Jelisaveta 'Seka' Sablić


Comedy on Three Floors
Following the comical adventures of the tenants in a seemingly ordinary building in Belgrade, situation culminates thanks to bad pipes and the mysterious underground waters to a temptation that, in the end, catches them all unprepared.
Отель «Белград»
Baba Srebrenka
Влюблённые когда-то друг в друга Паша и Даша случайно встречаются в Белграде. Среди красоты и романтики древнего города их отношения зарождаются вновь. Кажется, им всё-таки суждено быть вместе. Если бы не несколько «но»...
Взгляд изнутри: Сараево, любовь моя
Пять трогательных историй о материнстве, объединенных местом действия, а именно городом Сараево.
The Sign
Sara firmly disagrees about her granddaughter’s wedding plan. To convince her not to marry, she takes Andrea to her husband grave and begs him for a sign.
The Black Pin
Father Peter fears that the universe has become indifferent. God no longer intervenes in earthly affairs. Peter's wife abandoned him, his son disobeys him and his mother suffers from Alzheimer's and hardly ever recognizes him. When Peter becomes an obstacle to a large property sale in his small island parish, a group of interesting, but vengeful villagers decides to force him to leave. Using very creative methods, they convince the entire superstitious village that Peter is the cause of all the troubles on their island.
Papi's Crew
Serbian police comedy.
Simon Magus
Tonka Brnardić
After finding out by chance that his ex-girlfriend Mina’s mother died, Simon decides to steal her body to provoke cathartic processes in Mina. Mina hasn’t been in contact with her mother for years because of some dark family secrets. Simon plans to keep the body hidden for a few days and then revive it. He possesses the powers needed to do this. However, the body is stolen from Simon and he has great difficulty retrieving it. Unaware of Simon’s problems, Mina confronts her past and the emotional baggage she’s been carrying for years.
Эдит и Я
Keva (voice)
Белград, 2074 год. Эдит - студентка. После нескольких неудачных попыток сдать экзамен она решает имплантировать себе чип для улучшения памяти. И после этого с ней начинают происходить странные вещи...
Obituary for Escobar
Serbian crime drama focusing on Belgrade's violent criminal underworld. Obituary For Escobar distinguishes itself from other recent crime dramas with its strong visual style and energetic approach. Borko was a young effeminate boy bullied at school by the self-styled 'Ghandi'. Years on, Ghandi is now a warlord, wrecking mayhem in pursuit of his ambition to become the leading drug lord in the Balkans. His execution of the rival 'Serbian Escobar' coincides with the mysterious placement of an obituary for the real Escobar by two stoners. In Ghandi's pursuit of the assailants he meets Lela, a stunning mystery woman who leads Ghandi to reconsider both "Borko" and his life in crime.
Ivanova majka
Raša is 30, lives with his alcoholic father and trying, and failing, to make ends meet by giving literature lessons to teenage girls and hosting a program on the local radio, presenting new books and interviewing authors. Ivan, a promising judo fighter in his teenage years, has since had a history of neurosis, psychotic episodes, hospitalization, being heavily medicated, involvement in various occult groups and practices, prior to having been baptized in the Orthodox Church.
Герои этой истории — кровные братья Серафим и Витомир. Они давние друзья, вместе делят риск и скудные доходы, которые получают от контрабанды. Решившись однажды на весьма сомнительную аферу, братья оказываются в ловушке: Серафима хватает полиция, а Витомир трусливо бежит, нырнув в Адриатическое море. С тех пор прошло полвека. Витомир стал боссом мафии и, разумеется, зовется теперь дон Вито (привет «Крестному отцу»!) Все бы хорошо, но вот память о преданном когда-то брате отравляет его последние часы. И Вито шепчет свое последнее желание сыну — найти Серафима. А в это время, спасаясь от гражданской войны, в Болгарию бежит сын Серафима Трендафил… Вместе с ним — его жена и умершая по дороге теща, которую… пришлось завернуть в ковер! А что еще прикажете с ней делать?!
Bare Ground
The story takes place in a dilapidated building in the blocks of New Belgrade, whose tenants constantly fight and do bad things to one another. In the same building lives a quiet and young married couple, who are completely different from their environment.
