Shaktimaan Talwar


Gadar 2
upcoming hindi movie
Singh Saab the Great
A common man fights corruption and injustice.
Вир – герой народа
С пыльных страниц истории приходит в нашу жизнь рассказ о небывалой отваге, жестокой гордости и мучительной любви. В далеком прошлом, когда Индия превратилась в колонию Британии, завоеватели взбудоражили страну своей несправедливой политикой «разделяй и властвуй!». Многие славные короли и набобы поддались обманчивым обещаниям и отдали свои плодородные земли и королевства иностранным захватчикам. Исключением стало отважное семейство Прит-хви Сингха, Сыновья Притхви Сингха будут драться до последней капли крови. Самый сильный и смелый - Вир. На кону - его любовь к дочери заклятого врага Мадхавгарха, принцессе Яшодра... На кону - жажда мести за поруганную честь отца... На кону - сама жизнь Вира...
Вир – герой народа
С пыльных страниц истории приходит в нашу жизнь рассказ о небывалой отваге, жестокой гордости и мучительной любви. В далеком прошлом, когда Индия превратилась в колонию Британии, завоеватели взбудоражили страну своей несправедливой политикой «разделяй и властвуй!». Многие славные короли и набобы поддались обманчивым обещаниям и отдали свои плодородные земли и королевства иностранным захватчикам. Исключением стало отважное семейство Прит-хви Сингха, Сыновья Притхви Сингха будут драться до последней капли крови. Самый сильный и смелый - Вир. На кону - его любовь к дочери заклятого врага Мадхавгарха, принцессе Яшодра... На кону - жажда мести за поруганную честь отца... На кону - сама жизнь Вира...
Family: Ties of Blood
The story is on the concept of karma and bad deeds. It follows Viren Sahai (Amitabh Bachchan), underworld don who rules over India. His son Abhir (Sushant Singh) is spoilt and believes he can do anything due to his father's power. When Viren's enemy Khan (Kader Khan) attacks Abhir, Viren demands revenge.
Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo
Major General Amarjeet Singh (Amitabh Bachchan) is a dedicated officer for the Indian army. His son Lieutenant Commander Vikramjeet Singh (Bobby Deol) follows in his footsteps and joins the army. Amarjeet is extremely proud of Vikramjeet but tragedy strikes when Vikramjeet is killed in action. Many years pass, Vikramjeet's son Captain Kunal Singh (Bobby Deol) joins the army but has no intentions of remaining there. He instead plans to leave, settle abroad and earn lots of money. Amarjeet is disappointed with Kunal as he hopes his grandson would do something to honour his deceased father. Kunal comes across a desert party and sees Shweta Bhansali (Divya Khosla). It is love at first sight for him but she totally ignores him and does everything to avoid him. However she is doing this for a reason- she was once married. Shweta fell in love and married Major Rajeev Singh (Akshay Kumar), unfortunately he was deployed for action on his wedding day and he had to leave his newly wed bride.
Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo
Major General Amarjeet Singh (Amitabh Bachchan) is a dedicated officer for the Indian army. His son Lieutenant Commander Vikramjeet Singh (Bobby Deol) follows in his footsteps and joins the army. Amarjeet is extremely proud of Vikramjeet but tragedy strikes when Vikramjeet is killed in action. Many years pass, Vikramjeet's son Captain Kunal Singh (Bobby Deol) joins the army but has no intentions of remaining there. He instead plans to leave, settle abroad and earn lots of money. Amarjeet is disappointed with Kunal as he hopes his grandson would do something to honour his deceased father. Kunal comes across a desert party and sees Shweta Bhansali (Divya Khosla). It is love at first sight for him but she totally ignores him and does everything to avoid him. However she is doing this for a reason- she was once married. Shweta fell in love and married Major Rajeev Singh (Akshay Kumar), unfortunately he was deployed for action on his wedding day and he had to leave his newly wed bride.
Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo
Major General Amarjeet Singh (Amitabh Bachchan) is a dedicated officer for the Indian army. His son Lieutenant Commander Vikramjeet Singh (Bobby Deol) follows in his footsteps and joins the army. Amarjeet is extremely proud of Vikramjeet but tragedy strikes when Vikramjeet is killed in action. Many years pass, Vikramjeet's son Captain Kunal Singh (Bobby Deol) joins the army but has no intentions of remaining there. He instead plans to leave, settle abroad and earn lots of money. Amarjeet is disappointed with Kunal as he hopes his grandson would do something to honour his deceased father. Kunal comes across a desert party and sees Shweta Bhansali (Divya Khosla). It is love at first sight for him but she totally ignores him and does everything to avoid him. However she is doing this for a reason- she was once married. Shweta fell in love and married Major Rajeev Singh (Akshay Kumar), unfortunately he was deployed for action on his wedding day and he had to leave his newly wed bride.
Из воспоминаний
Во время выполнения задания в приграничной зоне майор Батра знакомится с местной девушкой Решмой. Решма боготворит Батру, да он и сам вскоре привязывается к ней. Проходит совсем немного времени и молодые люди решают пожениться. Однако террористы, мечтающие отомстить Батре за неудачи последних лет, организовывают теракт во время их помолвки, Батра чудом остается жив, а тела Решмы так и не находят.
Не имея возможность уехать в Пакистан в 1947 во время разделения стран, Сакина остается в Индии. Здесь она находит защиту у сингха Тары, выходит за него замуж и в счастливом браке рожает ему сына. Но, узнав, что живы родители, эмигрировавшие в Пакистан, она едет туда, чтобы встретиться с ними. Однако, как только она оказывается на родине, ее отец, крупный политический деятель, ненавидящий Индию и имеющий свои планы на будущее дочери, делает все возможное, чтобы она не могла вернуться в Индию и соединиться с семьей…