Gilbert Davis

Рождение : 1899-05-09, Johannesburg, South Africa

Смерть : 1983-02-28


Brother Bill
В жизни Арчи Райса, вышедшего в тираж эстрадного комика, нет ничего веселого: он по уши в долгах и вынужден развлекать непритязательную публику на морском курорте. Арчи постоянно пьет, с трудом придумывает второсортные шутки и терроризирует свою безответную жену. Но однажды ему удается уговорить своего отца вложить деньги в особое представление, которое вернет Арчи деньги и, возможно, былую славу.
Green Grow the Rushes
Efforts to move Britain into the modern age don't sit well with the people of the small village of Anderia Marsh, who have claimed a right (going back to Henry III) to evade government-imposed import duties and taxes. And when the government decides to curb this right, the whole village quietly rises up in a comical rebellion. After their vessel runs aground during a storm and is impounded by the British authorities, local smugglers must find a way of disposing of their contraband brandy cargo before it's discovered by the Customs Officers.
Пропуск в Пимлико
Классическая британская комедия студии "Илинг". Обнаружив старый договор, юридически относящийся к давно несуществующему герцогству Бургундия, жители одного района Лондона объявляют независимость и формируют правительство. Теперь, чтобы попасть туда, нужно иметь "Пропуск в Пимлико".
The Bad Lord Byron
Injured and on his deathbed in Greece, Lord Byron imagines a celestial trial with witnesses to determine the worth of his character.
Good and bad characters are stuck in a ski chalet near buried Nazi gold in the Alps.
Against the Wind
A disparate group of volunteers are trained as saboteurs and parachuted into Belgium to blow up an office containing important Nazi records and to rescue a prominent S.O.E. agent, who is being interrogated by the Germans for vital information.
It Always Rains on Sunday
Governor of the 'Two Compasses'
During a rainy Sunday afternoon, an escaped prisoner tries to hide out at the home of his ex-fiance.
A young German girl marries an Englishman and moves into his family's household during the last days of World War II. The family and community have conflicting feelings about her presence in the community, and as a result, the family is forced to face their own moral code as they deal with their own prejudices and fears about the seemingly innocent German girl. The war ends, and she finally seems to be accepted into the family and community when her Nazi brother shows up to create havoc.
The Loves of Joanna Godden
Joanna Godden falls heir to a farm when her father dies.
The Amateur Gentleman
Prince Regent
A former boxing champion, now an innkeeper, is accused of stealing a watch from a party of guests at his inn, who happen to be members of English royalty. The old man is arrested and thrown in prison. His son, knowing that his father didn't steal the watch and suspecting a frame-up, follows the royal party to London, where he poses as a wealthy "gentleman" and insinuates himself into the English court in an effort to find out who framed his father and why.
The Love Test
Hosiah Smith, Chief Chemist
Romance set in a chemical factory.
The Student's Romance
Bit part
A Student's Romance was based on the operetta I Lost My Heart in Heidelburg, which in turn owed a lot to that old chestnut The Student Prince. In 1825, impoverished composer Max (Patric Knowles) enrolls at Heidelburg University. Local girl Veronika (Carol Goodner) falls in love with Max, helping him to finance his education and clear his debts. Alas, Veronika is left out in the cold when Max becomes enamored with gorgeous tourist Helene (Grete Natzler). Little does he know that Helene is the daughter of the Grand Duke (Ivan Simpson), meaning of course that their romance is doomed to disappointment. Leading lady Grete Natzler later changed her screen name to Della Lynd, and under that cognomen co-starred with Laurel & Hardy in Swiss Miss (1938).
Знак четырёх: величайшее дело Шерлока Холмса
Det. Insp. Atherly Jones
Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон намерены защитить Мэри Морстан, девушку, до смерти напуганную сбежавшим убийцей, который разыскивает свое украденное наследство и жаждет отомстить тому, кто его украл. Он уже подбирается к Мэри в то время, как Холмс и Ватсон пытаются найти разгадку на странном карнавале, на котором присутствуют лишь карлики мужчины, покрытые татуировками. Когда же Мэри похищают, ситуация превращается в отчаянную борьбу за время.
Condemned to Death
Doctor Cornell
A condemned man uses hypnotism on a judge. After the man's death, the judge finds himself acting like the condemned man.
Service for Ladies
Max Tracey is the head waiter at a London hotel. He falls in love at first sight with Sylvia Robertson, an aristocratic woman, and poses as a prince to win her love. In this venture, he is aided by Mr. Westlake, a Ruritanian monarch who owes him a favour. When Sylvia discovers Max's deception, she is appalled, but the situation is resolved when her father tells her that he was once a hotel dishwasher.