Everything's for People
A returnee from Australia causes uproar in his native village when he announces he's looking for bride.
Картина, охватывающая период с 1991 по 1997 год, беспристрастно показывает общество, раздираемое кровавой братоубийственной бойней, самой ужасной жертвой которой стала невинность.
Dark Is the Night
Kosara Aškerc
Belgrade in 1992. - breaking up of Yugoslavia, blockade, shortages, food queues, student rebellion. Life of two Belgrade families and personal drama of their members, caused by social breakdown and civil war.
Sekula Innocent Accused
This time Sekula does not have any problems with women but is accused of stealing electricity.
Attack Against the Assembly
Milka Sokolović
Milka is a state employee in the office for approval of the applications for registration of political parties. Her problem is how to make his escaped husband back, while her clients are only worried how to seize power.
Sekula Is Getting Married Again
After so much unrequited love and so many failed marriages, yet with the heaps of children he's left with, Sekula decides to change his life and get serious, but it seems that it's too late for that, and the temptations keep growing...
Balkan Perestroika
Drugarica Protić
Осовремененная комедия по роману Бранислава Нушича о жизни и работе «мелкого фабриканта», его профессиональных и семейных отношениях.
Amelija Kašiković
In a typical Yugoslav company a relationship is developing between poltroon and CEO.
The Balkan Mass-Media Sciences
Drugarica Protić
An eminent communist wants to make his son a respected person so he could live without much trouble. He fails to accomplish that due to his son's different vision of success.
Tight Skin 3
Simka Milivojević
At 56 years of age Mita Pantić (Nikola Simić) is still only a junior clerk in his company. Another typical workday for him is starting at 6 a.m. as frustration awaits at every turn from the moment he gets up. Trying to get ready to go to work, he can barely get a turn to use the bathroom in the crowded apartment. Other members of the household are not without their frustrations either, meaning that nagging and shouting are a staple of their home life at any time of day.
A Weekend of Deceased Persons
Very black and grotesque comedy about the little office-worker Tase and his death wife Kata. She died in hospital in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, but the nurses mixed her body with someone else. Then he must make exchange of bodies with Klime, the banker. But Tase lives in Prilep and Klime lives even in Ohrid. Then it becomes tragicomedy!
Ever-Ready Women
Seven women are sick of working in poor conditions on a farm. They steal a tractor and go to the city.
Second Žika's Dynasty
Unlike in the previous sequel of "Foolish Years"/"Zika's Dynasty" film series, Zika's and Milan's grandson became crazy for girls, having sex with them simultaneously in his apartment. Granddads are now worried for different reason, so they visit the doctor who gives them an advice to send their grandson to the country in order to use his strength appropriately.
Sekula and His Women
A village blacksmith Sekula, hard-muscled but soft-hearted, has terrible luck when it comes to love. Many women pass through his house - a local spinster of ill health, a belly dancer, a veterinarian experienced in the castration of bulls a singing star-to-be - but stay just long enough to give birth to another child, only to then run away.
Part-Time Divorce
Синиша и Светлана отправляются в медовый месяц в Испанию, но из-за ошибки туристического агентства оказываются на берегу черногорского побережья. По возвращении в Белград Светлана подает заявку на квартиру, но новая проблема заключается в том, что разведенные матери с детьми имеют преимущество. Они решают развестись по совместительству, чтобы обмануть ЖЭК...
Fat and Thin
An imposter and thief called Dumpling escapes prison and arrives to a respectable institute of doctor Strukl in Balm Sanatorium. The doctor is a specialist for reduction and gaining of weight, and wanted by many celebrities, especially because it is known that he has specialized in Switzerland. Dumpling, discovering that he is physically similar to doctor, and seeing his big chance in it, disables the doctor and takes his place at the sanatorium.
Indian Mirror
A village handball team gets close to the promotion to the top flight, but three of its residents try to ensure the success by bribing the referee.
Душитель против душителя
Dobrila Škara
В Белграде в начале 80-х появляется душитель женщин. Он цветочник, и убивает девушек за то, что им не нравятся гвоздики. Факт появления маньяка крайне будоражит жителей города, особенно начинающего рок-музыканта Спиридона, у которого вроде как появляется спиритическая связь с убийцей…
The Moth
Luda rediteljka
The story of a man called "Moth", who becomes an entertainment star. Burdened with great popularity and entertainment events, he can not find his way around, and gets in series of comic situations.
