Fashion film about imposter syndrome, anxiety, and those self-imposed limits that prevent us from moving forward. What would you do if you weren't afraid?
Virginia is determined to commit suicide. But unknowingly her decision far from ending her life, will open the way to finally live without dragging the burden of a terrible heartbreak; One she has been carrying since her father left her. Between rock, tears, and frenzy, Virginia will make her journey to discover the secrets of the past and the desire to live. A scruffy musician, two dysfunctional friends and a pot head grandmother, accompany her through this story that pays respect to the cinema and love, but above all to the heart of women.
Virginia is determined to commit suicide. But unknowingly her decision far from ending her life, will open the way to finally live without dragging the burden of a terrible heartbreak; One she has been carrying since her father left her. Between rock, tears, and frenzy, Virginia will make her journey to discover the secrets of the past and the desire to live. A scruffy musician, two dysfunctional friends and a pot head grandmother, accompany her through this story that pays respect to the cinema and love, but above all to the heart of women.
Kjetil, an offshore worker, is left with his six-year-old adopted son after his wife dies. To find out more about the boy's background Kjetil decides to bring the boy back to Colombia.
Executive Producer
Moria is the praise of insanity, love, desolation and resilience. Moria shows the beauty of depression and melancholy through 3 characters who live in one house in the neighborhood in Bogota, without seemingly have nothing in common but a roof.
- Written by Patricia Castaneda
Moria is the praise of insanity, love, desolation and resilience. Moria shows the beauty of depression and melancholy through 3 characters who live in one house in the neighborhood in Bogota, without seemingly have nothing in common but a roof.
- Written by Patricia Castaneda
Roa is a fictionalized account, based on real facts, about Juan Roa Sierra, the supposed killer of Jorge Eliecer Gaitán, Colombian politician and lawyer, dissident candidate of the Liberal Party for the 1950 Presidential elections, which he had a very high probability of winning.
Cali, Colombia. 2002. José, a systems engineer discovers in his skin the signs of 'lytomiasis' a non yet classified mysterious disease where the body is totally covered by a second skin of voracious bacteria. Horrified José discovers 'replicas' of himself, as if his burst sick ego had multiplied itself ad infinitum. All the replicas are infected with the same virus and equally intent on a merciless pursuit of each other and as decisively intent on killing.
gran dama
Прекрасный, но бедный юноша Флорентино Ариза признается Фермине Дазе в вечной любви, однако девушка выходит замуж за более состоятельного поклонника. Но Флорентино не отступается от своей любви. Он верит. Верит и ждет. Проходит путь от посыльного до преуспевающего судового магната, добивается богатства, славы и признания в надежде когда-нибудь заполучить свою Фермину. Проходит больше полувека. Роковая случайность и…влюбленные снова готовы кинуться в объятия друг друга.
Три истории, излагаемые параллельно, происходят в канун резни Позетто. Главные герои — роковая красавица, которая подставляет богатых мужчин, священник, влюбленный в домохозяйку и утомленный жизнью ветеран войны, ставший преподавателем и теперь снедаемый страстью к одной из своих студенток. Три разных человека, ищущие любви, искупления грехов и второго шанса на новую жизнь, которая обязательно начнется, когда закончатся эти трагические события…
Covering news of impact in Bogotá has become a personal race between Roco and Matías, two contemporary journalists who are reaching their fifties, determined to be the first to get red notices for their editors. 30 years dedicated to competing for the most macabre news, they are driven to cross paths through death, in a desolate and hostile city that offers them no shelter or company.