Julia Pott

Julia Pott

Рождение : 1985-06-13,


Julia Pott is a British Animation Director living in Brooklyn, NY.


Julia Pott


Мир будущего. Эпизод 3
Emily (voice)
Третья часть приключений маленькой Эмили.
Natural History Museum
A short film around the theme of “a beautiful future”
Мир будущего. Эпизод 2: Груз чужих мыслей
Emily (voice)
Маленькую Эмили вновь посещает родственница из будущего, точнее — незавершённая резервная копия клона третьего поколения. Она рассказывает девочке о драматичном существовании клонов в Мире будущего, где одной из немногих радостей являются воспоминания, пусть даже и принадлежащие другим людям.
Summer Camp Island
Oscar has to accept that his totally normal sleepover with Hedgehog isn't going to be totally normal. Short created as part of Cartoon Network's Shorts Program.
Summer Camp Island
Oscar has to accept that his totally normal sleepover with Hedgehog isn't going to be totally normal. Short created as part of Cartoon Network's Shorts Program.
Мир будущего
Emily (voice)
Трёхлетняя Эмили получает уникальную возможность пообщаться со своей родственницей из будущего. Ничего не понимая, малышка слушает рассказ о том, какого уровня достигли технологии через 227 лет. Но всё это уже не так важно: через 60 дней Земле суждено погибнуть от столкновения с крупным метеоритом.
The Event
Love and a severed foot at the end of the world.
Oscar is coming of age, against his better judgment. In doing so he must experience the necessary evil of leaving something behind, but he can still feel it in the pit of his stomach.
Do you remember when we met? You were brilliant, witty, gorgeous to look at...something's changed. Julia Pott's animated short from the Royal College of Art 2010
Here Come The Waves: The Hazards of Love Visualized
Here Come The Waves: The Hazards of Love Visualized" is an animated collaboration between the band and four filmmakers: Guilherme Marcondes, Julia Pott, Peter Sluszka and Santa Maria. The Los Angeles Times describes it as "a tumbling series of visuals with four distinct aesthetic styles. Peter Sluszka's ultra-slow motion capture of exploding mushrooms and elegantly disseminating seed pods … Julia Pott's line art of wolves and foxes hovering in geometric constellations … Guilherme Marcondes' renderings of skeletons caught among leafless branches and verdant human arms that unfurl like ferns… Santa Maria provides context…with cosmic, computer-generated vistas, cartoons of splintering bones.
My First Crush
Using interviews with people about their first experiences with love, this short film uses animal counterparts to tell their tales of humor and heartache.
My First Crush
Using interviews with people about their first experiences with love, this short film uses animal counterparts to tell their tales of humor and heartache.