Art Direction
A pagan tradition in a village in the countryside of Portugal leaves painful traces in a group of young teenagers. 25 years later, when they meet again, the past resurfaces and tragedy sets in.
Costume Designer
Сага о португальской семье, которая владеет одним из крупнейших поместий в Европе, на южном берегу реки Тахо.
Art Direction
Сага о португальской семье, которая владеет одним из крупнейших поместий в Европе, на южном берегу реки Тахо.
Art Direction
The story of the adventures, in the twilight of the eighteenth century, of a singular couple formed by a little orphan with mysterious origins and his young Italian nurse of a similarly uncertain birth. They lead us in their wake, from Rome to Paris, from Lisbon to London, from Parma to Venice. Always followed in the shadows, for obscure reasons, by a suspicious-looking Calabrian and a troubling cardinal, they make us explore the dark intrigues of the Vatican, the pangs of a fatal passion, a gruesome duel, banter at the court of Versailles and the convulsions of the French Revolution.
Art Direction
Gabriel and Iris head back to their family holiday home in Portugal with their daughters Emma and Zoé, a couple of adorable six-year-old twins, for a vacation. In the heart of the sun-drenched countryside, as the little ones swim and laugh, the couple’s past begins to rear its head. Emma is overwhelmed by a secret that is simply too big for her to keep, and which she has no right to share with her twin sister.
Art Direction
Lazarus de Jesus is the adopted son of a wealthy lady from Lisbon, whom he calls Grandmother. It is she who introduces him to Godfather, a great businessman who takes him as his protégé, and Angelina, the woman Grandma wants him to marry. But Lazarus has other hidden interests, the most important of which is an obsessive fixation on female armpits. When he sees the violinist Maria Pia playing, Lazarus immediately falls in love and starts to live for her, which will precipitate an absolutely unpredictable ending.
Art Direction
В конце девятнадцатого века двое португальских колониальных чиновника добираются до удаленного поста по торговле слоновой костью в Конго..
Art Direction
Судьба Марии сложилась не очень хорошо, любовь не удалась: ее предал муж Давид. Он украл пакет с деньгами и сбежал на Азорские острова, к лучшей жизни. Но Мария не намерена прощать его. Она предлагает инспектору криминальной полиции, Лукасу, преследовать и найти ее супруга. В это время Давид путешествует по островам и знакомится с официанткой Мариной, которая работает в загадочном баре «Peter Café Sport». Жена и инспектор ищут Давида на острове Пику и все-таки сталкиваются с ним на вершине одноименной горы. Финальная сцена противостояния напоминает греческую трагедию. Приходит время платить по счетам.
Art Direction
Марго отказалась от блестящей музыкальной карьеры ради отношений с Фурио, и теперь старается сохранить то, что осталось от их прежней любви. Одновременно с этим ее возлюбленный Фурио пытается закончить реставрацию старинного дворца, но задача оказывается невыполнимой из-за бесконечных преград, возникающих на его пути.
Production Design
Jorge is a loner and a writer of popular books. At night, he looks through other people's windows and thinks that they are truly happy.
Art Direction
27 сентября 1810 года французские войска под командованием маршала Андре Массены, двигавшиеся к Лиссабону, неожиданно обнаружили перед собой огромную англо-португальскую армию. Маленькая нищая Португалия не желала покоряться Наполеону и французская армия потерпела поражение под Серра-ду-Бусаку. Несмотря на победу, англо-португальская армия была вынуждена отступить к укрепленной линии Торрес — Ведраса, которая была построена поперек гористого полуострова между рекой Тахо и морским побережьем для прикрытия Лиссабона. В этом месте собирается множество людей из разных социальных слоев — солдат и гражданских, мужчин, женщин и детей, молодых и старых. Преследуемые французской армией, беглецы двигаются вперед, стиснув зубы, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. Все они — молодой лейтенант Педро де Аленкар, Кларисса, мстительный сержант Франциско Хавьер или проститутка Мартирио, — все приходят разными путями к линиям Веллингтона, где финальная битва решит судьбу каждого из них…
Art Direction
A group of soldiers are sentenced for the murders of key political figures in the night of October 19th, 1921, in the streets of Lisbon. But the names of the conspirators remain unknown. Berta Maia, a widow of the 1910 revolution hero Carlos da Maia, will fight for the truth…
Art Direction
История переносит зрителя в XIX век и погружает в настоящий вихрь приключений, роковых совпадений, тайн, преступлений, неистовых страстей, страшной мести и безумной любви. В Лиссабоне, полном интриг и секретов, мы познакомимся с людьми, так или иначе причастными к судьбе главного героя, Педро да Силвы. Среди них мужественный священник, не отступающий перед опасностями, красавица графиня, потерявшая разум от ревности, удачливый делец, наживший состояние на кровавом морском разбое. У каждого невероятная судьба, и их жизненные пути пересекаются самым непостижимым образом…
Art Direction
Exiled from her country since her husband's murder ten years earlier, Judith lives in Marseille with her three children. After having refused to see her family for years, Judith, in spite of her fears and secrets, allows herself to be influenced by her children's wishes and accepts an invitation to their cousin's wedding. They set off to spend a summer in the old country, discovering their roots and their past. But Judith's return revives old hatreds between rival clans. The spiral of violence is inexorably set in motion, blood will tell...
