Andrea Magnani

Рождение : 1971-01-01, Rimini


As the son of two inmates Hyacinth was always more at home in prison than in the outside world, until he took part in a foot race that promised to change his life.
As the son of two inmates Hyacinth was always more at home in prison than in the outside world, until he took part in a foot race that promised to change his life.
As the son of two inmates Hyacinth was always more at home in prison than in the outside world, until he took part in a foot race that promised to change his life.
Paradise: A New Life
After witnessing the mafa’s murder scene in Sicily, Calogero becomes a protected man and is sent to a small town in the Alps. Soon after, the killer he reported, now an informant, comes to the same town and the sleep with the enemy begins.
Paradise: A New Life
After witnessing the mafa’s murder scene in Sicily, Calogero becomes a protected man and is sent to a small town in the Alps. Soon after, the killer he reported, now an informant, comes to the same town and the sleep with the enemy begins.
Paradise: A New Life
After witnessing the mafa’s murder scene in Sicily, Calogero becomes a protected man and is sent to a small town in the Alps. Soon after, the killer he reported, now an informant, comes to the same town and the sleep with the enemy begins.
A 40-year-old loser named Isidoro at the request of his brother drives from Italy to mountainous Carpathian village in Ukraine with a coffin of a diseased Ukrainian worker, who died at a construction site in Italy.
A 40-year-old loser named Isidoro at the request of his brother drives from Italy to mountainous Carpathian village in Ukraine with a coffin of a diseased Ukrainian worker, who died at a construction site in Italy.
One morning, a man wakes up and the only thing he does is crying. He cries as he has breakfast, he cries as he takes a shower, he cries even when he is waiting at a traffic light in his car and sees a mother with her child. A man crying. Then, suddenly, he slips a balaclava over his head and draws out a pistol...
Любовь и война
Первая Мировая Война. В траншеях высоко в горах встречаются скромный шахтер с сержантским званием и молодая медсестра Красного Креста по имени Альбертина, дочь генерала армии. Любовь, которая возникает между ними, должна не только преодолеть препятствия войны с ее страданиями и ужасами, но и опасность, которую сеет вокруг себя вероломный капитан Авогадро. Коварный мужчина во что бы то ни стало стремится вступить в брак с Альбертиной, лишь бы спасти свое экономическое положение. Марио и Альбертина будут бороться, не теряя своей человечности, которую война безжалостно стирает из сердец всех людей. Но Марио пропадает без вести после рискованной миссии. Судьбы влюбленных, кажется, разделились навсегда…
L'Armata Pablo