Oxana Moravec

Oxana Moravec


Oxana Moravec


5 Minutes Too Late
The destiny of the man who led the gendarme team after a LGBT film screening in Bucharest, revealed through an investigation by Liliana Calomfir, a young journalist known for her daring reporting.
До предела
Он — скрипач, который вынужден играть в переходах метро, чтобы заработать на жизнь. Она — балерина, которая учится в престижной школе искусств. Казалось бы, при чем тут хип-хоп? Но именно в этом стиле они найдут точки соприкосновения, которые изменят их жизнь навсегда.
One Floor Below
After being the sole unfortunate witness to a domestic quarrel that ends up in murder, Patrascu finds himself at odds with two very close neighbors: one is the bizarre murderer. The other is his very own conscience.
Chasing rainbows
mama Lina
A story about the illusion of getting rich in Romania. In a country where stories of striking it rich are everywhere, anyone thinks such a thing is not only possible, but it's easily achievable. The storyline follows two destinies: one is of a young couple, Marius and Cosmina. Marius wrote an imaginary name on a lottery promotion ticket just to drag Cosmina. And the draw makes him the winner. The other is of two adults. Because of their lack of knowledge when it comes to modern technology, they get fooled by e-mail spam, fall for a false online lottery and loose their last savings. The stories meet at the end, when they loose all hope and refuse their only chance of getting rich. Finally we realize that the illusion of becoming rich puts ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
Chasing rainbows
Mama Lina
A story about the illusion of getting rich in Romania. In a country where stories of striking it rich are everywhere, anyone thinks such a thing is not only possible, but it's easily achievable. The storyline follows two destinies: one is of a young couple, Marius and Cosmina. Marius wrote an imaginary name on a lottery promotion ticket just to drag Cosmina. And the draw makes him the winner. The other is of two adults. Because of their lack of knowledge when it comes to modern technology, they get fooled by e-mail spam, fall for a false online lottery and loose their last savings. The stories meet at the end, when they loose all hope and refuse their only chance of getting rich. Finally we realize that the illusion of becoming rich puts ordinary people in extraordinary situations.
Принцесса на Рождество
Mrs. Birch
По приглашению молодая женщина путешествует со своей племянницей и племянником, попадает в замок в Европе на Рождество, где она невольно влюбляется в лихого князя.
Crossing Dates
Mirela Preda
3 separate stories take place over two days. The characters' paths intersect, and they affect each-other unintentionally.
The Foreign Legion
For many years, three Romanian village boys, Stelica, Aurel and Mitu, have remained the closest of friends. In their youths, they planned to pursue careers as shepherds, but in time their individual paths diverged - leading Mitu into the military, Stelica into the local police force and Aurel into the employ of Maricel, a wealthy resident of the community. The men's worlds change forever when a newcomer arrives in the hamlet - a young woman named Lilica, accompanied by Maricel. She's toting two trucks full of Dutch chickens with her, which inadvertently spreads the bird flu to much of the local populace. The boys, however, soon realize how they can ingeniously turn this potential crisis into a solid profit-making venture for themselves.
В маленьком румынском городке в дельте Дуная обитает семья, которая отчаянно пытается выжить, еле-еле сводя концы с концами. Рина, шестнадцатилетняя девушка, помогающая отцу в ремонте автомобилей, стремится найти своё место в жизни, разрываясь между мечтами о счастье и беспощадной действительностью.
Ловушка для призраков
College Secretary
Когда пятеро молодых студентов приезжают в старый незанятый особняк, начинается необъяснимая цепочка событий, когда загадочные часы «призраков» снова начинают тикать. По мере того, как история разворачивается, раскрывая темные секреты каждого ученика, граница между реальным миром и загробной жизнью становится неясной. Найдут ли они способ сбежать или навсегда окажутся в ловушке с духами?
Lurid Tales: The Castle Queen
Made for cable, this erotic drama follows a modern young man on a virtual reality trip back to 17th-century England where men were men and women were readily available.