George Mihăiță

George Mihăiță

Рождение : 1948-09-23, Moreni, Romania


George Mihăiţă (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈd͡ʒe̯ord͡ʒe mihəˈit͡sə]; born 23 September 1948 in Moreni) is a Romanian actor, director and philanthropist. Renowned for his distinctive voice, Mihăiţă has appeared in over 70 films and is regarded as a Romanian film icon. He studied in the Institute of Theatrical Art and Cinematography of Bucharest -now known as The National University of Theatrical Art and Cinematography I.L.Caragiale Bucharest -and graduated with honors.He has worked as an actor for more than forty years, both in cinema and theater. He is the renovator of teenagers education in Romania. The Director of Salut magazine and Salut Generation Pro, two editorials that made history among the Romanian newspapers, Mihăiţă also was named the honorific director of Super Magazine. George is the founder of the teenager's day. He is also the President of UNESCO Club for teenagers and during the last six years he has been the director of The Comedy Theater in Bucharest. Also was the founder and director of FESTCO - The Festival of Romanian Comedy in Bucharest. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


George Mihăiță
George Mihăiță


Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
A sequel to Moromeții (1987), the tale follows the life of the Moromete family after WWII, with Romania being overpowered by Communism.
Где-то в Палилула
Ilie Tudorin
Молодой педиатр Серафим приезжает на работу, почти на самый «край света». В больнице, пациенты совершенно здоровы и одним из их любимых развлечений является оказание помощи при вскрытии тел в морге. Горожане же очаровательны и идиотичны одновременно, навсегда изолированы в пьянстве, в пиршестве и оргии. ..
Ultimul Corupt din Romania
Hristu Belciug
The latest film directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu, 'The last corrupt in Romania,' is Nicolaescu's first movie after 'Poker,' which became a great box-office success in Romania. The recent film continues the events of 'Poker,' with a cast that brings together many popular Romanian actors - Horatiu Malaele, Vladimir Gaitan, Valentin Teodosiu, Ion Ritiu, Catalina Grama (Jojo) and Mircea Diaconu – who embody the same main characters as in Poker
Тихая свадьба
Gogonea Jr.
Румынская трагикомедия, действие которой происходит в небольшой деревне 1953 году, рассказывает о юной паре, собирающейся пожениться. Прибывают гости, столы накрыты, и все готово для начала церемонии. Неожиданно прибывший офицер русской армии объявляет о смерти Сталина. С этого момента начинается неделя общенационального траура, любые праздники под запретом. Но собравшиеся решают все-таки сыграть свадьбу… только тихо.
В тюрьме начальник развлекается тем, что заставляет заключенных играть в «русскую рулетку». Один из заключенных выживает, когда ему выпадает единственный шанс: в патроннике нагана остается свободным только одно место. Через много лет бывший смертник находит своего мучителя, превратившего убийство из нагана в шоу-бизнес.
The Man of the Day
Paradisul în direct
Comedic happenings during a seaside vacation.
The Drake's Head
After a play of the same name by Gheorghe Ciprian.
Reach for the Sky
A story about young gymnasts in Romania.
Duminică în familie
Alexandru Ionescu
A computer programmer falls in love with an architect, which, after her parents died, is responsible for her 4 younger siblings. He conquers her by first befriending her brothers and sisters.
Niște băieți grozavi
A farm team-leader, Tudor, is accused for having failed the harvesting. Unhappy with what he considers an unfair verdict, he leaves the farm and moves to another village, getting a job as an ordinary worker in another farm. At first, he is upset by the very severe leader of that team, Mihai, but soon he discovers that his hard style is necessary to keep the work in good order and face all the problems. He also finds a bunch of great friends (the "Swell Guys" / "...baieti grozavi" in the title) and learns in what had consisted his own past mistakes. —Mihnea Columbeanu
A Smile Of The Sun
Zmeu II
Several students spend their last days of high school in a cheerful and musical atmosphere. Petrica and 'Sunny Smile', who has become a fairy tale princess in the meantime, find their way back to each other, from the real world to the dream one and the other way around, in order to meet their love halfway between the two realms.
Cornel Popescu
Problems ensue once a girl finds about her biological father which tries to be a part of her life.
The Migrant Birds Are Coming
In the Barza village, people grew accustomed to see doctors leave with the migratory birds. With the new doctor, they will have a surprise...
Melodii la Costinesti
The film describes the journeys through which the members of a light music band pass in their attempt to be selected for the Costinesti Labor Festival.
William the Conqueror
William's government blended elements of the English and Norman systems into a new one that laid the foundations of the later medieval English kingdom. How abrupt and far-reaching the changes were is still a matter of debate among historians, with some such as Richard Southern claiming that the Conquest was the single most radical change in European history between the Fall of Rome and the 20th century. Written by jeff davis, III
Mercenaries' Trap
The movie is based on a true story from the end of WWI, in Transylvania. A nobleman who owned some land in Transylvania returns home to find a part of his fortune burned to ashes during late 1918 when power was trasfered from AustroHungary to Romania. Looking for revenge, he ordered the killing of innocent Romanian peasants from a neighbouring village, which he suspected to be guilty for the losses he suffered. A Romanian officer from Romanian Transylvanian Volunteers Corp, decides to help the villagers to face the menace of the nobleman
Комиссар полиции и Малыш