Costume Design
Станция Санта-Мария, ночь. Оссорио, сорокалетний мужчина, прибывает с толпой беженцев и побежденных солдат. Он возвращается в город, в котором, как он знал, была женщина, которую он любил. Но все изменилось. Армия жестоко терроризирует город... Этой ночью каждый пытается спасти свою шкуру. Напрасно.
Production Design
Станция Санта-Мария, ночь. Оссорио, сорокалетний мужчина, прибывает с толпой беженцев и побежденных солдат. Он возвращается в город, в котором, как он знал, была женщина, которую он любил. Но все изменилось. Армия жестоко терроризирует город... Этой ночью каждый пытается спасти свою шкуру. Напрасно.
Costume Design
Драма Карлоса Сауры знакомит нас с традиционным португальским музыкальным жанром - фаду.
Production Design
Рикарду — трансвестит в баре, его парень покончил жизнь самоубийством. Рикарду пытается вскоре после этого совершить суицид. Именно эта неудачная попытка самоубийства позволяет ему возобновить контакт с сестрой Марией и узнать своего племянника Вашку, который имеет синдром Дауна. Он также пытается ужиться и со своим отцом Жозе, а с Марией, и в основном с Вашку, Рикарду должен заново научиться жить.
Costume Designer
Рикарду — трансвестит в баре, его парень покончил жизнь самоубийством. Рикарду пытается вскоре после этого совершить суицид. Именно эта неудачная попытка самоубийства позволяет ему возобновить контакт с сестрой Марией и узнать своего племянника Вашку, который имеет синдром Дауна. Он также пытается ужиться и со своим отцом Жозе, а с Марией, и в основном с Вашку, Рикарду должен заново научиться жить.
Costume Design
Ana Catarina returns from Brazil with her father and her nanny to marry a man she doesn't know and doesn't like. A terrible coincidence happens when, on the same day, the young woman becomes a widow and an orphan, a fact that leaves her heir to an incalculable fortune and coveted by all the aristocrats in the region.
Production Design
Ana Catarina returns from Brazil with her father and her nanny to marry a man she doesn't know and doesn't like. A terrible coincidence happens when, on the same day, the young woman becomes a widow and an orphan, a fact that leaves her heir to an incalculable fortune and coveted by all the aristocrats in the region.
Costume Design
Семья из Лиссабона получает в наследство дом в небольшой деревне. В доме, говорит народ, не все чисто. Вскоре всем членам семейства начинают слышаться голоса и являться видения...
Costume Design
The complex relationship between master and servant is explored in director João Botelho's adaptation of Denis Diderot's popular novel Jacques le Fataliste et Son Maître. As Tiago (Rogério Samora) drives his master (André Gomes) through the Portuguese countryside to an unspecified destination, the traveling pair embark on a series of highly philosophical discussions. Flowing with tales of his life in the military and previous sexual escapades, Tiago trades a series of tales with his rapt passenger, including the story of a vengeful spurned lover who plots revenge on the nobleman who rejected her by transforming a prostitute into a society lady and convincing him to marry the tainted bride.
Production Design
Ordo Tupikos, a french sailor with greek origins, discover that his first wife, Estelle, with whom he had remained married a few months only 16 years earlier, is now a famous movie star called Louise Sandoli. But, more than her name, everything about Louise seems to have changed. Ordo decides to meet Estelle again, after all these years, to know what it's all about...
Costume Design
Manoel de Oliveira directs José Régio's historical epic of religious and political power struggles. King Sebastião plans to make Portugal the world's Fifth Empire.
Art Direction
Portugal, 1917. The country is experiencing a great political and social agitation and it is said that in Fatima the virgin appeared to three little shepherds.
Salomé, a young lady from the province, is one of the many girls who cheers Lisbon brothels, but she is such a special girl that a rich man invites her to live in his house and presents her to the high society of Lisbon. But her past will not stop chasing her and Salomé, who thought that this would be the beginning of a new life, will eventually lose everything by becoming an involuntary character of this miracle that agitated the country...
Costume Design
Друзья отбывают из Лиссабона на круизном корабле, направляющемся к Индийскому океану. Во время однодневных остановок в Марселе, Помпеях, Афинах, Стамбуле и Каире они наблюдают, как профессор рассказывает своей юной дочери о мифах, истории, религии и войнах. Мужчины пытаются флиртовать с ней, но она холодна, поскольку едет в Бомбей к своему мужу.