How I Was Systematically Destroyed by Idiots
The film follows a life of a homeless, but very well read, Marxist who is coping with Che's death and wishes to live a life of revolutions and workers' uprisings. He is a hypochondriac, bitter at the world, and blaming his old capitalist boss for his life's misery.
Марафонцы бегут круг почета
Действие картины разворачивается в промежутке между двумя Мировыми Войнами. В семье Топаловичей, состоящей из пяти поколений мужчин, младшему из которых 25 лет, а старшему — 120, назревает конфликт в результате того, что младший член семейства отказывается заниматься семейным бизнесом — продавать гробы. Он считает, что в мире есть более достойные и честные занятия, в чем его поддерживает девушка Кристина и лучший друг Дзенька, владелец небольшого кинотеатра. Отец Кристины, Билли Питон, поставляющий гробы семейству Топаловичей, требует повышения оплаты за свои труды. Таким образом, конфликт возникает и между этими семьями. Для решающего поединка подойдут любые средства.
The Trojan Horse
During the WWII, the communist resistance, with the help of a few local anti-fascists, makes sabotage and obstructs the actions of the Yugoslav quislings.
My Part-Time Dad
The new misadventures of single mother Svetlana, her 12 year old son and (still) part-time worker Siniša. Siniša's plans to marry Svetlana are ruined when her ex-husband comes back from Germany, persuading her to start their new life together.
A Great Guy at Heart
Živka, pomoćnica
After confronting his professor, a student of medicine loses his illegal bed in student housing and finds a job as a housemaid at Sava Mitrovic house. The family happiness soon turns into a chaos, falling apart like a Robert Hall suit.
The Woman from Sarajevo
The adaptation of a lesser known novel by Nobelist Ivo Andric, which describes the life of a spinster who was overwhelmed by a single passion: avarice.
Part-Time Work
A comedy of everyday life problems of a "temporary" teacher who leads a very "temporary" life. For ten years, he temporarily lives with his married sister in a cramped, one-room apartment in which, his brother's-in-law sister also temporarily lives. He has a diploma, but not a steady job. He's a school teacher for a definite period of time with a "temporary" status. At the mean time, a boy who lives alone with his mother goes to the same school. He wants to have a father by his own choice, not his mother's. It seems that the teacher suits most of the boy's idea of a father. And the boy gains what he always wants.
Butterfly Cloud
Krckova majka
End of childhood, first love and misunderstandings that seem unsolvable. Comic story of sixteen years old boy who seems to be all against his dreams - and the families and friends, and the world from the supermarket where he works.
Four Days to Death
Between the two World Wars, Yugoslavia was ruled by a monarchy. This movie explores the difficulties faced by a Communist Party organizer under that regime when an order goes out to kill anyone threatening the current regime. At first he is willing to leave the country, but his experience of the situation of workers moves him to stay. Despite efforts of captors to help him escape, he refuses, and dies a martyr's death.
An unbearable stench makes quite wide confusion among the residents of Belgrade. The microbiologist Pavle can not remember immediately where he smelled it, but recalls the event he witnessed as a child and the smell of a burning human. A visit to the crematorium gives him the assurance: The high number of suicides in the city has meant that the ovens are in continuous operation and will probably stay that way - because the stench is slowly making other people commit suicide, too.
Plug Impermeable to Water
A subtenant couple that tries unsuccessfully to have a baby and get the apartment decides to adopt one.
Three poor musicians become rich and famous, due to an appearance on a TV show. Unexpected success and money tears old friends apart. The bass player, Burduš, lonely and lost, decides to go and find new friends.
Uncle Vanya
Sofija Serebrjakova
The Cyclists
A small town in the first year of the war. A story about young seamstress, a student, a traitor and two Czech artists, their joining the partisans. All of them die and girl stays alone. She's looking for a bicycle bell that is gone...
Australia Is Far Away
A story about a housekeeper who dreams of getting married for a man in Australia whom she haven't met yet.
A flat broke aging boxer, living on the verge of existence, teams up with the equally desperate people in the city's suburbia to steal, cheat, and even kill for the money.