Yoriko Sudo
Michiko used to work as a live-in part-timer at an izakaya, but suddenly lost her job and her house at the same time due to COVID-19 pandemic. There are no new jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and diners and internet cafes are closed. Michiko is at her wits' end, but there in front of her is a bus stop that stands slightly brightly in the darkness, illuminated only by the streetlights.
Urban legend horror film based on the true story of the "Ghost Apartment Incident" that occurred in Gifu Prefecture's Tomika Town in 2000.
In the silent mountains, surrounded by beautiful mountains on all sides. A man carrying an urn, Iori Kano, appears in front of Mizuki Takahashi, a beautiful woman staring at the fire of a kiln in a humble workshop. Iori is Mizuki's brother-in-law. He has come to inform Mizuki of the death of her mother, Isuzu Kano. For some reason, Mizuki had abandoned her parents' home and was now living a peaceful life with her husband, ceramic artist Tetsuro Takahashi. Iori's appearance cuts through that peace and brings her back to the dark past. Mizuki has been living her life with her past hidden away, but her guilt for Yasuo, her father-in-row, who she had driven to his death, and her love and hate for Isuzu, who she had never reconciled with, lingered deep in her heart. This sense of guilt over her own deeds eventually condemns Mizuki in the form of the ghost of Isuzu, and finally leads her down the path of destruction.
Mami Honda's mother
36-year-old bachelorette Mami achieved success with an essay she wrote 10 years ago. Mami has since lost her way, and hasn't been able to write a hit piece. Meanwhile Yukino, who leads an independent life, Ayaka who is a housewife, and Miho, who makes her livelihood as a "daddy's girl", are each facing various difficulties in their own lives.
Yasu Godai
A biographical story of Tomoatsu Godai, the influential entrepreneur of the Meiji era who laid the foundation of the modern Japanese economy.
Пытаясь бежать от прошлого, Маргарет переезжает в Японию. Днём она преподает английский, а ночью ищет впечатлений в экзотической жизни Токио с его шумными барами, опасными связями и отелями любви. Но однажды в городе пропадает очень похожая на неё девушка, а саму Маргарет затягивает безумный роман с загадочным красавцем-якудза, который втягивает её в мир запретных наслаждений.
Konno moved to Iwate for his job. There, he meets his colleague Hiasa at work. They form a close bond while drinking together, fishing together and doing other activities. One day, Hiasa quits his job without saying anything to Konno. Shortly after, they meet again, but they cannot have that close feeling as they had before. They do not meet again. Time passes and Konno learns that Hiasa went missing. While looking for Hiasa, Konno learns a secret about Hiasa.
Yumi Shibata
A family reunites after 15 years. They each have a story to tell as they have not forgotten what happened years ago.
Shizue Kasuya
A young couple is devastated when their son is killed by a falling tree during a windstorm. As the distraught father begins to look for answers into his son’s death, what appears to be a tragic accident turns out to have been the result of multiple blunders by multiple people.
Ichiko Shirakawa
Ичико работает в семье частной медсестрой и почти стала ее частью. Ичико заботится о бабушке, ей доверяет свои тайны Мотоко, старшая сестра. Но однажды младшая сестра Мотоко исчезает. И вскоре СМИ сообщают, что похититель – племянник Ичико ...
Yoko Sakamoto
Друзья детства Нитобэ и Сакамото работают в капсульном отеле. Нитобэ увлекается философией и ракообразными. Сакамото одержим идеей самоубийства. В отеле появляются разные постояльцы, включая женщину из Финляндии, потерявшую ребёнка, беженку, учёного, исследующего дафний. Их жизни никак не пересекаются. Они существуют, но не взаимодействуют, как пеналы в капсульном отеле. Темы жизни и смерти исследуются через мозаичную картину судеб персонажей.
Yoko's Mother
Teruko is a 28-year-old office worker. 5 months ago, she fell in love with Mamoru at first sight. Since that time, she has not cared about her work or her friends. She then loses her job and her friends look at her coldly. Yet, Teruko is happy as long as she is with Mamoru. Meanwhile, Mamoru thinks Teruko is an easy woman for him to not love. Teruko’s unrequited love grows deeper.
