Jack Grimes


Grimes was born in New York City. His acting career began at age seven, during the depression, when he helped earn money for his family. He appeared as Jackie Grimes in the Broadway play The Old Maid, which won a Pulitzer Prize and ran for 10 months in New York. It then went on tour for another 11 months. Grimes worked on radio, beginning with the CBS program Let's Pretend. He was also a regular on The Fred Allen Show, The Philip Morris Playhouse, Second Husband, CBS Radio Myster Theater, and Death Valley Days. By age 12, he was appearing on 35 to 40 radio shows a week. In 1944, he moved to California to work for Universal. His credits include Fairytale Murder, Lady on a Train, and Week-End at the Waldorf. In the early 1950s, he switched to television. His credits include Alcoa Presents, Love of Life, The Aldrich Family, Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, Maude, On the Rocks, as well as All in the Family. In 1962, Grimes and Peter Fernandez worked together on a series of records for MGM. Five years later, Fernandez hired him to do the voices of Sparky and Chim Chim on Speed Racer. He retired from acting in 1991.


The Amazing Feats of Young Hercules
When Hercules misuses his might, Zeus banishes him from Mt. Olympus. In order to return home, he must prove his worth by facing four perilous tasks on earth. Because he has abused his mighty powers, Young Hercules is banished from Mt. Olympus by his father Zues. In order to return he must prove himself worth by facing challenges of Earth. Follow the perils and adventures of Hercules and his sidekick Falina, a princess who's been turned into a sable. Hercules defeats the Stymphalian birds, which are drawn as robots, and the Hydra, a clumsy three-headed dragon. He also tangles with a Gorgon (borrowed from the legend of Perseus) and goes after some golden apples.
Speed Racer: The Movie
Chim-Chim / Sparky (voice)
One of the first examples of Japanese anime to find a significant audience in the United States, Speed Racer was an animated television series whose bold graphic style, fast-paced action, and curious English-language dubbing won a cult following in America. Despite its title, Speed Racer: The Movie is actually a short feature cobbled together from two vintage episodes of the original TV show.
Джек в стране чудес
Вместо того, чтобы продать единственное имущество их бедной семьи — корову, которая больше не дает молока, Джек умудряется поменять ее на 5 волшебных бобов. Раздосадованная мать выбрасывает бесполезные бобы. Но за ночь они вырастают до небес и Джек вскарабкивается по стеблю вместе со своим верным псом Кросби. Там за облаками в огромном замке он встречает прекрасную принцессу Маргарет, которая, околдованная чарами злой ведьмы Гекубы, думает, что влюблена в туповатого, злобного и отвратительного великана Тьюлипа, сына Гекубы. С помощью обитателей замка, превращенных злой ведьмой в мышей, Джек находит сказочную сокровищницу и разрабатывает дерзкий план — сокрушить колдовские силы Гекубы и вернуться домой с богатством
TV Stage Manager
Смешная история, про то, что может случиться, если некая процветающая табачная компания предложит городу Игл Рок приз в двадцать пять миллионов долларов, если его жители на месяц откажутся от курения, а 4006 заядлых курильщиков Игл Рока примут это предложение!
On the evening of his decoration for bringing a murderer to justice, Washington DC Police Captain Frank Matthews' wife, and her lover are murdered in bed. Jailed as the prime suspect, with the aforementioned murderer released on a technicality Matthews escapes in search of the man he believes to be the real killer.
River Gang
An orphan girl lives with apparently kind uncle who turns out to be a murderer.