Fernando de la Riva


Смертный грех
Воспитанный одинокой матерью Хаси рос избалованным ребенком, ни в чем не получая отказа. Повзрослев, он непроизвольно ищет в других женщинах черты своей матери, затевая один мимолётный роман за другим с дамами, намного старше него. Но все его приключения заканчиваются возвращением домой с букетом роз для той единственной, кого он любит по-настоящему. Однажды он застаёт свою мать в постели с любовником. Шокированный произошедшим, Хаси уходит из дома, решив жить самостоятельно. Единственное место, где его ждут – маленькая коммуна хиппи во главе с художницей Элен, пытающейся заработать, подделывая картины Пикассо.
El niño es nuestro
¡No firmes más letras, cielo!
Sabino Grupe, head of accounting at a major insurance company, Elisa's husband, a beautiful fashion model who has had to leave the gateway to the most dangerous jealousy of his consort. In return, he has put Sabino sign letters and letters to exhaust their funds. Until one day he had enough and breaks with the consumer society and everyone.
Adiós, cigüeña, adiós
Arturo, who has just turned 15, is in love with 13-year-old Paloma. In a moment of passion at a ski lodge while on a field trip to the mountains with their schoolmates, he gets her pregnant. Afraid of what may happen to them if their strict (but somewhat inattentive) parents or any of the rather straight-laced teachers at their Catholic school find out about the baby, Arturo and Paloma turn to their young friends and relatives for help instead. This proves to be something of a coming-of-age for everyone involved as they try to help the young couple get married, conceal the pregnancy from their parents, and prepare for the birth. The many adventures they have while doing this, while often amusing, help drive home to them that the old wives' tale about storks bringing babies is just a myth (hence the title), and pregnancy and childbirth are actually very serious matters.
La chica de los anuncios
The classic good-looking girl from village, comes to the capital willing to make the world hers. Her idea is to succeed in the advertising world as a girl-ad
¡Cómo sois las mujeres!
Mario and Teresa are a seemingly happy marriage, but she reproaches that he does not value enough her work at home. As he is not willing to recognize the importance of domestic chores, Teresa offers him to exchange roles. While Teresa gets a job, and develops very well, Mario is unable to keep the house in order.
Smashing Up
Matilde is a former prostitute who gets married to an american soldier with an uncertain future, due to the possibility of being recruited to the Vietnam War.
The Big Family