Baptiste Lecaplain

Baptiste Lecaplain

Рождение : 1985-05-23, Mortain-Bocage,France


Baptiste Lecaplain


L'Histoire racontée par des chaussettes - Le Film
Un gars, une fille (au pluriel)
Loulou #4
The beloved Chouchou & Loulou are back with 18 new couples reenacting the famous TV series!
Les 10 ans de Studio Bagel
Self - Guest
A look back at the French Internet collective as they celebrate their 10th year anniversary.
La piste aux étoiles de Bérengère Krief - Montreux Comedy
The Grand Restaurant IV
For this new year, Pierre, the director of the Grand Restaurant is thinking big to try to get the famous star from the famous Michalon guide! And for that, he settles at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. Pierre faces an unscrupulous culinary critic, who will offer him a dubious deal: to dismiss his historic chef in exchange for this famous star. Will the manager of the Grand Restaurant accept?
Tous Inconnus
("Ça te barbera" segment)
The three "Unknown" are back in this movie where they wake up in a world where they really are unknown! They'll eventually find out that their career, films, sketches & songs do exist but from someone else!
MST : Moyennement Sûr du Titre
Manager [Comme ça vient]
Mister V revisits Studio Bagel's iconic sketchshow through three shows, each consisting of six to seven sketches.
Neuf mecs - Le film
Les duos impossibles de Jérémy Ferrari : 8ème édition
Canal+ Replay
Sofiane et Sofiane / What the fuck France
Mr. Replay hosts a TV special where more than 30 French comedians "replay" iconic Canal+ original programmings.
The Grand Restaurant III
He had opened his Great Restaurant twice, in 2010 and 2011, as part of an entertainment broadcast on France 2. Pierre Palmade “reopens it after work” in the form of a fiction offered by M6. Exit the brewery. The artist has chosen to shoot his film at the Froufrou, the restaurant at the Théâtre Édouard-VII, in Paris, a chic establishment with rococo decor, more solemn and therefore more appropriate to important moments in life, to his big announcements that make the subject of a series of sketches. They are interpreted by a cast of stars just as prestigious as that of his comrade Muriel Robin a few weeks ago in I Love you coiffure , on TF1. As a common thread, Pierre Palmade in the role of the host busy satisfying his customers, while ensuring that his mother (Marthe Villalonga), his competitor (Florence Foresti) and her cook husband (Jean Leduc) do not transform the evening in disaster.
Les duos impossibles de Jérémy Ferrari : 7ème édition
Peplum: la folle histoire du mariage de Cléopâtre
Montreux Comedy Festival 2018 - Crème
Les duos impossibles de Jérémy Ferrari : 5ème édition
Family Business
When their aunt's inheritance is given to their annoying cousin, three brothers and sisters have to work to get it back.
Baptiste Lecaplain - Origines
The Exes
If Paris is the city of lovers, it is also that ... ex! Antoine does not dare to commit, Didier regrets his ex-wife, Father Laurent must celebrate the marriage of his ex, Julie, Serge is harassed by Lise, the ex of his girlfriend of the moment, while Greg consoles With the dog ... of his ex! So many characters whose lives will be telescoped in a joyful disorder and who could fall back in love! But of whom? Whether they obsessed us or loved to hate them, deep down, it is difficult to forget their ex!
Pochette surprise
Since he retired, Serge suffers from a bad case of nostalgia. When he finds a disposable camera lost during the family trip to Italy in 1989, he decides to have it processed as a surprise for his wife and kids.
Juste pour rire fait son show
Festival International du Rire de Liège 2016
Сумасшедшая история Макса и Леона
Soldat du débarquement
Два закадычных друга - лентяй Макс и гуляка Леон - оказываются вовлеченными в события Второй мировой войны, как и многие молодые французы в 1939 г. Их единственная цель при этом - поскорее вернуться в свой родной городок. Однако все складывается иначе, и их затягивает водоворот судьбоносных приключений - шпионаж, путешествие в Сирию, участие в силах Сопротивления оккупантам.
La Folle Soirée du Palmashow 3
Self - Guest
At the window
A young timid man observes a woman he has a crush on from his apartment’s window. Will he talk to her?
Dieumerci !
A 44 year old guy gets out of jail and wants to become an actor.
Montreux Comedy Festival - #hyperconnecté
La couille
Montreux Comedy Festival - La Boum
Астерикс: Земля Богов
Gladiator (voice)
Астерикс и его лучший друг Обеликс продолжают свою многолетнюю борьбу с Цезарем, который хочет наконец-то расправиться с неукротимыми галлами. Вокруг деревни Астерикса Цезарь приказывает построить новый Рим - Землю Богов. В галльской деревне хаос и смятение. Но Астерикс и Обеликс не сдаются!
High Society
Class barriers threaten the budding romance of two young lovers striving to realize their artistic ambitions.
Jamel et ses Amis au Marrakech du Rire 2014
Правила жизни французского парня
Sébastien Morin
Любимое занятие Себастьяна, на первый взгляд — ничегонеделание. Его диван для него целый мир. C него он и предпочитает наблюдать за своими друзьями по квартире: красивой независимой Анной и не совсем решительным Бруно. Лежа на диване, Себастьян черпает жизненный опыт из книг и видеоигр. Не выходя из квартиры, он предается самым незаурядным мечтам и фантазиям. Себастьян умеет получать удовольствие от простых вещей — в этом его главная заслуга, но в этом же и его проблема. Но в какой-то момент он начинает действовать… немного и по-своему.
Le Sourire du pompier
Baptiste Lecaplain - Se tape l'affiche
Baptiste Lecaplain
Le pensionnat de Comédie+
Baptiste Lecaplain et ses potes : Le spectacle
Bref, on est sur scène à Montreux
Montreux Comedy Festival - Bref on Fait Un Gala
Montreux Comedy Festival - Carte blanche à Jérémy Ferrari & Arnaud Tsamere
Nous York
Thirty-somethings Michaël, Nabil and Sylvain head to New York to surprise their friend Samia on her birthday, secretly arranged with the help of another friend, Gabrielle. The two women had moved to NYC two years previously to try their luck. Samia shares a fabulous loft with a renowned American actress and works as her assistant. Gabrielle has a more mundane job in a small retirement home. Transposed to New York, the close bonds formed over the years between the five friends from a housing project on the outskirts of Paris take on a different aspect. The laughter and emotion is dictated by the adventures they share during their stay, from the daily lives of the women to the discovery of this cult city.
Eric Antoine & Friends décoiffent Montreux
Les Cigognes