Costume Design
João Vuvu, lives alone in a house that requires regeneration but due to being alone he is unable to do the work. On his son's release from prison and João's ensuing deception triggers a series of somber events.
Costume Design
Having lost her place among the social elite, a widow remarries and starts a family.
Costume Designer
Пожилой парижский актер Гилберт узнает о том, что его жена, дочь и зять погибли в автокатастрофе. Теперь он должен взять под опеку своего маленького внука…
Costume Design
The story of Father Antonio Vieira, a 17th-century Portuguese priest who lived in Brazil and worked for better treatment of the Indians and to abolish slavery.
La mère supérieure
A serious young man of free spirit is forced by his surroundings to become rich at all costs. A group of blind children tries to open the eyes of the unbelievers to the Christian faith. Retired nuns who open a brothel, to pay the running costs of the convent. These rather ironic paradoxes turn this fairytale into a philosophical fable.
Costume Design
A serious young man of free spirit is forced by his surroundings to become rich at all costs. A group of blind children tries to open the eyes of the unbelievers to the Christian faith. Retired nuns who open a brothel, to pay the running costs of the convent. These rather ironic paradoxes turn this fairytale into a philosophical fable.
Production Design
A serious young man of free spirit is forced by his surroundings to become rich at all costs. A group of blind children tries to open the eyes of the unbelievers to the Christian faith. Retired nuns who open a brothel, to pay the running costs of the convent. These rather ironic paradoxes turn this fairytale into a philosophical fable.
Costume Design
A touching and tragic real life story about a group of Portuguese fishermen who get caught in the middle of a storm in the Tejo river (Lisbon) and struggle to survive.
Production Design
A touching and tragic real life story about a group of Portuguese fishermen who get caught in the middle of a storm in the Tejo river (Lisbon) and struggle to survive.
Costume Design
An anthology film drama featuring a poetic mirror structure based on existential identity. In "The Immortals," adapted from a Helder Prista Monteiro play, two famous doctors, an 80-year-old father, and his 60-year-old son, contemplate senility and death. "Suzy," from an Antonio Patricio story, is set in the '30s when a young courtesan dies on the operating table. "Mother of the River" is from an Agustina Bessa-Luis fable about eternal life.
Production Design
An anthology film drama featuring a poetic mirror structure based on existential identity. In "The Immortals," adapted from a Helder Prista Monteiro play, two famous doctors, an 80-year-old father, and his 60-year-old son, contemplate senility and death. "Suzy," from an Antonio Patricio story, is set in the '30s when a young courtesan dies on the operating table. "Mother of the River" is from an Agustina Bessa-Luis fable about eternal life.
Costume Design
In this French-Portuguese film -- directed by Jacques Rivette's screenplay collaborator Christine Laurent -- French vocalist Laure Constant (Laurence Cote) goes to Montevideo, Uruguay, to see her old lover Colossus (Jose Olivera), but when he's a no-show, she becomes involved with several other men, while listening to advice from some older French women who are costume designers. Shown at the 1997 Locarno Film Festival.
Costume Design
Рохерио, богатый молодой человек, и его загадочная жена Леонор устраивают вечеринку в саду свой роскошной виллы на острове Сан-Мигел. Среди приглашенных есть одна весьма занятная пара постарше: философски настроенная и наблюдательная Ирен и престарелый распутник Мишель. Пары «меняются партнерами», словно в танце: Рохерио беседует с Ирен, в то время, как Леонор идет к морю с Мишелем. Если разговор с Ирен расстраивает Рохерио, то беседа с Мишелем всецело захватывает воображение Леонор. Проходит пять лет. На той же вилле накрыт стол на четырех. Мишель и Леонор снова покидают своих спутников. Куда приведут их трудно различимые «подводные течения»?
Costume Design
Майкл, американский профессор, приезжает со своей прекрасной женой-француженкой Элен в португальский монастырь в поисках доказательств того, что Шекспир был на самом деле испанским евреем. Глава монастыря, мрачный Балтар, одержимо влюбляется в Элен.
Costume Design
A blind beggar is robbed of his chest of money. The theft leads to a dramatic situation in the street where he begs every day.
Production Design
A blind beggar is robbed of his chest of money. The theft leads to a dramatic situation in the street where he begs every day.
Costume Design
Catalyst in the story of crossed paths is a 1957 Ford Fairlane being driven through Portugal’s Alentejo region to a new owner. Film’s overly protracted opening has car’s drivers (Filipe Cochofel, Antonio Pedro Figueiredo) joy riding the night away until the roadster breaks down. Momentum picks up at sunrise with their attempts to fix the car. A retired mechanic-turned-beekeeper with a heart condition (Canto e Castro) does the trick and convinces Figueiredo to take him cross-country on a motorbike to look up an old friend. Cochofel and the mechanic’s alarmed niece (Maysa Marta) follow in pursuit. The old man dies peacefully on the road, but Figueiredo, having wholeheartedly grasped his deliverance mission, keeps going.
