Eve Duncan is contacted, 10 years after the disappearance and murder of her 7-year-old daughter Bonnie, by a man claiming to be her killer. Taunted by his clues about Bonnie's case and his threats to kill again, she throws herself into her career as a forensic sculptor and works to close the case.
Sarah Russell, a 23-year-old aspiring medical school student, visits her loving family to share some important news, but instead finds herself attempting to finally confront a difficult period from her past.
Margaret and Martin Harper, both sixty years old, are filing for divorce, but plan to keep everything as civilized as possible. Complications arise when their respective attorneys, the equally cynical Emily Bennett and Kenton Rhodes, unexpectedly fall in love, throwing an extra kink into the proceedings both in and out of the courtroom.
Все знают, что сказка про Золушку закончилась тем, что она примерила хрустальную туфельку и вышла замуж за прекрасного принца. Закончилась? Ну, нет! Сказка только начинается! «Уолт Дисней» приглашает детей и взрослых в увлекательное и веселое путешествие по волшебному миру принцессы Золушки. Три совершенно новые истории, которых не найти в книгах: о первых днях Золушки во дворце, о мышонке Жаке, уговорившем Фею сделать его человеком, и о том, как злая и капризная сестра Золушки Анастасия научилась улыбаться и любить…
Cayley is still recovering from her father's sudden death when she begins attending a new school. Lonely and depressed, she has sex on the first and only date with classmate Ian Hall. After Ian gives her the cold shoulder, she succumbs to his friend's advances. Soon the school is abuzz with rumors about Cayley. With help from a guidance counselor, Cayley begins to change her behavior, but one night Ian approaches her expecting sex. When she rejects him, he rapes her. Now, Cayley's reputation is a roadblock to proving Ian's guilt.