Kiyo Fukumoto
Для подготовки воинов к возможным нападениям иностранных захватчиков проводят марафон: 58 километров по горным тропам. Вассалы присоединяются к состязанию, чтобы получить обещанный приз. Тем временем правительство Эдо ошибочно принимает марафон за государственную измену и направляет к «предателям» наёмных убийц. Дзиннаи Карасава выглядит как обычный самурай, однако на самом деле он — шпион центрального правительства. Дзиннаи узнаёт о недоразумении и, чтобы остановить убийц, начинает отчаянный забег.
У исполнителя фольклорных баллад Хироси множество пожилых поклонниц. Такэру верит, что если будет делать добрые дела, то свершится чудо и его девушка выйдет из комы. Тэцуо отомстил якудза, которые упекли его за решётку, а оставшиеся теперь устроили на него охоту. Пути всех троих пересекаются и ведут к неизбежной развязке.
Yukie Kusunoki
Akira is widowed and left with a pre-teen stepson. Travelling with him to her late husband's hometown, she meets her odd father-in-law and yet decides to make a go of living and working there. She attends training and joins the railway company where her father-in-law works and her late man dreamt of ending up as a child.
Yuko Sugimoto
A high-school teacher is arrested for having sexual relations with a minor. Young Hiromi finds herself in the eye of the storm when she is suspected of featuring in her teacher’s leaked sex video and her innocence is questioned by everyone around her.
Mineyo Fuchi
Kasane Fuchi is the daughter of a beautiful, legendary actress. Kasane has excellent acting skills as well, but she is not attractive. She has a hard time due to her unattractiveness. Kasane has a lipstick left behind by her late mother. The lipstick holds a strange power. Whenever Kasane applies the lipstick and kisses someone, she takes that person's face. Meanwhile, Nina Tanzawa is a beautiful actress with poor acting skills. She meets Kasane Fuchi and their fates change.
Having failed with his business and gone absolutely penniless, Masao (45) divorced with his wife, and is currently leading a hopeless life in Ibaraki. One day, a mysterious high school girl, going by the name Emiko, showed up before Masao. Every now and then, Masao would be toyed around by Emiko, but little by little he started taking a liking to her loveliness. As days went by, Masao started opening up to Emiko – something that he rarely did to others. However, there was just something about Emiko – something that bothered Masao - that wouldn’t go away.
Momo (segment "Kuu")
Six Stories based on Six Songs.
Yoshiko Yamashita
A famous chef who is tasked with tracking down a 70-year-old missing recipe.
Ryoko becomes a reporter for a major newspaper after receiving a master's degree from Tokyo University's graduate program. While concealing her adult video acting experience during her university days, she spends her evenings frequenting "host clubs" with her friend. At the same time, she is in a stimulating relationship with boyfriend Rei. Ryoko seeks emotional balance, and despite feeling the contradiction between her day and night lifestyle, hopes to gain happiness in her life.
Satsuki Kamoshida
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting into the garden and hit his forehead on a flowerbed rock, it is established that a safe installed in the living room has been emptied. It seems that, the night before, Maeda left the hospital he was staying at of his own will and came home, and was robbed immediately after returning. His daughter Yumie Nagano insists that Chikako Inui, a woman her father had been seeing, must be the perpetrator. She says that Maeda was thinking of getting married to Chikako soon. However, Chikako finds Yumie and her husband suspicious. Troubled by debts incurred by opening their ramen store, they pestered Maeda and he pushed them away. She calmly points out that Maeda gave her a will in which he left all of the 50 million plus yen hidden in the safe to her, so she had no reason to steal from him.
В свой день рождения писательница и художница Кёко в окрашенной в яркие цвета квартире ждёт интервью с редактором модного журнала. Сначала приходит её ассистентка, с которой та начинает игру подчинения и унижения. Потом приходят гламурные журналистки и фотографы, а затем заявляются призраки прошлого и безумие в полный рост.