Costume Design
Ema is a very attractive but innocent girl, so pretty that cars crash in her presence. Young marries Dr. Carlos Paiva, a father's friend, to whom she is not attracted. They move to the Valley of Abraham. Carlos loves her, but decides to sleep in a separate room to avoid waking Ema when he has to return late at night. With time she begins to feel unhappy about her marriage, so she finds a lover.
Costume Design
Eloi, a paunchy middle-aged man, finds Samuel, a young sad sack, about to kill himself by plunging into the sea. Eloi takes Samuel under his wing, giving him a hot meal and bringing him to a seedy night club to introduce him to Esperança, who is said to be the most beautiful sex worker in Lisbon—and is also Eloi’s daughter.
Costume Design
Episodes from entire military history of Portugal are told through flashbacks as a professorish soldier recounts them while marching through a Portuguese African colony in 1973.
Costume Design
At the time Portugal presented a strange spectacle to the rest of Europe. D. Afonso VI, son of the fortunate D. João de Bragança, was in possession of the throne and was an insane imbecile. His wife, daughter of the Duke of Nemours and cousin of Louis XIV, dared hatch a plot to oust her husband from the throne. The king's stupidity justified the queen's bravado. Despite being master of unusual strength and having slept with his wife for a long time, she accused him of being impotent. Marie Françoise had acquired through artfulness what Afonso had lost in anger in the kingdom. She had him imprisoned ( November 1667 ) and quickly obtained a papal bull from Rome to confirm her virginity and bless her marriage to her brother-in-law Pedro. Portugal's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1990.
Production Manager
Last feature film of Stanislav Barabas
Assistant Director
Remake of the 1953 original. Princess Elysa is touring Rome, and decides to get "out and about" away from her normal life. She meets with an American reporter and his photographer, who show her the sites. The reporter is initially more interested in a story than the Princess, but begins to fall for her.
Production Manager
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.
Wanda Ratschgiff
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.
Set Decoration
A mentally unstable woman and her son move to a sprawling mansion in Portugal to grow roses.
Costume Designer
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.
Production Design
A sickly young girl is given away by her father to a childless couple. Twenty years later, she marries her adopted father.
Costume Design
When the child Manuel wanders into a garden that is off-limits to him, he meets an unidentified fisherman, and another boy -- the boy is actually himself several years down the road. Manuel experiences three different versions of his encounters in the garden, revealing that fate can have several twists and turns in one's life, depending on decisions that are made early on.
Production Design
When the child Manuel wanders into a garden that is off-limits to him, he meets an unidentified fisherman, and another boy -- the boy is actually himself several years down the road. Manuel experiences three different versions of his encounters in the garden, revealing that fate can have several twists and turns in one's life, depending on decisions that are made early on.
When the child Manuel wanders into a garden that is off-limits to him, he meets an unidentified fisherman, and another boy -- the boy is actually himself several years down the road. Manuel experiences three different versions of his encounters in the garden, revealing that fate can have several twists and turns in one's life, depending on decisions that are made early on.
Costume Design
An island retreat. A man, his face bandaged, plays cards nonchalantly. His ex-wife arrives. Conversations happen. (Mubi)
Production Design
An island retreat. A man, his face bandaged, plays cards nonchalantly. His ex-wife arrives. Conversations happen. (Mubi)
Costume Design
A surreal odyssey in which a melancholic maidservant crosses paths with a homicidal little boy, travels to a tiny island of pirates and encounters a man with multiple personalities.
Production Design
A surreal odyssey in which a melancholic maidservant crosses paths with a homicidal little boy, travels to a tiny island of pirates and encounters a man with multiple personalities.
Costume Design
Swaying between pleasure and despair, Elric throws himself into his pathological passion for the casino. Meeting Suzie could have saved him, but the young woman also sinks into gambling hell. The couple then start getting involved in the fearsome world of professional cheaters.
Costume Design
The shady side of an Italian textile trade in northern Germany is the subject of this slow-paced but atmospheric drama featuring Alberto Sordi as Totonno, a low-level, petty criminal anxious to move up a somewhat crooked ladder. Rising to the rank of the "dons" -- Don Raffaele (Carmine Ippolito) or Don Gennaro (Pasquale Cenammo) -- is not an easy task, as Totonno is about to find out. In the meantime, Paula (Belinda Lee) provides a romantic distraction, and another would-be entrepreneur opts for the straight and narrow. This uneven feature offers some colorful performances but the sum is less convincing than its parts.