Karine Teles

Karine Teles

Рождение : 1978-08-16, Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Karine Teles
Karine Teles
Karine Teles
Karine Teles


Tá Escrito
Alice, an advertising student, dreams of becoming a leading influencer on social media. She does everything, but nothing brings in the desired number of followers. Then one day her first "little gift" arrives at her house: a completely blank book, with only instructions that indicate that any astrological prediction written on those pages will come true. From then on, Alice will have the power to influence everyone.
Despite having the scar that marks the domesticated, Juliana has to keep her freedom. Is romance the ultimate trap?
Despite having the scar that marks the domesticated, Juliana has to keep her freedom. Is romance the ultimate trap?
Она и я
20 лет назад, родив дочь, Бия впала в кому. Но это не помешало ей ― даже в бессознательном состоянии ― оставаться частью повседневной жизни своей семьи. Внезапно Бия приходит в себя. И пока она вновь обретает зрение, речь и способность двигаться, её дочь, бывший муж и его новая жена пытаются справиться с неожиданно возникшим реальным присутствием этой странной, но горячо любимой женщины.
Bacurau no Mapa
Behind the scenes of Bacurau (2019)'s shooting and pre-production. With exclusive images, directors Kléber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles show how they made the film an audience and critical success.
Lolita Rodrigues
Hebe Camargo is one of the most emblematic entertainments in Brazil. At her 60s, she went on to control her own career and, despite the criticism, the dreadful husband and the powerful and sexist bosses, she revealed herself to the public as an extraordinary woman, capable of overcoming any personal or professional crisis.
Небольшой городок где-то в бразильской глуши. Местные жители оплакивают кончину старейшей жительницы, которой было 94 года, и вскоре замечают, что их поселение исчезло с большинства карт.
В сердце мира
Жители бразильского города Контагем хотят лучшей жизни. В центре сюжета Сельма, женщина, которая мечтает уехать в "сердце мира" - место, в котором она будет счастлива.
On the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Irene has only a few days to overcome her anxiety and renew her strength before sending her eldest son out into the world.
On the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Irene has only a few days to overcome her anxiety and renew her strength before sending her eldest son out into the world.
The Family Doorman
Inacio is the doorman of his apartment building. When his father suddenly dies, his mental state is pushed to the edge. After becoming obsessed with a tenant, things take a dangerous turn.
Bia just turned eighteen. The end of the year is coming and also the ACTs. People at school and Bia’s parents are pressuring her to decide which graduation she will apply for. Bia doesn’t want to do anything.
The Other End
Diogo (17) has a little quirk: he likes to call his mother's female therapy patients and masturbate while listening to them on the phone. One of these patients is Angela (43), a woman who was just left by her husband When Diogo calls Angela, she thinks it's her husband calling. She starts having a relationship with the silence on the other end of the line. But when she finds out it's Diogo, she's disgusted. She's furious. But, most of all, she's attracted to this person who showed so much interest in her. The only person who called her every day. Diogo helps Angela see that she can have a new beginning and she shows him his way to independence. But they have to face a number of obstacles: There's the age difference, Diogo's mother, and, especially, his own path to adulthood.
Mulher (voz)
A woman, two men, two children and two dogs holding on to love.
A woman, two men, two children and two dogs holding on to love.
A woman, two men, two children and two dogs holding on to love.
Junior, as he’s known, since he’s essentially still a child, seems to be having a tough time getting on in life. He shares cheap lodgings with another fellow and earns money doing strenuous night shifts at a warehouse. It’s no surprise that he lives for football and desperately hangs onto the dream of perhaps every Brazilian kid – to become a famous player. Although he trains hard with his amateur team, he’s not one of the best. He won’t admit to the mounting jealousy he feels as he watches his talented friend doing extremely well on the pitch. What’s more, his prospects don’t look so rosy now that his young girlfriend Carine is pregnant, and he also has to deal with her dominant mother poking her nose in...
Во сколько она вернётся?
Фильм повествует о домработнице Вал, которая, проработав многие годы в Сан-Паулу вдали от своей дочери Жессики, оставленной в штате Пернамбуку, наконец, имеет стабильную работу, но ее мучает совесть из-за расставания с семьей. В то же время она фактически стала второй матерью сыну своих работодателей, которого помогала растить как няня.
Luiza will turn 15. Raquel has some dreams.
Волк у двери
Похищена шестилетняя девочка Кларинья. Родители девочки, Сильвия и Бернарду, и главная подозреваемая, дают противоречивые показания. Эта девушка — любовница Бернарду, с которой тот познакомился в поезде. Но по ходу действия выясняется, что и Сильвия отлично знает эту девушку, не имея при этом ни малейшего представления о ее связи с Бернарду. Для Сильвии, дружба с такой девушкой, настоящая отдушина. Способ выбраться из каждодневной рутины. А запылавший в ее душе огонь помог вновь разжечь страсть к мужу...
Feijoada Completa
On a Saturday, unhappy with her marriage, Carol gets ready to leave, her husband usually goes to a soccer match and bring his friends back home for lunch. The dish of the day is feijoada. This film is an adaptation of the short story "Feijoada Completa" by Luis Fernando Verissimo, in turn inspired by the homonymous Chico Buarque' song.
What's the importance of luck in life? How much effort and talent is enough to guarantee a solid carrier? Is luck part of the craft? Bianca is an excellent actor but theater doesn't pay the bills yet. In order to make a living, she impersonates movie divas and promotes events. Bianca auditions for a big international production and gets the part. The director of the film, inspired by her work, changes the character he wrote into a version of Bianca. Is this the chance of a lifetime?
What's the importance of luck in life? How much effort and talent is enough to guarantee a solid carrier? Is luck part of the craft? Bianca is an excellent actor but theater doesn't pay the bills yet. In order to make a living, she impersonates movie divas and promotes events. Bianca auditions for a big international production and gets the part. The director of the film, inspired by her work, changes the character he wrote into a version of Bianca. Is this the chance of a lifetime?
Vida de Balconista
Mateus is a video store clerk that deals with several weird clients everyday while he dreams to be a filmmaker like Tarantino.
Pretérito Perfeito
Executive Producer
Follows former customers and employees of one of the most famous brothels in Brazil called the Casa Rosa as they come back to the house where it once stood in all its glory. Revisiting the old bedrooms we get to know stories of men and women of all ages and their experiences inside the house. A film about memories, morals and negotiation.
Madame Satã
A story inspired by the life of one of the most remarkable figures in Brazilian popular culture, João Francisco dos Santos (1900-1976). In turn, bandit, transvestite, street fighter, brothel cook, convict and father to seven adopted children, dos Santos – better known as Madame Satã – was also a notorious gay performer who pushed social boundaries in a volatile time.
A Vilã das Nove