Akie Suzuoka
Перед хозяином скобяной мастерской Тосио Судзуокой однажды появляется старый знакомый Ясака, только недавно вышедший из тюрьмы. Тосио берет его на работу и даже селит в собственном доме, не посоветовавшись с женой. Та сначала относилась к новому жильцу с недоверием, но когда увидела, что Ясака хорошо ладит с их дочкой и соглашается учить девочку играть на фиcгармонии, сердце женщины оттаяло. Но не поспешила ли она с выводами?
Eiko - Mother (segment "Love of Love")
Madly explores love in all its permutations in six short films from a vibrant group of filmmakers representing Japan, Argentina, the UK, the US, India, and Australia. All forms of love are on display in this anthology. And all manners of feelings expressed from jubilance to depression are done so strongly.
Yoko Saito / Yuriko Kikuchi
A woman bears a 13 year grudge with her father over the traditional dance he was performing that caused him to be absent from her mother's death, until they reconnect over the very same dance.
Обычный японский школьник чуть ли не с самого рождения бредит девушкой своей мечты, но в реальности пока её не встретил. И вот однажды ночью при весьма необычных обстоятельствах он получает способность читать мысли других людей. И оказывается, что он не один такой.
Akiko Somei
Nobuko Sawaguchi is a surly, unattractive housekeeper in her mid-thirties. However, in actuality, she is a beautiful woman, but she hides this fact using her makeup because of a traumatic past experience. One day Nobuko is sent to housekeep for the Uehara family, known for its tremendous wealth. In the Uehara family, there is a massive quarrel over each member’s future succession and inheritance. In the middle of this hectic situation, Nobuko is asked by the daughter called Akemi to protect her.
Harumi Hagiwara lands in the hospital after being involved in an accident. She hits it off with her nurse, Reiko Nishimura, and the two decide to move in together after she's discharged. However, Harumi begins to witness a series of mysterious events soon after noticing Reiko's strange behavior. Additionally, she fears for her own safety when Reiko starts referring to herself as 'Mari' as if she's become an entirely different person. Before long, the situation develops into a case of murder.
Eiko Ninomiya
Nursing student Asuka has just moved into an apartment complex with her parents and younger brother. On the first night in her new room, she is awoken by a strange scratching sound coming from the apartment of her neighbor, a reclusive old man who has refused all attempts at communication. Concerned over his well being, Asuka enters his home only to find him dead from malnutrition. Worse, it looks as if he had been trying to claw his way into her room. Asuka learns that there have been a number of strange deaths in the complex over the years from Shinobu, the handyman cleaning up the old man’s apartment. Even the girls at school whisper rumors of it being haunted.
Tsuyako Shindo
A friend of the detective has been is murdered. During the investigation, he comes across a source which tells him that his friend was murdered for involvement with the dark side of the political world. On top of that, a woman approaches the detective with a request.
Youko Isaka
This movie tell a story that set in a small fishing village in Shikamachi, Ishikawa Prefecture, People in this village depend on the local amateur orchestra as their favorite source of entertainment. When the conductor dies unexpectedly, the townspeople recruit the man’s granddaughter, a high school student with a talent for conducting.
Ginjiro looks after 10-year-old Ayumi. Her mother is away on staff training. The company is a criminal outfit pushing unlisted stock to the elderly.
Meiko Suzuki
Пожилая пара, их единственный сын, жена сына, молодой человек и его любовница мирно живут в небольшом районе. Но вскоре удары землетрясения становятся причиной взрыва на атомной станции неподалеку. Жители узнают, что они должны эвакуироваться, но пожилая пара владеет фермой и не желает уходить. Сын уговаривает их покинуть эти места. Между тем, жена сына Изуми узнает, что она беременна.
The love of four high school students who get involved in a complicated way. A sweet and painful school love story.
Shizue Kasuya
Shima (Mirei Kiritani) is a second year high school student. She has already become the youngest ever winner of a "new writer award" for poetry. Yet, she keeps it a secret that she is a writer at school. Shima has developed feelings for fellow second year high school student Kento (Takahiro Miura). One day, Kento confesses his feelings for her and they begin to have a relationship. Shima has difficulties understanding other's emotions and can't understand Kento's feelings. Soon afterwards, Kento decides to break up with Shim...