Бухарест, 1939 год. Банда Григория Маймуки совершает дерзкое ограбление банка. К расследованию приступает комиссар Миклован и его маленький помощник беспризорник Малыш. Знаете ли Вы, что... : Перевод оригинального названия — "Дуэль".
Last Night of Love
Army orderly Sgt. Zamfir
In 1916, shortly before Romania's entry in World War One Romanian Army Lieutenant Tudor Gheorghiu is posted to a border patrol unit on Romania's border with Austria-Hungary. Not receiving any news from his wife he persuades the commanding officer, Captain Dimiu, to allow him a short leave to visit his wife. Tudor married Lena two years before but was very jealous and suspected her of infidelity. When his grandfather dies Tudor inherits most of the fortune. Gigolo lawyer Andrei Nicolau is the executor of the will. He also is the man who lustfully desires Tudor's beautiful wife. A contest for Lena's love begins. Romania is plunged into WW1 and ironically Tudor receives his junior Lieutenant commission in the same regiment where gigolo lawyer Nicolau serves as a Major. Their destinies seem intertwined.
The Man We Need
A concrete expert is torn between his family, who wants to settle in a city, and his work, which requires constant relocating.
Arms of Afrodite
A Romanian construction company is contracted to build a sea port in Morocco. In the process they find some roman artifacts.
Uncertain Roads
Octavian Borcea, a middle aged peasant, goes through a social crisis when he decides to re-marry with a widower. He visits all his 5 children, then he returns in the village, where he burned his bridges.
For Motherland
Sergeant Peneș
In 1877 during the Russo-Turkish war the Kingdom of Romania joins the war on Russia's side and declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
Tudor Cuceanu
Three young man run in the rain with a borrowed car. The first accident, whose victim is a girl, gives the signal for a race through the city to escape the police crews. Race ends tragically, with another serious incident, even one victim is involved. The only way out is escape. The film shows the psychological transformation of fugitives, in their desperate attempt to evade the consequences and pressures of their conscience.
Tufă de Veneția
Last Days of Summer
The Last Night of Loneliness
The movie depicts a peasant with a very strong personality that copes with the changes in the Romanian village.
The Wall
At the beginning of the 40's, Victor (Gabriel Oseciuc) is a young Communist who has been hiding for months in a built-in room to print out on his own the free newspaper Communist Command.
A Fantastic Comedy
This blend of comedy and psycho-drama is comprised of two disturbing stories. The first tells the tale of a robot who is set to Earth by his home planet to discover new energy sources. In the second a boy is sent into deep space as part of an inhuman experiment designed to create the perfect human.
Postcards with Wildflowers
Laura (Carmen Galin) comes from a small town on the Danube to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. She is addressing Irina (Elena Albu) and her mother (Eliza Petrachescu) for a miscarriage following her death. Overwhelmed by a blame not belonging to her, Irina suicides.
Filip the Kind
Young Filip tries to figure out how to live in a world full of compromise and corruption.
The Groom
О событиях 1948 года в Румынии. После разгрома столичных банд уцелевшие преступники скрылись в горах. Кровавые события разыгрались в одном из небольших селений. В неравную борьбу с бандитами вступил Михай Роман, бывший комиссар полиции, ставший майором госбезопасности...
Veronica Comes Back
Fleeing into the woods to save duckling stolen by Madame Fox (Vasilica Tastaman), Veronica (Lulu Mihăescu) gives Cricket (Florian Pittiş), the queen ants (Margaret Pâslaru) and Danila dangerous cat (Dem Radulescu) who intones that all Popa Themistocles other choruses. Tudor Caranfil - 2002 (Dictionary of Romanian films)
mousey Aurică
Музыкальный фильм-сказка о приключениях пятилетней Вероники, которой добрая фея подарила на день рождения волшебную сумочку. Обладать сумочкой мог только послушный, трудолюбивый, добрый человек. За то, что девочка не дала поиграть своим подарком друзьям из детского сада, фея наказала ее — сумочка ушла от Вероники. Отправившись искать подарок, девочка попала в волшебный лес, познакомилась с хитрой Лисой, Котом, веселыми мышатами, которым оказала помощь. Вероника научилась отличать добро от зла, правду от лжи, поняла цену настоящей дружбы. Вернувшись в детский сад, Вероника получила от феи новую волшебную сумку, которой девочка теперь будет играть вместе с другими детьми.
Brigade Miscellaneous on Alert
Haralambie Harpalete
The adventures of three Romanian inept petty criminals during the 1970s.
Запутанные следы
Haralambie Harpalete
Фильм состоит из двух новелл, повествующих о работниках милиции. "Похититель собак" В первой рассказывается о расследовании убийства начальника отдела торговой фирмы. Капитану Панаиту и его сотрудникам приходится приложить немало усилий, прежде чем была установлена личность убийцы и он признал свою вину. "Учитель мимики" Во второй новелле капитан Панаит и его помощники раскрывают банду преступников, которые под видом манекенов оставались в универмаге после его закрытия и совершали крупные кражи.
The Castle of the Condemned
After the Nazi troops retreat from Czechoslovakia, some troops are left behind and choose to fight to death holding a castle instead of surrendering to the soviets.
Silent Friends
Two dogs and a duck are saving a family.
Двое юношей предстают перед судебными властями за пьяную драку в пивном баре, приведшую к ранению официанта. Так как для каждого из них это первое нарушение общественного порядка, прокурор соглашается отпустить их, заменив наказание съёмками учебно-воспитательного фильма, воспроизводящего события рокового вечера в назидание другим подросткам. В ходе этих мучительных съёмок молодые люди проходят через целый спектр острых переживаний и размышлений о жизни и обществе, в котором живут.