Andrée Feix


Love in the Night
French youth drama.
Bird of Paradise
A beautiful dancer has two admirers -- one is a young worker whom she has only met by accident, and the other is an unscrupulous businessman. The worker had been training as a Buddhist monk and as his interest in the dancer and the businessman's pursuit of the woman develop, the dancer and the former monk end up at the archaeological site of Angkor.
Черный Орфей
В Рио наступило время ежегодного карнавала. В это время можно без всяких ограничений и самоконтроля предаваться веселью, музыке и танцам. Орфей работает кондуктором трамвая, играет на гитаре. Орфей помолвлен с Мирой. Мира весьма экзотическая женщина, она каждый день живёт так, как на карнавале. Но Орфео должен любить Эвридику — девушку, только что приехавшую в Рио навестить свою кузину Серафину. Она была вынуждена уехать из родного городка, скрываясь от преследований таинственного незнакомца, но он приехал вслед за ней.
A young French, Vignerte, is hired in the court of Lautenberg, an imaginary land, as the young Prince's private teacher and as the Grand Duchess' reader.
Captain Blomet
Returning from the cemetery where he has just buried his wife, Captain Blomet is on the point of committing suicide, when his valet reveals to him that the deceased had 17 lovers. Blomet undertakes to wash his honor in different ways according to his rivals.
Once Is Enough
Christine Jourdan is a highly rated sculptor who, to oust her impresario Ancelin, invented a lover named Nicolas. Soon she marries Jacques, but he proves to be jealous of the supposed lover. The newspapers publishing the death of a Nicolas, Christine takes the opportunity to announce the death of her lover. But the man in question was murdered by a woman. Jacques and Ancelin suspect Christine and indulge in the worst eccentricities.
Âme de clown
Suzette and Jack form a very nice and rather well-matched couple. The latter is the partner of the new clown Teddy who seems to please the young lady a lot.