A local government worker with a registrar section, Motomiya witnesses a man burying a black bag while he enjoys his hobby, bird-watching, in a mountain. Later on, a woman who visits the office to have her marriage registered rides on the car of the guy. Motomiya starts keeping an eye on the woman's daily life with his gradually grown bursting imagination about the incident.
Akemi Aida
The story takes place in a new residential area in the outskirts of Tokyo. A family photograph adorns the living room of the Hashimoto family. It is a heartwarming shot of the three family members from when they first moved here, finally having bought their own home that they had wanted for so long. Wife Michiko hangs the laundry everyday. Husband Ken-ichi leaves for work without a word. Son Hiroaki has a part-time job, returns home early and disappears into his room. The Hashimoto Family no longer eats meal together at the dining table or spends time together in the living room. Michiko yearns for a different relationship with her family and is gradually overcome by loneliness. While feeling pressured from the trifling matters that occur within the residential community, Michiko tries to fill the emptiness that she hides in her heart.
The story involves an aloof thief, a young man who turns to God after his father’s suicide, a manipulative marriage councilor, a man who recently lost his job, and several others whose lives become intertwined in various unexpected ways.
Haru Kuramochi
Фильм рассказывает о жизни живописца по имени Матису, который не отказывается от своей мечты быть художником, несмотря на отсутствие успеха.
Hayato, a boy in the 6th grade, hides the secret that he can't swim. Every summer, he pretends to be sick, so he could avoid school swimming tournaments. But, as it is the last year in the elementary school, he can't escape from swimming practice and is forced to participate.
Marchioness Kirino
28 year old freelance writer Sakura Asuka wakes up tied in a white room. The white room is a protected room located in an isolated ward of a psychiatric hospital. Sakura first became unconscious because of heavy alcohol use and a druge overdose. She’s confined in the single room because of her high risk of committing suicide. Sakura tried to talk to the nurses and doctors but they didn’t listen to her. Under the circumstances another patient Miki, who suffers from an eating disorder, leads her to understand the unknown world. But, Sakura is looking for the way to get back to the real world as soon as possible.
Jun, a 16-year-old teen, refuses to stand while the national anthem is being played at his graduation ceremony. This event will totally change his life, as he involuntarily becomes the new hero of a rebel anti-system youth. Singer Muy's pop music and his friend, Nozomi, with whom he shares his sadness and hatred for the society that surrounds them, help him bear his terrible loneliness.
Miyuki is a single mother with a 10-year old boy Keiji. She is eager to make him a child model. Eventually, Keiji begins to get jobs rather constantly. But Keiji himself doesn't like the job much. He only does it because it pleases his mother, who hates empty pages in the schedule book. One day they attend a big audition. While Keiji wins first stages of the audition, he begins to feel distance from the mother. It makes things worse for him when she has a new boyfriend..
Live-action adaptation of a madcap manga about art, opposites, love and a whole lot of cosplay.
Kyoko Kuramochi
Tadao Kuramochi, an ordinary salaryman, decides one day to reach for his dreams and start his own wrestling federation. Tadao must succeed to save his family on the verge of collapsing.
Marie Mizunuma
У вас звонит мобильный телефон. Но вместо привычного сигнала — странная незнакомая мелодия. Вы не успеваете ответить. На дисплее надпись — «1 пропущенный звонок». Номер звонившего — ваш собственный. Время звонка кажется очень странным — оно сдвинуто в будущее от сегодняшней даты ровно на три дня. На автоответчике одно сообщение. Это ваш собственный голос, ничего не значащие слова, какие-то посторонние звуки и вдруг — леденящий душу предсмертный крик. Это кажется чьей-то дурацкой шуткой, но жить вам осталось ровно три дня…
The birth of outlaw violence, depicts the passionate and fierce way of life of men that chose the path of Shura.
An officer struggles to solve a murder case despite being at odds with his lieutenant. Officer Tetsubei discovers the body of a man whose face has been crushed and his fingerprints erased. Tetsubei describes the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the body, including his own theory, and is angered by Lieutenant Yukari. That night, Tetsubei visits the shop of Kanako, whom he has a secret crush on. There, Mizutani, Kanako's husband, who has been missing for seven years, appears.
A collection of works written and directed by Shungicu Uchida that deal with a wide range of horror.
A supernatural arthouse drama.