Elise Lund Larsen


Sumé: The Sound of a Revolution
A successful rock band from Greenland? Yes, it's not a lie. In 1973, the Greenlandic Sumé released a debut album, which record time made it to all the households on the icy island. But Sumé's success was not just due to their catchy beat rock, but also to the band's ability to put words to the zeitgeist, where Greenlandic culture was slowly fading away
The Agreement
'History is always made in the middle of the night. And when it happens, you are so damned tired, that you couldn't care less,' says Robert Cooper, an EU peace negotiator whose job it is to get Serbia and Kosovo to reach an agreement about peaceful coexistence. National pride and compromise are on everyone's lips, and much is at stake: Kosovo wants to come closer to independence, the Serbs have been promised EU membership if they can reach an agreement, and the EU tries to strengthen its credibility. But how far is each party willing to go? It is the unique characters that make this fascinating film about a delicate political game so vivid and loveable. The stoic, Serbian negotiator has a great passion for rock music, his colleague from Kosovo does not want to miss out on his daily visit to the hairdresser, and Cooper himself has a closet full of ties - one for every conceivable occasion.
Мой лучший враг
Юный Альф — изгой и объект для постоянных издевательств со стороны одноклассников. Ниже его по статусу в классе разве что полноватый Токе, увлекающийся собиранием насекомых. Но когда на глаза Альфу попадается японская манга про космического героя Никколо, жестоко расправившегося со своими угнетателями, мальчик решает действовать. Объединившись с Токе, мальчишки создают тайный клуб с набором правил из вдохновившей Альфа манги. Ведь двое сильнее, чем один, и нападение — лучшая защита. Постепенно меняя правила игры в классе и устряняя недругов по одному, мальчишки почти достигают вершин в иерархии своего класса. Правда, вскоре обнаруживается, что в этой игре все трудней становится провести различие между друзьями и врагами…
The Journals of Knud Rasmussen
Based on the journal of Knud Rasmussen's "Great Sled Journey" of 1922 across arctic Canada. The film is shot from the perspective of the Inuit, showing their traditional beliefs and lifestyle. It tells the story of the last great Inuit shaman and his beautiful and headstrong daughter; the shaman must decide whether to accept the Christian religion that is converting the Inuit across Greenland.
Max by Chance
This is the story of Max, the director's own story, playfully animated within the realms of documentary. Max's story goes back several generations to sailors, industrialists and Summer of Love hippies, all of whom are depicted with whole-hearted love and equal amounts of irony.
This Is Me Walking
Harris lives in Manhattan. He is working in the real estate business, trying to recover from the love he just lost and struggling to move closer to becoming the stage performer he wants to be. The film moves intensely between something very fictitious and something very real.