Theodor Halacu-Nicon

Theodor Halacu-Nicon

Рождение : 1970-02-17, Constanta, Romania


Theodor Halacu-Nicon


District Story
Returned home after a year of army, Vio discover with surprise his friends and the neighborhood changed fundamentally. The area is now controlled by Davinci, a drug dealer because of which his father Vio lost the house, and for his friends, beatings with rival gang have become a way of life. Nevertheless, Vio is happy: he met the love of his life, Ramona, and between them grows a love story and they will do anything for that love, including him fighting on Davinci, who wants to take Ramona as his wife by force. Unfortunately, love proves to be not a sufficient condition for Vio and Ramona to fulfilling the dream,of love but makes you understand that not even in death those two can not be separated.
Three Looney Brothers
Based on a Romanian folk story this is the modern interpretation of the story, set in modern Bucharest. Three brothers recently moved to the City. The elder brother and the sister shortly find their place in society but their younger brother seems to find hard to integrate, therefore the other two decide to help. Only that Bizo falls in love with the Gypsy King's daughter and decides to ask for her hand. The Father tries to trick him by putting him through three challenges, each one to demonstrate that he has all that it takes to be a proud gypsy: Dexterity, Guts and Money. Written by T.H.N.
Three Looney Brothers
Based on a Romanian folk story this is the modern interpretation of the story, set in modern Bucharest. Three brothers recently moved to the City. The elder brother and the sister shortly find their place in society but their younger brother seems to find hard to integrate, therefore the other two decide to help. Only that Bizo falls in love with the Gypsy King's daughter and decides to ask for her hand. The Father tries to trick him by putting him through three challenges, each one to demonstrate that he has all that it takes to be a proud gypsy: Dexterity, Guts and Money. Written by T.H.N.
Призрак Красной реки
First Assistant Director
«Призрак Красной Реки» — история, основанная на реальных событиях, происходивших в США (штат Теннеси) в 19 веке. Об истории семьи Беллов, подвергшейся нападениям таинственного духа, написано 35 книг. Все они рассказывают о том, как на добропорядочную и уважаемую семью Беллов обрушилось проклятье. С какого-то момента в их дом стал приходить призрак, который добивался смерти одного из членов семьи.
Дом страха
First Assistant Director
Молодой и энергичный врач приезжает на практику в полузаброшенную психиатрическую клинику, которую вскоре потрясают два зверских убийства. Во сне он видит призрак мертвого мальчика, зовущего в лабиринты коридоров клиники… Отважный доктор Кларк решает, во что бы это ни стало, разобраться в происходящем… А поможет ему загадочный пациент палаты 44, которая находится в подвале больницы.
Кровавая жатва
First Assistant Director
Дом на отшибе. Две лучшие подруги и кровожадный убийца. Героиням фильма за одну ночь придется пережить самый страшный кошмар, какой только они могли себе вообразить. Они столкнутся со страхом неизвестного, со страхом темноты и животным страхом неотвратимости смерти.